The truths in Nature that free us from poor experiences are quite simple and reasonable.
The most obvious, but overlooked, is the fact that whatever dominates our thinking causes our experiences.
If we think we are poor, we are likely to remain poor. If we believe that lack and limitation is our lot in life, we are causing that condition. When we realize that there is a great abundance in Nature, we can intentionally succeed in whatever we set out to accomplish. Every "rags-to-riches" story includes knowing self worth and the vast possibilities in life.
If deep down we fel that we are sickly, we produce unhealthy experiences. Only when we can see ourselves as robust healthy beings will we maintain good health. How to do this? - read on.
The truth is, we have a choice. To change an undesirable experience, we first need to change our thinking and beliefs of what and who we are.
It is unreasonable to think that a Loving Creator made us to suffer limitations rather than express success. What Loving Being would do this? We cause our own suffering by less than totally positive thinking. We can cause abundance, good health and love in our life by fully accepting the goodness intended for us as part of our Spiritual Being.
Science teaches us the truth through psychology - sometimes called Positive Mental Attitude. Religions teach the same in "it is done unto you as you believe" and "you are what you think". We intuitively know this truth when we set aside our daily problems and listen to what our Mind already knows.
The truths that set us free are studied as a philosphy in Science of Mind. Although it is based on a strong belief in God, it is not a religion in that it has no inflexible dogma or telling people what to think. It has nothing to do with superstitions or unreasonable authority. Science of Mind principles act as a guide to effective use of our Mind - that invisible connection with Nature that maintains, sustains and guides us according to our choices in using It. But, our thoughts are our responsibility. Nothing, or no one else can do it for us unless we accept their thoughts as ours. What I am to be is up to me - only me. It is the same for you.
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