Reading – Discussion – Reflection - News


Part 1 – Opening Song and Energy Cycle


Part 2 – READING

The Universe wants the best for us


The infinite Intelligence in which we live, move and have our being is essentially good. As one religious writer put it “God is love,  and those who dwell in love, dwell in God.” This is not to deny the existence of evil or negativity. There is a loving force in which we can take refuge, one that will do its utmost to provide for and protect us each step along the path.


An ancient spiritual law states that every challenge, difficulty or defeat contains within it the seed of an equivalent or greater good. To receive the gift, ask that it be revealed to us. Once we learn to look for the good in life, we will experience every situation as promoting our spiritual growth and development.


The Universe wants the best for us. It will give us and support us if we allow it to do so. Sometimes we may have to leave a known situation ( your job, home , relationship, etc…) for the unknown in order to move forward with  our life. If we find ourselves overwhelmed by fear repeat the affirmation, “The universe wants the best for me and I claim it.” Then step out in faith and give life the opportunity to support us. Sometimes we have to assert our rights as children of the universe. We are put into this world to have the best – the best in health, in happiness, in our careers, our finances. As Bob Proctor, the famous motivator entitled one of his books, “You are Born Rich.” If we keep our focus on that Higher Power, all the details will fall into place. As  we say in Mind Science, ”project the End Result and believe”. Do not worry about the ‘HOW’?. Because we are children of Love, all things have to work together for our highest good. It cannot be otherwise.


Give thanks for all things


Thankfulness is one of the key ingredients for our progress along the path. So often we lose sight of what we have to be grateful for – our health, friends, material comforts, and most important, the gift of life itself.


Every situation in life, even the apparent tragedy, has a  ‘silver lining’. Giving thanks invokes this good and helps to bring it into being. Even painful experiences become bitter-sweet when the universe works out its perfect plan through them.


A woman underwent a very painful breakup with someone she loved. From a logical points of view, the experience was a horrible trauma. Everything she cherished was ripped away; the pain seemed unbearable. Nonetheless, she gave thanks.


Many years passed before the wounds healed. Then she  met a new partner. The relationship flourished and brought a level of joy and fulfillment that had been lacking in the old. The breakup, she  realized, was truly a gift.

Let us take a good look at our life. Are we giving thanks for all our experiences? If we are reacting negatively to a specific situation, try a different approach.


Give thanks for the condition being just the way it is . Then observe what happens. As your attitude about the condition changes, the circumstances surrounding it will be transformed. Such is the miraculous power of giving thanks for all things.

Extracted and modified from ‘Words that Heal’ by Douglas Bloch.


Words to Ponder upon “Remember, Money is a servant, you are the Master. Love People and use Money. Never reverse the equation.” Bob Proctor.




1.- What is the basis for the Universe wanting the best for us ?


2. – What happens when we always learn to look only for the good in life?


3. – How do we make the universe give us the best?


4. – How does ‘thankfulness’ bring about good even in not so good experiences ?


5. – The story of the woman who underwent a painful breakup will bring to mind many similar stories or personal experiences.


Let us discuss some of these now.






“Sit in a comfortable position.

Take a deep breath …. Exhale ( 3 X )

In this deeper level of the Mind let us now reflect on the Reading  and Discussion just before this. Think of some point or statement that impressed you. ( pause )

Am I always conscious of the fact that the Universe wants the best for me?

Do I see a difficulty or defeat as a stepping stone to something better? . ( pause )

Am I thankful for all the good things that the Universe has so far given to me ? . ( pause )

Let me now think of an event in my  own life which turned out to be a gift in the end? .

 ( pause )

Get ready to come out of your levels.

Take a deep breath …… Exhale ( 2 X)


Open your eyes feeling fine and full of thankfulness.












Whenever we are faced with difficulty or defeat, let us have faith in the Universe and repeat this Affirmation:

“ I give thanks for all the experiences I have at this moment.”



( Leader collects names for mention during Cycle. Priority given to those present and their families )


Part 6 : “Read & Share  session Announcements & News.




#  MSM  FAMILY DAY (National level )

When? Sunday 5th October 2003

Where? K.L at the Forest Research Inst.

Details of program and payments have been sent to ALL I/C Chairpersons for circulation to their respective members.



#  MIND  SCIENCE COURSE held in K.L on 17th ,24th Aug. & 7th Sept.


#  MIND  SCIENCE MENTOR PROGRAM will be launched as soon as approval is received  from the ROS on our amendments to the Constitution.

Ask your Circle Chairperson for details about the programme.



It is noticed that many members have ‘forgotten’ to renew their MSM membership for year 2003. Please contact your Chairperson for a Renewal Form and submission with payments.

Note:  I/C Chirpersons please get sufficient Renewal forms ready for the meeting or post it to regular members.

They must fill up ALL PARTICULARS in the form to up-date our records.