Country Index lists more than 600 stamp-issuing entities along with the years in which they issued stamps. (500k+)
Thanks Jim! Also lists prior name and next name if known. I've
used this as my initial
guide - aj.
Biographies of People of the World on Stamps
This is cross linked with Jim's individual
country pages. Your comments, suggestions and additions are
requested e-mail: jyeaw@interests.com or skladny.sr@cityweb.de
Biographies of People of the World on Stamps is by Paul G. Partington
and Dr. Udo Skladny - descripiton:
The following index allows you to find various sections of an
alphabetical listing of identified individuals on postage stamps.
Most well-known nationals are normally honored by their own
countries, but they are unknown elsewhere, so this listing will
include individuals not listed in many reference sources.
Paul G. Partington of Whitter, California collected much of this
biographical information over many years. Dr. Udo Skladny is a
German Protestant theologian, now retired, who lives in
Berlin, Germany. For many years he also has compiled information
on important people on postage stamps. He has refined many of our
listings and continues to contribute much of the research
There are many individuals listed where we are unable to locate
biographical information. If you know about additional information,
please submit it by mail to jyeaw@interests.com
or skladny.sr@cityweb.de
(Here is a reference in Linn's Stamp News ; at the bottom of page)
Dictionaries -- Lee's Illustrated Stamp Listopedia
filigrana do fabricante - 6 languages translating philatelic terms incld: PT, EN, IT, FR, ES, DE
Philatelic words & phrases in 6 languages from StampShows.com
Unidentified Philatelic Objects
Stamp Glossary from Stamps!
(Now '404' but he's got to be out there! - Please help.)
"Among these are pages for grading stamps, an in-depth stamp
glossary, and a page of stamp abbreviations and a Feature Article
of the Month.
AskPhil -- Glossary of Stamp Collecting Terms
AskPhil -- Inscriptions / Overprints on Stamps
Joe Frasketi's Space Covers - Notes, Abbreviations and Philatelic Terms
Phildex - english - a cross-checking service for Scott, Stanley
Gibbons and Yvert & Tellier catalogs (updated URL 3/2001)
Richard Babin email: rbabin@altavista.ne
California Post Offices, Postal History, Philately, Place Names
Toke Nørby's Perpetual Calendar - a helpful tool for Postal
EMAIL: Toke.Norby@Norbyhus.dk
Toke Nørby's - The Perpetual Calendar - References Page
Printed references (in text referred to as e.g. (1) for "reference 1")
E-Mail References: (in text referred to as e.g. (e1) for "e-mail ref. 1". Thanks to all!)
Recommended Related Calendar References (if referred to in text: e.g. (r1) for "other related reference 1")
Useful Programs/Sites for Postal Historians - and Genealogists!
How to calculate the day of the week for any date; Updated URL 6/2012
"Most of the methods I've seen on the Internet seem to be for
computer programmers or mathematicians, and are not practical for
mental calculation and everyday use. The following combination of
methods seems to be very quick and easy to learn, with some good
Guy Rimmer = grimmer@bigfoot.com c.2000, calendar@guyrimmer.com, c.2012 (cc)
old: http://www.dayoftheweek.cjb.net
Philatelic Periodicals
one of the better lists.
See Also: Our listings of books et al.
Presidents of the United States and their Cabinets ; good info file
And From the old stingraystamps.com
Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Farley's Follies": One the of the first
things President Franklin Roosevelt did upon being elected
president in 1932 was to appoint his campaign manager, New York
politician James A. Farley, as his Postmaster General. Farley,
in order to please the president, immediately embarked upon a
policy of giving his boss full uncut (and imperforate) sheets of
each new stamp issue just before they were to be released. In
addition, Farley would also be generous with other luminaries in
the FDR administration by giving similar sheets to some of his
and FDR's friends and cabinet members. . When stamp collectors
found out about this favoritism, they began to holler loudly that
FDR and Farley had created special issues for their friends...with
items that would never reach the hands of the public. The issue was
even debated in Congress and, together with pressure from the
general public (and most particularly, philatelists), Farley was
urged to do something to right this wrong. So...in 1935 (Scott Nos.
752-771 inclusive), Farley re-issued all of the uncut, imperforate
sheets (mostly representing the National Parks issue of 1943) to
the general public.
General Reference
- CIA World Factbook
- Mapquest Interactive Atlas
- For USA, Canada, major international cities and airports.
Also offers mapping for telephone area codes in the US!,
postal codes in Great Britain. (Coming soon: Street-level-mapping
for Great Britain!) 1/00 - ! aj.
- Welcome to Microsoft TerraServer, "...presenting the earth in a mosaic of photographic imagery."
- World Imagery Database
Have you ever wondered what
your neighborhood looked like from space, or wished you could get
an aerial shot of your favorite vacation spot? Welcome to
Microsoft® TerraServer, one of the Web's most engaging sites -
providing a bold demonstration of Microsoft's scalability while
taking on the ambitious challenge of presenting the earth in a
mosaic of photographic imagery.
Database Size: 1.01 TeraBytes ( in 1999) Autographics- Celebrity Autographs Autograph Reference Library- Historical - with images of autographs Biographical Dictionary Search Page THOR+: The Virtual Reference Desk- Including:
"ZIP, and International Country Codes -
Listings of ZIP and country codes as well as postal service abbreviations. "
Language translations
- Minou International --- Translations - English French Dutch German---
- InterTran (tm); Dutch, Croatian, German, Russian, French...
- InterTran (tm), short for Internet Translator, is a free web
translation service that can translate single words, phrases,
sentences and entire web pages between 729 language pairs.
- See also: Glossaries & Identifiers
- Advertising
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especially if you have good philatelic content on the web..
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