Besides money, what do we seem to never have enough of? For many of us the answer is TIME. Our time is limited and fixed. We try to use it wisely and "get things done". But there are impediments everywhere to our best laid plans. Often these impediments are beyond control - accidents, traffic tie-ups, downed computer systems and those jammed phone lines to tech help. However, other impediments to effective Time Management lurk everywhere and steal our TIME. Time may not be a "hard" or tangible asset like cash or a car, but it is an asset we all have. We need to jealously guard it for our own use and not let someone else steal it.
Simply put a "Time Thief" is someone who steals our TIME. While using their time, they use ours as well. Because of the way they use their time, they steal our time. They waste one of our most precious assets because they do not know how to use their time effectively and/or care that they are "stealing" our time.
The dreaded,slow-moving LINE. We've all waited in these lines. Despite many strategies implemented by managers and engineers, the slow- moving line lurks everywhere. Techniques such as fast clerks, Express Lines, and "Cash" only transactions to keep lines moving are regularly foiled by the CUSTOMERS. These are the customers who are stealing our time.
The Time Thief frequents the grocery store stealing our time (as well
as that of all the customers in the same line). Common time wasters
1- Too many items in the Express Line. [Apparently these thieves
can't read signs or count to TEN.]
2- Paying with media not acceptable such as Checks,credit cards,
or debit cards.[If these thieves can't read, how did they ever
get a checking account or credit/debit card?]
3- Looking for their money after the clerk finishes ringing up
their purchase. [Do they really think all the stuff is free?]
4- Start to write the check after the clerk finishes the
transaction. [Do they think the date, store name and their
name is going to change between the time the clerk starts and
finishes the transaction?]
5- Looking for or presenting coupons after the clerk finishes
the transaction.
6- Try to pass expired coupons or coupons on
items not being purchased.
Don't just stand there- DO SOMETHING. Embarrass the Thief.[A caution - Don't confront these crooks directly -
either verbally or physically. Direct comments to fellow customers, the
clerk or just talk to yourself.] These people are crooks! They've stolen your time. Often they know they have violated the Rules of the Line. Or they are at least guilty of monumental inconsideration of others. If they are going to
steal your TIME, then put that stolen time to work against them. Here
are a few ploys you can use:
1- THE STARE. An unrelenting, unwavering stare at the thief - make them feel uncomfortable.
2- If you are right behind the time thief ask the
clerk the obvious, such as "Is this the Express Line?" or "Are you
taking checks now?" If you are not near the clerk, ask a fellow
customer a similar question in a loud voice.
3- If you are in
a line where the number of items is limited, count the number of items
you have in a loud voice reassuring yourself [and others that you are
within the limit].
4- Take out your cash [ or check, credit/debit card,
etc.] and coupons before your items are rung up. Sometimes this wakes up the time thief to do likewise.
5- COMPLAIN to the clerk and to management
about slow lines and line infractions.
Once upon a time there were just apples, oranges and bananas at the local market. Any grocery store clerk could manage to differentiate among the three. But today there are a multitude of exotic fruits and vegetables. Too often the clerks know less than the customers because the former haven't bothered to familiarize themselves with the merchandise in the produce department and store management hasn't bothered to keep the employees current on what the store is selling. Consequently your clerk may interrupt the neighboring clerk to determine the name of the merchandise and/or initiate a hunt through the Code Book wherein resides the Magic Number which will allow the mystery merchandise to be entered into the register.
Shopping especially at the local grocery store can be a real
time-killer. Crowds, long lines, lack of parking places, sold-out
specials are more than enough to deal with; adding incompetent
employees to the mix compounds the problem and steals more time. Here
are few things you can do to get your time back:
1- Complain to store management.
2- Complain to Division Headquarters. If you are shopping at a
"chain" store, call or write the Division Headquarters. Generally
your complaints will get serious consideration there. The local store
may be contacted about additional training for employees or company
shoppers sent in to audit employee performance.
3- Suggest a program to the store which will encourage shopping
at Off-Peak
hours. Some stores now have special coupon or "senior" shopping days
where discounts are offered. Suggest discounts or specials offered to
customers who shop during off-peak hours. Many stores are already open
for 24 hours a day, but for much of the time the store is virtually
empty. [A very good time to shop, by the way is late at night or
early in the morning. But, for many people it is just not practical or
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