Okay everybody, I need some news for this section so PLEASE e-mail me with some news you hear about AJ.... I will give you credit for it...

-At a recent concert, Aj bent down to kiss a fan and she ripped off his earring and his ear tore. Poor AJ!
-Katie (Thanks Katie)

-The girl that AJ is seeing is named Amanda Laytona. She is from the group Innosense. And the girl that Brian is seeing is Leigh-Anne, the girl from the INBYH music video.

One of his embarrassing moments is during a show he got is shirt
caught in the cymbals and knocked the whole drum set over........when he had a sprained ankle he auctioned off his cast for hotel in Europe aj lost his fav. blanket that his great grandmother made for him........
-Tiffani, Mn
Thanks Tiffani

A.J. has been injured. I was at a boys concert in Toronto on the 22, and during the third last song A.J. started holding his leg, when the song was over, he left and didn't come back. He didn't end up performing at the second show. Apparently he tore ligaments in his right leg.
-Yvonne (thanks Yvonne)

When the Backstreet Boys went to the After-Show party of THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK starring Leonardo DiCaprio
Aj was standing in the corner just chilling and Leo went up to him and SNAPPED THE GOGGLES THAT AJ WAS WEARING ON HIS HEAD
Brian says: "Leo just did it out of jealousy...."
AJ's body guard grabbed Leo's shoulder but Leo just shrugged him off....... 

Now I HATE Leonardo DiCaprio!!! That was really meeannnnnn!!!!

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