Reading – Discussion – Reflection – News

Part 1 : READING : The Law of Giving

One of the spiritual laws of success is the Law of Giving. This law could also be called the Law of Giving and Receiving, because the universe operates through dynamic exchange. Nothing is static. Your body is in dynamic and in constant exchange with the body of the universe; your mind is dynamically interacting with the mind of the cosmos; your energy is an expression of cosmic energy.

The flow of life is nothing other than the harmonies interaction of all the elements and forces that structure the field of existence. This harmonious interaction of elements and forces in your life operates as the Law of Giving. Because your body and your mind and the universe are in constant and dynamic exchange, stopping the circulation of energy is like stopping the flow of blood. Whenever blood stops flowing, it begins to clot, to coagulate, to stagnate. That is why you must give and receive in order to keep wealth and affluence – or anything you want in life – circulating in your life.

If we stop the circulation of money – if our only intention is to hold on to our money and hoard it – since it is life energy, we will stop its circulation back into our lives as well. In order to keep that energy coming to us, we have to keep the energy circulating. Like a river,

money must keep flowing, otherwise it begins to stagnate, to clog, to suffocate and strangle its very own life force. Circulation keeps it alive and vital.

Every relationship is one of give and take. Giving engenders receiving, and receiving engenders giving. What goes up must come down; what goes out must come back. In reality, receiving is the same thing as giving, because giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of life. The more you give, the more you will receive, because you will keep the abundance of the universe circulating in your life. In fact, anything that is of value in life multiplies when it is given. It is the intention behind your giving and receiving that is the most important thing. The intention should always be to create happiness for the giver and receiver, because happiness is

life-supporting and life-sustaining and therefore generates increase. The return is directly proportional to the giving when it is unconditional and from the heart. That is why the act of giving has to be joyful – the frame of mind has to be one in which you feel joy in the very act of giving. Then the energy behind the giving increases many times over.

Practising the Law of Giving is actually very simple; if you want joy, give joy to others; if you want love, learn to give love; if you want attention and appreciation, learn to give attention and appreciation; if you want material affluence, help others to become materially affluent. If you want to be blessed with all the good things in life, learn to silently bless everyone with all the good things in life. Even the thought of giving, the though of blessing, or a simple prayer has the power to affect others.

The best way to put the Law of Giving into operation – to start the whole process of circulation – is to make a decision that any time you come into contact with anyone, you will give them something. It doesn’t have to be in the form of material things; it could be a flower, a compliment, or a prayer. In fact, the most powerful forms of giving are non-material. The gifts of caring , attention, affection, appreciation, and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give , and they don’t cost you anything . When you meet someone, you can silently send them a blessing, wishing them happiness, joy, and laughter. This kind of silent giving is very powerful.

Extract from The Seven Spiritual Laws

of Success by Deepak Chopra

Page 2



  1. Why is the Law of Giving also called the Law of Giving and Receiving
  2. The author says "you must give and receive in order to keep …. anything you want in life". Why is this so?
  3. Why is the intention behind the giving and receiving that is most important?
  4. Practising the Law of Giving is very simple. The author gives a few examples.
  5. Try to add some examples of your own to the list given.

  6. The most powerful forms of giving are non-material – in fact it does not cost anything. Try to give a few more examples other than the author’s
  7. This frail. Vessel thou emptiest again and again, and fillest it ever with fresh life. This little flute of a reed thou hast carried over hills and dales, and hast breathed through it melodies eternally new …. Thy infinite gifts come to me only on those very small hands of mine. Ages pass, and still thou pourest, and still there is room to fill.


    ( Applying the Law of Giving - some affirmations)

    Leader: Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. As I read the following affirmations, visualize the actual situation in your life.

    1. Wherever I go and whoever I encounter, I will bring them a gift. The gift maybe a compliment, a flower, or a prayer. Today , I will give something to everyone I come into contact with, and so I will begin the process of circulating joy, wealth, and abundance in my life and in the lives of others.
    2. Today I will gratefully receive all the gifts that life has to offer me. I will receive the gifts of nature: sunlight and the sound of birds singing, of breeze blowing; I will receive the gifts of love – from family, friends and even strangers. I will also be open to receiving from others, whether it be in the form of a material gift, money, a compliment, or a prayer.
    3. I will make a commitment to keep wealth circulating in my life by giving and receiving life’s most precious gifts: the gifts of caring, affection, appreciation, and love. Each time I meet someone, I will silently wish them happiness, joy, and laughter.

    Now as we finish this reflection, let us improve and increase our capacity by practising the Law of Giving everyday in our lives.

    When ready, flip your fingers, open your eyes filled with abundance.


    During this month, let us make a special effort to practise the Law of Giving & Receiving.

    Whenever we meet someone during the day, either at home, at work or when shopping, let us MENTALLY send him/her a "projection" of peace and best wishes.



    This important MSM event will be held on 26 & 27 April 2003 at Pearl International Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. All EXCO members, M.S. Facilitators and Inner Circle members who have not responded to the invitation, please do so by 10th April.

    The Facilitators’Workshop will be on 26 morning.

    # TREASURE HUNT organised by MSM Selangor Circle will be held on Sunday 1 June in Selangor. This will be our national event for the year for all Circles to take part in.

    Please wait for the Brochures from Selangor Circle. Hope all outstation Circles will send at least one car-ful of participants.