Session Start: Tue Jul 15 22:44:17 1997
*** Now talking in #IsraeliCafe
*** Retrieving #IsraeliCafe channel info...
*** AlyzaCCC changes topic to "Hebrew 101: Lesson 3
continues ("
*** AlyzaCCC sets mode: +nt-mi
*** AlyzaCCC sets mode: +l 25
Session Close: Tue Jul 15 22:54:11 1997
Session Start: Tue Jul 15 23:23:58 1997
*** Now talking in #IsraeliCafe
AlyzaCCC: ARgh!!!
Dawn: LOL Dave!
DaveS: Shalom, AlyzaCCC! Welcome to #IsraeliCafe.
Ruth: Shalom Alyza
Dawn: Alyza!
Davida: hi there !
Dawn: We're really working!
AlyzaCCC: Hello, I got dumped and could not reconnect until I
DaveS: Okay, clow time over...
Davida: uh oh
* Dawn puts away silly string
AlyzaCCC: lol Dawn
*** Retrieving #IsraeliCafe channel info...
Davida: hee hee
* DaveS crumples to ground
Dawn: We were practicing words and letters!
Davida: really
Ruth: I've been good, but Dawn and Dave..whew.
DaveS: Lol
Ruth: :)
*** AlyzaCCC changes topic to "Hebrew 101: Lesson 3 continues"
* Dawn tucks tail between legs
Davida: And I don't have hebrew fonts.....
Dawn: And Davida won!
AlyzaCCC: Got names for today
Ruth: yea Davida
AlyzaCCC: äðùåù
AlyzaCCC: äæéìò
AlyzaCCC: ãåã
AlyzaCCC: úåø
AlyzaCCC: Morning light, morning breeze (Tzahfreerah) äøôö
AlyzaCCC: morning (Tzafrah) äøéøôö
Davida: ho hohohohohoh !
DaveS: Using the prophetic method
Dawn: Oh cool!
AlyzaCCC: Davida, add a hey at the end of ãåã
to get your name
Davida: ?
AlyzaCCC: Dawn, which one you like better, the long one or the
short one?
AlyzaCCC: äãåã
AlyzaCCC: that is Davida
Davida: my whole name is D'vorah Davida.....
Dawn: The one with 4 letters
AlyzaCCC: ah, okay, next time I will get D'vorah for you if you
want :-)
AlyzaCCC: okay, Dawn, Tzafra it is
Davida: 'kay
Dawn: k:)
Davida: that's pretty
Dawn: Is it äøôö Alyza?
AlyzaCCC: yes, Dawn, that is Tzafrah
AlyzaCCC: it means morning
Davida: Where do I find Hebrew fonts and how do I use them ?
AlyzaCCC: that is the homepage for this class
AlyzaCCC: okay, let's get to work
AlyzaCCC: to remind you, In the, this prefix is a bet ...á
AlyzaCCC: (ie, it has a dagesh inside the letter, making it have
the 'b' sound)
AlyzaCCC: it is voweled with a patach and pronounce bah-
AlyzaCCC: patach is _ in case you forgot the vowel names
Davida: thank you !
AlyzaCCC: In, this prefix is a bet with a shva under it
AlyzaCCC: it is pronounced bi (bi as in bit but of shorter duration)
AlyzaCCC: the shva is : in case you have forgoten that vowel's
name :-)
AlyzaCCC: so the same letter, with a different vowel, gives a
different meaning
AlyzaCCC: that being the case, if it is a shva : I will
put no vowel under it, but if it is a patach, I will place
a _ under the letter so you can differentiate
AlyzaCCC: okay?
Dawn: yes:)
AlyzaCCC: okay, now, we need a noun we can attach it to, something
besides a name
AlyzaCCC: äúë
AlyzaCCC: T.
AlyzaCCC: how would you pronounce that?
DaveS: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Dave
DaveS: Ke-tah
AlyzaCCC: tov maod
Davida: I'm gonna go check out the web site......see what I
can figure out about the fonts.....Thanks for letting
hang around for a while..bye now !
AlyzaCCC: any questions on how Dave got that?
AlyzaCCC: shalom Davida!
AlyzaCCC: Class (f.), there is a dagesh in the first and
AlyzaCCC: second letter, making them kaf and tav.
AlyzaCCC: It is voweled kaf-hiriq-tav-kamatz-hey.
*** Davida has left #IsraeliCafe
AlyzaCCC: by class, I mean a class at school
AlyzaCCC: as in "Dawn teaches a class"
AlyzaCCC: this, unlike English, does not have the added meaning
of classy, as in "She has class" or class as in
social group
Dawn: k:)
AlyzaCCC: okay, a sentance with the new word and the prefixes
I have just reviews
Dawn: k:)
AlyzaCCC: äúëá ãåã
AlyzaCCC: :
AlyzaCCC: äúëá ãåã
AlyzaCCC: :
AlyzaCCC: there, that's it
AlyzaCCC: what did I say?
AlyzaCCC: the first word is a name of one of the students here
Dawn: DAvid?
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: the next word has a prefix on it
AlyzaCCC: á
AlyzaCCC: :
AlyzaCCC: what does
AlyzaCCC: á
AlyzaCCC: :
AlyzaCCC: mean?
Dawn: a
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: and the word after it means what?
AlyzaCCC: AlyzaCCC: äúëá
AlyzaCCC: AlyzaCCC: :
Dawn: !
AlyzaCCC: yes, Dawn, ga
Dawn: David is in a class.
AlyzaCCC: Right!!!
AlyzaCCC: okay, let's try another
DaveS: And it does not say: David Bektah.
Dawn: in David Class?
AlyzaCCC: yes, Daveed bih kitah
AlyzaCCC: no, just David in a class
Maximum: hum.
AlyzaCCC: äúëá àì äðùåù
AlyzaCCC: _
AlyzaCCC: notice the different vowel
AlyzaCCC: BTW,
AlyzaCCC: á
AlyzaCCC: _
AlyzaCCC: is a contraction of
AlyzaCCC: á
AlyzaCCC: :
AlyzaCCC: and
AlyzaCCC: ä
AlyzaCCC: _
AlyzaCCC: the first word is a name of a student, Shoshana
AlyzaCCC: what did I say?
Ruth: !
Dawn: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Ruth
Ruth: Shoshana (Susanna) is not in the class.
AlyzaCCC: Tov maod!
AlyzaCCC: nachon!
AlyzaCCC: any questions so far?
Dawn: yea Ruth!
Dawn: No, but I am bummed I have to go soon:(
DaveS: No, Dawn! No!
Dawn: I have all lesson 3 vocabulary from web site though
AlyzaCCC: I know, I am sorry that I had connect problems,
Dawn :-(
AlyzaCCC: ïá
AlyzaCCC: ïá
AlyzaCCC: ..
AlyzaCCC: how would you pronounce that word?
Dawn: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Dawn
Ruth: !
DaveS: !
Dawn: Yes...kehn
AlyzaCCC: close, Dawn, look closely at the first letter
AlyzaCCC: a kaf has no protrusion and is rounded
AlyzaCCC: Ruth, can you help Dawn out here?
AlyzaCCC: or Dave
Ruth: behn?
AlyzaCCC: Right, Ruth, very good
AlyzaCCC: the first letter is a bet
AlyzaCCC: so it is behn
AlyzaCCC: Son, there is a dagesh in the first letter ïá
AlyzaCCC: making it a bet. It is voweled bet-tsereh-nun
sofit and
AlyzaCCC: is pronounced ben
AlyzaCCC: it means son or son of
Dawn: ahhhh
AlyzaCCC: you could, for example, say Shlomo is my son
* Dawn quietly bows to you all...shalom:)
AlyzaCCC: by saying
Ruth: bye Dawn
*** Dawn has left #IsraeliCafe
AlyzaCCC: éìù ïá
AlyzaCCC: Shlomo [is] son of me
AlyzaCCC: but to make it gramatically correct, we need to
at a hey to ben
AlyzaCCC: making it the son
AlyzaCCC: like so
AlyzaCCC: éìù ïáä
AlyzaCCC: that is, Shlomo is the son of me
AlyzaCCC: úá
AlyzaCCC: _
AlyzaCCC: how would you say that?
DaveS: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Dave
DaveS: Bah
AlyzaCCC: try again
AlyzaCCC: look at the last letter
DaveS: Bat
AlyzaCCC: right, it is a tav
AlyzaCCC: with a toe :-)
DaveS: Battoe
AlyzaCCC: that means it can kick the letter to its left
AlyzaCCC: no, just baht David
DaveS: If you like violent letters...
AlyzaCCC: lol
AlyzaCCC: it is just a way to remember the tav, Dave
AlyzaCCC: Daughter, there is a dagesh in the first letter
AlyzaCCC: making it a bet. It is voweled bet-patach-nun
sofit and
AlyzaCCC: is pronounced bat (baht)
AlyzaCCC: it can also mean Daughter of
AlyzaCCC: for example
AlyzaCCC: úåø úá
AlyzaCCC: That says, Alyza daughter of Ruth
AlyzaCCC: my mom's name is also Ruth :-)
Ruth: :)
AlyzaCCC: last new word for this lesson, and then we have
lot's of practice!
AlyzaCCC: àáà
AlyzaCCC: T_
AlyzaCCC: how would you pronounce that?
Ruth: !
DaveS: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Ruth
Ruth: ahbah
AlyzaCCC: Tov!
AlyzaCCC: anyone know what it means?
DaveS: !
Ruth: father
DaveS: Father (three weeks after we learned mother)
Ruth: oops
Ruth: sorry
AlyzaCCC: right, Dave
AlyzaCCC: but we had to learn the bet in this lesson to get
AlyzaCCC: :-)
AlyzaCCC: some books teach abba first
AlyzaCCC: it is usually used for dad
AlyzaCCC: Dad or father, there is a dagesh in the second
letter àáà
AlyzaCCC: making it a bet. It is voweled aleph-patach-bet-kamatz-aleph
AlyzaCCC: and is pronounced abba
AlyzaCCC: okay, how about a story to translate?
* Ruth will try
AlyzaCCC: Dialogue
AlyzaCCC: ====
AlyzaCCC: .íéãéîìú
íåìù :äøåî
AlyzaCCC: the person before (ie to the right of) the colon is
the speaker
AlyzaCCC: who is speaking?
Ruth: !
DaveS: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Ruth
Ruth: teacher
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: now, we do not know if it is a male or female teacher
AlyzaCCC: but we will know soon :-)
AlyzaCCC: Dave, can you tell me what the teacher said?
DaveS: Yes
AlyzaCCC: please do so :-)
DaveS: Hello students. Shalom talmedim
AlyzaCCC: tov, very good, Dave
AlyzaCCC: remember to stop me any time you have a question
AlyzaCCC: I cannot read minds, so I need you to tell me if you
do not understand something
AlyzaCCC: the teacher continues
AlyzaCCC: (note: this is morah) äøåîä
AlyzaCCC: what did she say, Ruth?
DaveS: !
Ruth: I am the teacher
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: glad you got the word THE in there :-)
AlyzaCCC: .äøåî íåìù
AlyzaCCC: who is talking here?
Ruth: !
DaveS: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Ruth
Ruth: students
AlyzaCCC: and what did they say?
* AlyzaCCC waits for hands to go up
Ruth: !
AlyzaCCC: Okay, Ruth, complete this
Ruth: shalom morah; hello teacher
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: ?úà éî (Bela, degesh in
bet) ,äìá éðà :äøåî
AlyzaCCC: Dave, please tell me who is talking here
DaveS: Teacher'
AlyzaCCC: right, :äøåî
AlyzaCCC: Morah
AlyzaCCC: she starts, ,äìá éðà
AlyzaCCC: what did that mean?
DaveS: I am Bell?
AlyzaCCC: close, Bela (see parenthasis above)
Athleticman: are you 19 kelly
DaveS: Oh, duh.
AlyzaCCC: she asks ?úà éî
AlyzaCCC: what was her question?
Ruth: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Ruth
Ruth: who are you (f)?
AlyzaCCC: right, tov maod!
AlyzaCCC: so she is addressing 1 female student
AlyzaCCC: this student replies
AlyzaCCC: (Dena) äðéã éðà
AlyzaCCC: what did she (Dena) say?
DaveS: !
AlyzaCCC: Ga Dave
DaveS: I am Dena
AlyzaCCC: tov
AlyzaCCC: how is "I" pronounced?
*** Arlene has joined #IsraeliCafe
AlyzaCCC: in other words, how is éðà
DaveS: Arlene!
Arlene: hi
Ruth: !
Ruth: hi arlene!
AlyzaCCC: GA Ruth
Arlene: Hi everyone
Ruth: ani
AlyzaCCC: good :-)
AlyzaCCC: ?äøåî úà ,äðéã
AlyzaCCC: who is speaking, and what is said?
AlyzaCCC: okay, who is speaking?
Ruth: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth: teacher
AlyzaCCC: right
Ruth: morah
AlyzaCCC: what does she ask?
Ruth: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Ruth
DaveS: !
Ruth: this might not be right..Dena, are you a teacher?
AlyzaCCC: exactly!
AlyzaCCC: with the are and a understood
AlyzaCCC: .äãéîìú éðà
,äøåî àì éðà :äðéã
AlyzaCCC: :äðéã
AlyzaCCC: the speaker is :äðéã
AlyzaCCC: Dena
AlyzaCCC: her first phrase is
AlyzaCCC: ,äøåî àì éðà
AlyzaCCC: what does it mean?
DaveS: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Dave
DaveS: I am not a teacher
AlyzaCCC: tov maod!
AlyzaCCC: the next phrase is
AlyzaCCC: .äãéîìú
AlyzaCCC: which means what?
DaveS: !
AlyzaCCC: ga again Dave
DaveS: I'm a student.
AlyzaCCC: how is that pronounced?
DaveS: You've been teaching me for six months.
DaveS: Don't you remember me?
AlyzaCCC: lol, Dave
DaveS: Ani talmedah
AlyzaCCC: tov :-)
AlyzaCCC: okay, the dialog continues, but the teacher is
talking to another student now
AlyzaCCC: ?äúà éî :äøåî
AlyzaCCC: what does she ask that student?
Ruth: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth: who are you (m)?
AlyzaCCC: tov, and how is it pronounced?
Ruth: mee ahtah?
AlyzaCCC: tov maod!
AlyzaCCC: (Dahn) ïã éðà :ïã
AlyzaCCC: what does that say?
Ruth: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth: Dahn: I am Dahn
Arlene: I downloaded the hebrew font a few days ago, and
now I am looking all over for it. BRB
AlyzaCCC: tov! Note: Dahn is a boys name, usually spelled Dan
in english, but not pronounce that way
AlyzaCCC: okay, Arlene :-)
AlyzaCCC: ?ãéîìú äúà
,ïã :äøåî
AlyzaCCC: who is speaking?
DaveS: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Dave
DaveS: Teacher
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: what does she say?
DaveS: Dan, are you a teacher?
AlyzaCCC: well, you have most of it right
AlyzaCCC: read it again, Dave
DaveS: Dan, are you a student?:
AlyzaCCC: right!
AlyzaCCC: .ãéîìú éðà
,ïë :ïã
AlyzaCCC: Ruth, what is Dan's reply?
AlyzaCCC: .ãéîìú éðà
,ïë :ïã
Ruth: Dan: Yes, I am a student (m)
AlyzaCCC: tov maod!
AlyzaCCC: the teacher points at a third student and says:
AlyzaCCC: ?àåä éî :äøåî
AlyzaCCC: what does that mean and how is it pronounced?
Ruth: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth: Teacher: Who is he?
AlyzaCCC: right!
Ruth: Morah: mee hoo?
AlyzaCCC: exactly!
AlyzaCCC: metzuyan!
AlyzaCCC: (Moshe) äùî àåä
:äðéãå ïã
* Ruth pokes Dave
AlyzaCCC: remember that å is a prefix
AlyzaCCC: what does å mean?
* DaveS pokes Ruth back
AlyzaCCC: and how do you say it?
Ruth: and?
AlyzaCCC: right Ruth
AlyzaCCC: how do you pronounce it?
Ruth: vih
AlyzaCCC: right!
AlyzaCCC: (Moshe) äùî àåä
:äðéãå ïã
AlyzaCCC: now, what did the sentance say?
AlyzaCCC: (Moshe) äùî àåä
:äðéãå ïã
AlyzaCCC: now, what did the sentance say?
Ruth: !
pony: shalom everyone
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth: Dan and Dena: He is Moshe
AlyzaCCC: tov, Ruth
AlyzaCCC: (Moshe) äùî àåä
:äðéãå ïã
AlyzaCCC: how do you pronounce it?
Ruth: !
Ruth: Dahn vih Dena: hoo Moshe
AlyzaCCC: tov
AlyzaCCC: well folks, that is class for today
AlyzaCCC: we will continue the dialog next time
AlyzaCCC: starting with a few sentances back
DaveS: Thanks Alyza
AlyzaCCC: you may now chat informally
Arlene: I didnt find my hebrew download, I will have to do it
again, now that I have mIRC
Ruth: Did you say keytah, class, is fem?
AlyzaCCC: BTW, there will be no class next Tuesay, and no IsraeliCafe
next wednesday
AlyzaCCC: but Dave has graciously agreed to cover the ICafe on
Monday for me
AlyzaCCC: yes, Ruth, it is feminine noun
Ruth: Does that mean that there are only females in the class,
or just that the word is fem?
AlyzaCCC: again, no ICafe Tues or Wed of next week
AlyzaCCC: no, just that the word if feminine
AlyzaCCC: all nouns are either masculine or feminine
Ruth: ooohhhhhh
Session Close: Wed Jul 16 00:41:05 1997