*** Log file opened: 11/25/97 11:12:10 PM
AlyzaCCC [AlyzaCCC@chat7] has joined #JewishStudies
AlyzaCCC: sorry I am late, I was in a board meeting and it ran over
AlyzaCCC: and I lost track of the time
Ruth: Shalom
Ruth: I was afk
AlyzaCCC: shalom
AlyzaCCC is minimizing programs so she can start the Hebrew one
AlyzaCCC: review of words first
AlyzaCCC: áìë
AlyzaCCC: Ruth?
Ruth: kehlehv
AlyzaCCC: ah
AlyzaCCC: yes, meaning?
Ruth: dog
Ruth: m?
AlyzaCCC: yes!
AlyzaCCC: äðä
Ruth: heeneh
AlyzaCCC: nod
Ruth: here is
AlyzaCCC: or?
Ruth: hmmmm
Ruth: I'm sorry.
AlyzaCCC: behold!
Ruth: ah
Ruth: here is, or behold
AlyzaCCC: hes
AlyzaCCC: yes
AlyzaCCC: oops
AlyzaCCC: äôé
Ruth: yahfeh
Ruth: nice or pretty
AlyzaCCC: m or f?
Ruth: m?
AlyzaCCC: nod
AlyzaCCC: eh ending is masc, ah is fem
AlyzaCCC: áùié áùåé
Ruth: yohshehv
Ruth: sit
Ruth: masc
AlyzaCCC: sing or pl?
Ruth: singular
AlyzaCCC: nod
AlyzaCCC: íéáùié íéáùåé
Ruth: yohshveem
Ruth: sit
Ruth: masc?
Ruth: plural]
Ruth: is that mixed too, or just masc?
AlyzaCCC: mixed, or masc
Ruth: ok
AlyzaCCC: btw, yoshev or yoshvim can also mean to dwell
AlyzaCCC: øáãî
Ruth: mihdahbehr
Ruth: speak
AlyzaCCC: nod
Ruth: masc
AlyzaCCC: s or pl?
Ruth: s
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: íéøáãî
Ruth: mihdahbreem
Ruth: speak
Ruth: plural
Ruth: masc.
AlyzaCCC: nod
AlyzaCCC: btw, when Balaam's donkey spoke it does not say midahber,
but uses another word we have not learned yet
Ruth: :)
Ruth: I might not remember that
AlyzaCCC: okay, that is it for the new words
AlyzaCCC: I am going to past words to you, mostly the new ones
AlyzaCCC: see if you can put the new ones into a sentance
Ruth: ok
AlyzaCCC: new words:
AlyzaCCC: áìë
AlyzaCCC: äôé
AlyzaCCC: áùié áùåé
AlyzaCCC: íéáùié íéáùåé
AlyzaCCC: øáãî
AlyzaCCC: íéøáãî
AlyzaCCC: old ones are available many other places, but I am pasting
them to Ruth's 1-1
AlyzaCCC thinks Ruth is making a difficult sentance
Ruth: éìù áìëä äðä
AlyzaCCC: good
AlyzaCCC: pronounce and translate
Ruth: heeneh hakehlehv shehlee
Ruth: Here is the dog of mine.
AlyzaCCC: ken, tov maod
AlyzaCCC: how about another one using other new words
Ruth: ok
Ruth: àñëá áùåé
éìù çà úàæ
Ruth: no
AlyzaCCC: sorry, I left the room for a moment
AlyzaCCC: you need the word meaning he
Ruth: àñëá áùåé
éìù çà äæ
Ruth: *AlyzaCCC* úàæ
Ruth: àñëá áùåé
éìù çà äæ äæ
Ruth: *AlyzaCCC* úàæ
Ruth: rats
AlyzaCCC: keep trying
Ruth: àñëá áùåé
éìù çà äæ
AlyzaCCC: add the word he after of me and before sits
AlyzaCCC: also put a hey infront of ach
Ruth: zeh ach shehlee yohshehv bahkeyseh
Ruth: oh ok
Ruth: àñëá áùåé
àåä éìù çàä
AlyzaCCC: good
AlyzaCCC: pronounce and translate
Ruth: zeh haach shehlee hoo yohshehv bahkeyseh
Ruth: This the brother of me, he sits in the chair.
AlyzaCCC: or is sitting, depending on what you want
AlyzaCCC: good
AlyzaCCC: how about we quit early tonight?
Ruth: ok
AlyzaCCC: we will meet (If I remember the time change)
AlyzaCCC: at 10 this comming Sat
AlyzaCCC: and do a story!
AlyzaCCC: short story
Ruth: OH!
Ruth: ok
Ruth: :)
AlyzaCCC: can you guess what it is about?
Ruth: a dog?
AlyzaCCC: yes!
AlyzaCCC: exactly
Ruth: lol
AlyzaCCC: I figured you would guess by the vocabulary
Ruth: that was a clue alright!
AlyzaCCC: lol
Ruth: Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
AlyzaCCC: thank, you also
Ruth: thank you
Ruth: there is much to be thankful for.
Ruth: Shalom!
AlyzaCCC: shalom
*** Log file closed: 11/25/97 11:58:02 PM