The Sahara caravans of the Alifia take place in the south of Morocco. We start in Marrakech and drive for one day through the magic Atlas mountains. We leave the cars and enter the sacred land of the Sahara with our Camels and the whole Alifia team. The team is made of Sahara guides, cooks, Camel drivers and teachers. We walk from 3 to 5 hours a day. Our camels help us to carry our luggages and teach us to walk as a caravan.

We offer the intimacy of small groups, a good organization based on our 20 years experience. We walk with you and help you to discover the beauty and simplicity of life in the desert. We meditate together, listen and share stories, eat and visit sacred places. You need to be able to walk 3 to 4 hours a day as weel as to sleep in tents or at the open sky.

The Sahara is a mirror,
it is a door into other realities.
It is a place where beings
from earth and sky encounter
each other and themselves.
In the Sahara you will discover
the simplicity of life.
You will explore your inner
loneliness and emptiness.
You will enjoy the beauty
and silence of the Saharan landscape.
You will become one with
the universe and the essence
of your inner being.

(Jabrane Sebnat)

26 March - 4 April 1999 with Shemsi Fleury
fees: 12000:- SEK, 1350:- EURO includes:
flight ticket with Moroccan airlines from Geneva to Marrakech and return. Two hotel nights in Marrakech. Meals and water in the sahara. All organization and logistics. Teachings.
This price does not include:
Assistance insurance, extras and tips.

29 October - 7 November 1999 with Jabrane Sebnat.
fees: 8850:- SEK, 995:- EURO includes:
Two hotel nights in Marrakech. Meals and water in the Sahara. Organization and logistics. Teachings. Transfer from/to airport.
This price does not include:
Flight ticket to Marrakech, Assistance insurance, tips.

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