Session Start: Tue Aug 12 22:58:05 1997
*** Now talking in #IsraeliCafe
*** AlyzaCCC changes topic to "Hebrew 101:Lesson 4 begins"
*** Ruth1 has joined #IsraeliCafe
AlyzaCCC: Shalom Ruth
Ruth1: Shalom
Ruth1: I've had the worst time connecting.
AlyzaCCC: bummer!
AlyzaCCC: anyhow, maybe the rest of the class is also
having connect problems
AlyzaCCC: you ready for some new stuff?
Ruth1: If you are!
*** Arlene has joined #IsraeliCafe
AlyzaCCC: Shalom Arlene
Ruth1: Shalom Arlene.
AlyzaCCC: we were just about to get started
Arlene: shalom Alyza and Ruth
Arlene: I was wondering when, I really need to go to sleep
early tonight, I will stay for a little while
AlyzaCCC: BTW, since you 2 were the only ones to hand in
your homework, I am not going to go over it now. I am
hoping others will still hand it in
Arlene: alright
AlyzaCCC: æ
AlyzaCCC: Zion, pronounced like the letter 'z' as in zebra
AlyzaCCC: it is different from the vav
AlyzaCCC: å
AlyzaCCC: in that the bar on the top is longer, and extends
to the right
AlyzaCCC: can you see the difference?
Arlene: yeah, the zion looks odd though in this font
AlyzaCCC: it also goes to the left, that is, it extends to
both sides
Ruth1: yes, I made my fonts bigger
AlyzaCCC: yes, it will look odd in some of the fonts
AlyzaCCC: okay, cool'
AlyzaCCC: â
AlyzaCCC: Gimel, pronounced like the 'g' as in gallon or
AlyzaCCC: girl. It is the first letter of the word gammal,
AlyzaCCC: camel, and it evolved its shape from a piture of
a camel.
AlyzaCCC: notice that it looks a bit like a boot, with its
toe to the left
AlyzaCCC: btw, unlike the English G, this does not make 2
sounds, only one
AlyzaCCC: ñ
AlyzaCCC: Samech (prononounce sah-mech), it makes the 's'
AlyzaCCC: found in summer and sun. It looks a bit simmilar
to the
AlyzaCCC: memsofit, but the mem sofit is more square, the
AlyzaCCC: more rounded in appearance.
AlyzaCCC: íñ
AlyzaCCC: there they are next to each other, can you see
the difference?
Arlene: yes
AlyzaCCC: which one is the samech?
Ruth1: yes
Arlene: to the right
AlyzaCCC: ken
AlyzaCCC: nachon
AlyzaCCC: ô
AlyzaCCC: Pay, it is pronounced like the 'p' in potato.
Notice that it
AlyzaCCC: has a dagesh (dot) inside the letter, this
differentiates it from
AlyzaCCC: the next letter and makes it have a harder sound.
AlyzaCCC: okay, it has a dot inside of it
AlyzaCCC: just as the bet and kaf do
AlyzaCCC: it is important to remember that...the dot makes
the bet, pay, and kaf sound hard
AlyzaCCC: more on that in a bit
AlyzaCCC: ô
AlyzaCCC: Fay, is is the same letter as the pay, but
without the dagesh.
AlyzaCCC: We will learn by the word to distinguish when it
is a fay or when
AlyzaCCC: it is a pay. The fay has a softer sound than the
pay, like the
AlyzaCCC: 'f' in falafel or foot.
AlyzaCCC: this is the same letter as the pay, but w/o the
dot. When it does not have a dot, it is soft
AlyzaCCC: p is hard, f is soft sound
AlyzaCCC: okay?
Arlene: k
Ruth1: yes
AlyzaCCC: okay, review of new letters
AlyzaCCC: what is this?
AlyzaCCC: â
Arlene: gimmel
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: good
Arlene: oops didnt do !
Arlene: sorry Ruth
Ruth1: lol
* Ruth1 forgets lots
AlyzaCCC: okay, next time, okay Arlene?
AlyzaCCC: ñ
Arlene: k
AlyzaCCC: what is that?
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: Ruth, ga
Ruth1: samech
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: !
AlyzaCCC: æ
Arlene: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Arlene
Arlene: zion
AlyzaCCC: nachon!
AlyzaCCC: ô
Arlene: !
AlyzaCCC: with dagesh
AlyzaCCC: Arlene
Ruth1: !
Arlene: pay
AlyzaCCC: w/o dagesh
AlyzaCCC: Ruth
Ruth1: fay
AlyzaCCC: good
AlyzaCCC: ==================
AlyzaCCC: Vowel sounds for lesson 4
AlyzaCCC: ==================
AlyzaCCC: okay, have you 2 been to the web page?
Ruth1: yes
AlyzaCCC: Arlene?
Arlene: I was checking out different parts but didnt make
it to the hebrew lessons, although I meant to.
AlyzaCCC: okay, no problem
AlyzaCCC: this vowel, the only vowel this lesson, is made
of 3 dots on a diagonal
AlyzaCCC: like this
Arlene: ooh
AlyzaCCC: .
AlyzaCCC: .
AlyzaCCC: .
AlyzaCCC: okay, but it is too hard to do that on IRC, as it
takes up 3 spaces
AlyzaCCC: so, instead, for IRC purposes only, we use a \
AlyzaCCC: it slants in the right direction, and represents
this vowel
AlyzaCCC: These three dots on a slant are called a kubuts
AlyzaCCC: The kubuts makes the same sound as the shuruk
AlyzaCCC: (see lesson 3 for a picture of the shuruk if you
have forgotten
AlyzaCCC: what it looks like). Both are pronounced like
the oo in boot.
AlyzaCCC: This will be represented on IRC by a \ below a
AlyzaCCC: okay, lets do the new letters with the new vowel,
for practice
AlyzaCCC: æ
AlyzaCCC: \
Arlene: !
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth1: zion kubuts
AlyzaCCC: and how is it pronounced?
Ruth1: oh
Ruth1: zoo
AlyzaCCC: good, on both parts :-)
AlyzaCCC: ô (with dagesh)
AlyzaCCC: \
AlyzaCCC: how about that one
AlyzaCCC: ?
Arlene: !
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Arelene
Arlene: Not a nice word
Arlene: just kidding
AlyzaCCC: lol
Arlene: poo
AlyzaCCC: right, like winny the poo
AlyzaCCC: :-)
Arlene: better
AlyzaCCC: and the letter and vowel names are?
Arlene: umm.. patach? and kubuts
AlyzaCCC: kubuts is correct
AlyzaCCC: but the letter is a pay
AlyzaCCC: patach is a vowel that looks like _
Arlene: that's right
AlyzaCCC: :-)
AlyzaCCC: â
Arlene: pay and fay
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: but I said with dagesh, so it is pay
AlyzaCCC: â
AlyzaCCC: \
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth1: goo, gimmel and kubuts
AlyzaCCC: right, sounds like goo :-)
AlyzaCCC: correct names too
AlyzaCCC: ñ
AlyzaCCC: \
Arlene: !
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Arlene
Arlene: any law student knows the sound of that word
AlyzaCCC: lol
Ruth1: lol
Arlene: soo, somech, kubuts (sounds like sue)
Arlene: as in lawsuit
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: good
AlyzaCCC: æ
AlyzaCCC: \
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth1: zoo zion, kubuts
AlyzaCCC: right :-)
AlyzaCCC: ô
AlyzaCCC: \
AlyzaCCC: w/o dagesh
Arlene: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Arlene
Arlene: foo, fay, kubuts
AlyzaCCC: tov maod!
AlyzaCCC: well done both of you!
Arlene: ;)
Ruth1: :)
AlyzaCCC: okay, now we start new words
Arlene: goody
AlyzaCCC: _
AlyzaCCC: how would you say that?
Arlene: !
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: both of you tell me :-)
Arlene: gahm
Ruth1: gahm
AlyzaCCC: wtg!
Ruth1: lol
Arlene: we spell the same!
AlyzaCCC: but of course, the Alyza school of transliteration
Ruth1: lol
Arlene: ;)
AlyzaCCC: gam (gahm) This means also.
Arlene: as in Dan talmeed vgahm Leah
Arlene: ?
AlyzaCCC: as in äúëá íâ ãåã
AlyzaCCC: what did I say?
Arlene: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Arlene
Arlene: dovid gahm bahkeetah - David is also in the class
AlyzaCCC: right!
Ruth1: wow
AlyzaCCC: takes me a while to paste an example
AlyzaCCC: wow?
Ruth1: Arlene is good.
Arlene: aw shucks
AlyzaCCC: yep, but so are you, Ruth
Ruth1: 4blush
Arlene: alright, back to the task at hand :)
AlyzaCCC: ä'ô
AlyzaCCC: or
AlyzaCCC: .
AlyzaCCC: hard to make the vowel in the right place here,
but it is a dot on the top left of the letter, with a
DAGESH in the letter
AlyzaCCC: now that you know it has a dagesh, what does it
sound like?
Ruth1: P
AlyzaCCC: okay, the letter sounds like p, what about the
AlyzaCCC: ä`ô
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth1: poh?
AlyzaCCC: right!
AlyzaCCC: Po (poh). It means here. As in
AlyzaCCC: "ani po". äô éðà
AlyzaCCC: I am here
AlyzaCCC: If I want to say, David is not here, I say
Arlene: !
Arlene: dovid lo poh
AlyzaCCC: äô àì ãåã
AlyzaCCC: tov!
AlyzaCCC: .
Arlene: !
AlyzaCCC: Remember, there is a dagesh in this letter, as
that is the only way we know it so far
AlyzaCCC: ga Arlene
Arlene: kee, i think it means "who"
AlyzaCCC: kee is correct, but who is mee
Arlene: darn!
AlyzaCCC: The kaf has a dagesh in it. This is pronunced
AlyzaCCC: and means because.
Arlene: because?
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: VV
AlyzaCCC: remember, V is 3 dots like
AlyzaCCC: . .
AlyzaCCC: .
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth1: cheedeer
AlyzaCCC: long e?
AlyzaCCC: or eh?
Ruth1: hmmmm
Ruth1: oh
Ruth1: chehdehr?
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: Cheder (chehdehr), it means room (m.)
AlyzaCCC: _
Arlene: !
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: GA Arlene
Arlene: gimmel, patach, noon, - Gahn
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: Gan (gahn), it means garden, park (m)
AlyzaCCC: it does not, however, mean to park a car or the
verb garden
AlyzaCCC: it is a noun
AlyzaCCC: a place
AlyzaCCC: usually with trees and flowers
AlyzaCCC: okay?
Arlene: k
Ruth1: ok
AlyzaCCC: T\
Arlene: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Arlene
Arlene: took me a moment to understand what you meant but -
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: yep, that is it, sookah, or sukah
AlyzaCCC: Sukkah (Sookah) it means sukkah, booth (f.).
AlyzaCCC: The kaf has a dagesh in it.
Ruth1: ooo Like Sukkot?
AlyzaCCC: and I do not mean phone booth
AlyzaCCC: yep
Ruth1: :)
AlyzaCCC: okay, shall we review?
Arlene: sure
AlyzaCCC: nothing more new tonight
Ruth1: yes please
AlyzaCCC: I think we have enought to study
* Ruth1 nods her head.
AlyzaCCC: regah (moment)
* Arlene needs to go schlufen soon
Ruth1: schlufen?
Arlene: sleep
AlyzaCCC: okay, copied all the words to my list of vocab
AlyzaCCC: éë
AlyzaCCC: what is that, and what does it mean?
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth1: kee ; because
AlyzaCCC: right!
AlyzaCCC: øãç
Arlene: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Arlene
Arlene: chehdehr - room
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: íâ
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth1: gahm; also
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: ä`ô
Arlene: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Arlene
Arlene: poh - here
AlyzaCCC: tov maod!
AlyzaCCC: ïâ
Arlene: !
Arlene: ruth, its your turn
Ruth1: ?
AlyzaCCC: yes Ruth?
Ruth1: What is the vowel please?
AlyzaCCC: _
Arlene: Ruth wants to buy a vowel
AlyzaCCC: there you go
Ruth1: lol
Ruth1: thanks
AlyzaCCC: :-)
Ruth1: gahn;
Ruth1: oh, park
AlyzaCCC: nachon!
Arlene: or garden
AlyzaCCC: park or also what
* AlyzaCCC thinks Arlene is reading minds, lol
Ruth1: lol
AlyzaCCC: äëñ
Arlene: !
Ruth1: !
AlyzaCCC: ga Arlene
Arlene: succah not sucker
Arlene: a booth
AlyzaCCC: the second way being a NYC way of saying it?
AlyzaCCC: lol
Arlene: dont know that one
AlyzaCCC: succah is correct
AlyzaCCC: äô
* Arlene thought we did that word
AlyzaCCC: we did
Arlene: could be wrong
AlyzaCCC: but I had the vowel in it last time
Ruth1: !
Arlene: well, can I buy a vowel then?
AlyzaCCC: ga Ruth
Ruth1: poh, here
AlyzaCCC: right you are
AlyzaCCC: and for your vowel, Arlene
AlyzaCCC: ä`ô
Arlene: oh, same word, never mind
Arlene: of course, this is a review
AlyzaCCC: okay, that is it for today. Next class, on
Sunday, we will read a dialog using the new words and some
old ones
AlyzaCCC: any questions before the bell rings, so to speak?
Arlene: I should be able to make it then
* Ruth1 can't think of any.
Arlene: no
AlyzaCCC: okay, the brrrrriiiinnnnggggg
AlyzaCCC: class dismissed
Session Close: Tue Aug 12 23:59:50 1997