The truths in Nature that free us from poor experiences are quite simple and reasonable.

The most obvious, but overlooked, is the fact that whatever dominates our thinking causes our experiences.

If we think we are poor, we are likely to remain poor. If we believe that lack and limitation is our lot in life, we are causing that condition. When we realize that there is a great abundance in Nature, we can intentionally succeed in whatever we set out to accomplish. Every "rags-to-riches" story includes knowing self worth and the vast possibilities in life.

If deep down we fel that we are sickly, we produce unhealthy experiences. Only when we can see ourselves as robust healthy beings will we maintain good health. How to do this? - read on.

The truth is, we have a choice. To change an undesirable experience, we first need to change our thinking and beliefs of what and who we are.

It is unreasonable to think that a Loving Creator made us to suffer limitations rather than express success. What Loving Being would do this? We cause our own suffering by less than totally positive thinking. We can cause abundance, good health and love in our life by fully accepting the goodness intended for us as part of our Spiritual Being.

Science teaches us the truth through psychology - sometimes called Positive Mental Attitude. Religions teach the same in "it is done unto you as you believe" and "you are what you think". We intuitively know this truth when we set aside our daily problems and listen to what our Mind already knows.

The truths that set us free are studied as a philosphy in Science of Mind. Although it is based on a strong belief in God, it is not a religion in that it has no inflexible dogma or telling people what to think. It has nothing to do with superstitions or unreasonable authority. Science of Mind principles act as a guide to effective use of our Mind - that invisible connection with Nature that maintains, sustains and guides us according to our choices in using It. But, our thoughts are our responsibility. Nothing, or no one else can do it for us unless we accept their thoughts as ours. What I am to be is up to me - only me. It is the same for you.

Science of Mind is a way to a positive successful lifestyle through simple basic principles that can be used by anyone, everywhere, every day. These principles are guides to common sense rather than a required creed.

Science of Mind is open at the top. That is, it can be used in many ways according to one's pesonal ideas and goals in life. Your beliefs are your choice.

Science of Mind expresses a personal relationship with God rather than worshiping a separated deity according to prescribed religious dogma. It aligns our thinking with God rather than beseeching God's favor.

When we use Science of Mind principles actively, we are expressing our true Nature. These guides develop a responsible freedom in thinking and doing. Each of us draw from Life what we think into it. To learn how to think positively is to learn how to live successfully.

Science of Mind is a way to enhanced self esteem and peace of mind knowing our Greater Self. It develops a consciousness to heal disorders of all kinds.

There is a Power for good in the universe that is greater than you and I. We are intended to use it. We are basically designed as part of the One Universal Power - not the whole of it - but wonderfully One with It.

We are more than "skin, bones and a hank of hair". We are intelligent thinking beings with mental capacity. We are also Intuitive spiritual beings using the One Mind that created the universe and all that is in it. When we realize all that we are and think accordingly, we prosper in life.

By letting go of old assumptions that may not be true, we can let go of struggle. We suffer only because of our ignorance of how to think and act. We can learn how to create success, peace and harmony by knowing the truth of our being and how to think in this Spiritual Universe. We do not need superstitions or unreasonable assumptions. Once we understand Science of Mind principles, happiness is embodied by releasing the past and knowing a great future is assured.

There is but one Universal Intelligence, one Unlimited Power that allows us freedom to think and experience the results of that thinking. That Power is spiritual, good, loving, creative, joyous, giving; and part of us. We are basically good, joyous, creative and giving when we accept our Natural Self. The Universal Power and Intelligence works with us, for us and through us according to our thinking and faith.

The Law of Cause and Effect works in our lives whether we understand it or not. What we believe, whatever dominates our thinking, will result in experiences that reflect that thinking. Although it is easy to blame our misfortunes on something or someone else, poor thinking and expectations are the root of our misfortunes. We attract the lifestyle we deserve by our assumptions about Life .

This "what you think is what you get" philosophy is the cornerstone of Science of Mind teachings. The lives of many people have been turned around by accepting and expressing the goodness within each of us .

Misfortune in our lives, is not unavoidable bad luck or a force over which we have no control.

Mind Science practices is directed inward toward improving our awareness and conscience of what we are. Improving our thinking improves our health, finances, relationships, and feelings about ourselves. It fosters knowing the truth about ourselves that sets us free from anguish.

When this happens, a genuine positive self esteem follows.

When we know that we can be healthy, loving, successful and happy, a very real peace-of-mind follows.

We realize that we can think and act abundantly with zest for life. Knowing the truth of Nature makes us feel good about ourselves and others. No matter what others may say and do, each of us are operating at our own individual level of consciousness.

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