FeI FoNg WoNg ElHaYm VaN HoUtEn (ElLy) CiTaN UzUkI BaRtHoLoMeW FaTiMa (BaRt) BiLlY LeE BlAcK RiCaRdO BaNdArAs (RiCo) MaRiA BaLtHaSaR EmErAlAdA KaSiM ChU-ChU |
One man, with the stregnth of a hundred. A mind only he can understand, another life
that he remembers from long ago. Who is this man? Where did he come from? What
does he want? He is Fei Fong Wong. |
One man who seeks the power of others. Who distroys places to get them, distroys
lives of others. A man who wants the world of power. Who is this man? Where did
he come from? What does he want? He is Fei Fong Wong's distructive half, Id. |
HoMe | AnImAtEd GiFs | GeArS | ExTrAs |