Nature Challenge


Dr. David Suzuki in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.


        David Suzuki visited Epikwitk (PEI) in May 2003, speaking to a group in Charlottetown about his recent book, The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering Our Place in Nature. Chief Darlene Bernard of L’nui Mnikuk (Lennox Island First Nation), addressed the crowd and spoke of the Mi’kmaq connection to the earth.

The Mi’kmaq have been aware of the Sacred Balance with Mother Earth since time immemorial. Since creation we have been taught that all people must work together; that we cannot over-harvest animals, fish, and plants; that we are a part of the Earth. It is good that scientists are beginning to question science, as it affects all that are contained within our environment.

Dr. Suzuki & Chief Bernard.

        David Suzuki also challenged everyone to take the Nature Challenge; to do three things in order to conserve nature for future generations.

Visit the David Suzuki Foundation at

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