Note: after taking a mid-term break for the holidays, and a brief review
session last Tuesday, the class resumed
Session Start: Sun Oct 26 20:50:17 1997
* Logging #IsraeliCafe to: [#israeli.log]
Lesson 5 begins
AlyzaCCC: ========================
AlyzaCCC: Letters for this lesson
AlyzaCCC: ========================
AlyzaCCC: ò
AlyzaCCC: Ayin (ah-yeen), considered to be silent, as few outside
AlyzaCCC: of native Israelis can pronounce the gulping sound of this
AlyzaCCC: letter. In times past, others have transliterated this as
AlyzaCCC: the G in Gaza, however it is not really a G sound either.
AlyzaCCC: For purposes of this class, we will consider it to be a silent,
AlyzaCCC: as most books do so.
AlyzaCCC: ====
AlyzaCCC: it is also the first letter in my name, Alyza
AlyzaCCC: ò
AlyzaCCC: _
AlyzaCCC: how would you pronounce that, assuming ayin to be silent
AlyzaCCC: now, GA Ruth
Ruth: ah
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: how about
AlyzaCCC: ò
AlyzaCCC: .
Ruth: !
AlyzaCCC: go ahead
Ruth: ee
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: I remind you that the other vowels are modified for IRC
AlyzaCCC: .. is represented by ~
AlyzaCCC: . .
AlyzaCCC: .
AlyzaCCC: is represented by V
AlyzaCCC: .
AlyzaCCC: .
AlyzaCCC: .
AlyzaCCC: is represented by \
AlyzaCCC: and T is the T-shaped ah, the kamatz
AlyzaCCC: now, next letter
AlyzaCCC: è
AlyzaCCC: notice the open top
AlyzaCCC: look for that to tell it from the somech
AlyzaCCC: Tet (teht), pronounced like 't' as in table.
AlyzaCCC: ===
AlyzaCCC: How would you pronounce
AlyzaCCC: è
AlyzaCCC: \
Ruth: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Ruth
Ruth: too
AlyzaCCC: right Ruth!
AlyzaCCC: ç
AlyzaCCC: _
AlyzaCCC: that is a letter you have had before, with a vowel underneith
AlyzaCCC: it is a specail case of that letter
AlyzaCCC: Chet/het (Cheht), it makes the 'ch' sound
AlyzaCCC: found in 'loch' or 'bach'. We have had this letter
before. At
AlyzaCCC: the end of the word, with the _ under it, it is pronounced
AlyzaCCC: This happens only at the end of the word
AlyzaCCC: if you see a chet with a patach under it in the middle or
it is pronounced cha as with the normal consonent vowel reading
AlyzaCCC: any questions about the chet?
Ruth: not yet, but I'm sure I'll need to be reminded!
AlyzaCCC: okay :-)
AlyzaCCC: á
AlyzaCCC: Vet (veht) it is pronounced like the 'v' in victory.
Notice that it
AlyzaCCC: has NO dagesh (dot) inside the letter, this differentiates
it from
AlyzaCCC: the Bet (Beht) and makes it have a softer sound.
AlyzaCCC: Reminder: A dagesh in Bet, Kaf, or Pay hardens the sound.
AlyzaCCC: okay, so now we have a letter which sounds differently depending
on if it has a
dagesh or not, and we cannot tell on IRC if it has a dagesh
AlyzaCCC: because of this, you will have to learn the words and how
they are spelled overall
AlyzaCCC: special rules will be pointed out in the next book :-)
AlyzaCCC: é
AlyzaCCC: Yud, is pronounced like the 'Y' in 'yes' and is shaped a
bit like
AlyzaCCC: a bent hand. In fact, the yud developed from a picture
of a bent
AlyzaCCC: hand, and yahd = hand in Hebrew.
AlyzaCCC: Remeber that
AlyzaCCC: é
AlyzaCCC: Yud, is pronounced like the 'Y' in 'yes' and is shaped a
bit like
AlyzaCCC: a bent hand. In fact, the yud developed from a picture
of a bent
AlyzaCCC: hand, and yahd = hand in Hebrew.
AlyzaCCC: oops
AlyzaCCC: é
AlyzaCCC: .
AlyzaCCC: is eey
AlyzaCCC: since the yud is after the .
AlyzaCCC: how would you pronounce
AlyzaCCC: é
AlyzaCCC: V
Ruth: yeh
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: ==================
AlyzaCCC: Vowel sounds for lesson 5
AlyzaCCC: ==================
AlyzaCCC: é..
AlyzaCCC: or
AlyzaCCC: é
AlyzaCCC: ~
AlyzaCCC: on line representation
AlyzaCCC: This vowel is really a tsereh (eh sound) followed by a yud.
AlyzaCCC: It is pronounced like they ay as in pay and day.
AlyzaCCC: ====
AlyzaCCC: Vocabulary
AlyzaCCC: =======
AlyzaCCC: (there are 3 parts to the vocab for this chapter, only part
A is on the web site currently)
AlyzaCCC: ãîåì
AlyzaCCC: ~
AlyzaCCC: or
AlyzaCCC: ãîiì
AlyzaCCC: ~
AlyzaCCC: how would you pronounce that? Take your time and sound
it out
Ruth: lohmayd
Ruth: no
AlyzaCCC: close
Ruth: lohmehd
AlyzaCCC: right!
AlyzaCCC: notice that it is part of the word talmid, the 2 words share
the same root,
called a shoresh in Hebrew
AlyzaCCC: the root is 3 letters, ã-î-ì
AlyzaCCC: the dashes indicating that that is a root, not a word
AlyzaCCC: well, it is a word if you remove the dashes, but that is
another story for another day g:
Ruth: lol
AlyzaCCC: Lohmehd. It means study, learn (m.s)
AlyzaCCC: talmid, from the same root, means student (m.s)
AlyzaCCC: you see, the words are related in concept and root
Mortalis: shalom
AlyzaCCC: íéãîåì
AlyzaCCC: .:
AlyzaCCC: or
AlyzaCCC: íéãîiì
AlyzaCCC: .:
AlyzaCCC: how would you pronounce that?
Ruth: lohmdeem
AlyzaCCC: yafe maod (very nice!)
Ruth: :)
AlyzaCCC: úéøáò
AlyzaCCC: .:.
AlyzaCCC: take your time, the á has no dagesh in it
Ruth: eevreet?
* AlyzaCCC realized she forgot to telly you what lohmdeem means. It
means study, learn (m. pl)
AlyzaCCC: and yes, it is indeed eevreet
AlyzaCCC: Ivrit (Eev-reet)(f) It means Hebrew
AlyzaCCC: (the language mostly) and is a
AlyzaCCC: feminine noun. Remember, this means
AlyzaCCC: feminine adjectives would be used with the word.
AlyzaCCC: we have been studying ivrit since June
Ruth: OH! I've seen you use that word in here before!
Ruth: :)
AlyzaCCC: right, but not in Hebrew letters until today :-)
Ruth: yes
AlyzaCCC: okay, last word for today
AlyzaCCC: it is a big one
AlyzaCCC: äèéñøáðåà
AlyzaCCC: T .:V.
AlyzaCCC: or
AlyzaCCC: well, there is no or, the vav (second letter) is an oo, not
an oh
AlyzaCCC: take your time, this is a loan word from English (or another
language with the same word)
AlyzaCCC: so it is longer than most Hebrew words
AlyzaCCC: AlyzaCCC: äèéñøáðåà
AlyzaCCC: AlyzaCCC: T .:V.
Ruth: ok, thaks
Ruth: thanks
Ruth: is the middle one a vet?
AlyzaCCC: yes, sorry, I should have mentioned that.
AlyzaCCC: it is indeed without a dagesh
Ruth: ooneevehrseetah
AlyzaCCC: nachon!
AlyzaCCC: WTG!
Ruth: I always have to think about the shva..
AlyzaCCC: that is one of the toughest words to pronounce. What
do you think it means?
Ruth: it sounds like university
AlyzaCCC: right, exactly
AlyzaCCC: and that is what it means
AlyzaCCC: not that all things that sound like an English word have
the same meaning, but loan words such as this one tend to
AlyzaCCC: Oo-nee-vehr-see-tah, it means university (f.)
AlyzaCCC: and it is a loan word to Hebrew.
AlyzaCCC: we are kind of out of time, with only 7 minutes left.
How about we review these new words on Tuesday?
Ruth: ok. I'll look at the website and review.
Ruth: :)
AlyzaCCC: cool!
AlyzaCCC: I am going to turn off the log and edit the so and so joins,
so and so leaves out so I can mail it
Session Close: Sun Oct 26 21:24:49 1997