Session Start: Tue Sep 02 23:00:43 1997
*** Now talking in #IsraeliCafe
*** Ruth has joined #IsraeliCafe
*** AlyzaCCC changes topic to "Hebrew 101: Lesson 4
dialog 3"
AlyzaCCC: Shalom Ruth!
Ruth: Shalom
Ruth: Sorry I'm late. [...]
AlyzaCCC: we will wait a minute or two before we start
AlyzaCCC: you are not late :-) It is only 3 after 11
AlyzaCCC: so, want to get started?
Ruth: ok
AlyzaCCC: we have a dialog today. Dialog gimmel
(gimmel is the third letter of the aleph bet and has
the numeric value of, you guessed it, 3)
AlyzaCCC: .
AlyzaCCC: DIALOG (note: it is moreh here)
AlyzaCCC: ג
AlyzaCCC: .
AlyzaCCC: (no, I was not trying to say gee :-)
AlyzaCCC: hard g sound
AlyzaCCC: ?הז המ :הרומה
AlyzaCCC: please translate and pronounce
Ruth: Moreh: mah zeh
Ruth: Moreh: mah zeh?
AlyzaCCC: ken
Ruth: Teacher: What is this?
AlyzaCCC: nachon!
AlyzaCCC: .רפס הז :הנשויש
AlyzaCCC: Let me know if you need help with the name
Ruth: hmmm, I can't figure out the name.
AlyzaCCC: okay, it is shoshana
Ruth: I thought it was something shahna
Ruth: ok
AlyzaCCC: close
AlyzaCCC: .רפס הז :הנשויש
Ruth: Shoshana: This is a book; Shoshana: Zeh sehfer
AlyzaCCC: metzuyan!
AlyzaCCC: .רפס הז ,ןכ :הרומה
Ruth: hamoreh: ken, zeh sehfer; the teacher: yes, this
is a book
AlyzaCCC: tov maod!
AlyzaCCC: ?רפסה ימ לש
Ruth: shel me hasehfer; of who sehfer.
Ruth: hmmm
AlyzaCCC: ?רפסה ימ לש
Ruth: of who book.
AlyzaCCC: there is a definite article you missed,
Ruth, you said it in the transliteration
Ruth: of who the book
AlyzaCCC: right
AlyzaCCC: .ילש רפסה :הנשוש
Ruth: Is that Shoshana again?
AlyzaCCC: yes
Ruth: ok
AlyzaCCC: same shoshona as earlier in the dialog
Ruth: Shoshana: hasehfer shehlee; Shoshana: the book
is of mine
AlyzaCCC: good translation
AlyzaCCC: ?הז המ :הרומה
Ruth: hamoreh: mah zeh?
Ruth: the teacher: what is this?
AlyzaCCC: nachon
AlyzaCCC: what gender is zeh?
Ruth: m
Ruth: masc
AlyzaCCC: good
AlyzaCCC: I like to check now and then, kind of
reinforces the idea
AlyzaCCC: .ריג הז :יול
AlyzaCCC: the name is Levi
Ruth: ok
Ruth: Levi: zeh ger
Ruth: no
Ruth: Levi: zeh geer
Ruth: Levi: this is chalk
AlyzaCCC: right, and what gender is the noun chalk?
Ruth: masc
AlyzaCCC: okay, good. Something you and everyone
reading this log (after the homework is turned in)
should notice is that both zeh and geer are masculine
AlyzaCCC: the gender of the object that is being
refered to and the word refering to it match in gender
AlyzaCCC: .ריג הז .ןכ:הרומה
Ruth: hamoreh: ken, zeh geer
Ruth: the teacher (m): yes, this is chalk.
AlyzaCCC: tov maod!
AlyzaCCC: ?תאז המ
AlyzaCCC: (sorry for the square)
Ruth: mah zaht (f)
Ruth: no,
Ruth: mah zoht?
AlyzaCCC: correct!
Ruth: what is this (f)?
AlyzaCCC: metzuyan!
AlyzaCCC: .תרבחמ תאז :השמ
Ruth: moshe?
AlyzaCCC: you betcha
Ruth: :)
Ruth: Moshe: zoht mahchbeheht
Ruth: my b key sticks
Ruth: Moshe: this (f) is a notebook
AlyzaCCC: okay, almost. it is machbeReht
AlyzaCCC: that is a raish next to the tav
Ruth: ok, I see now. thanks
AlyzaCCC: no problem :-)
AlyzaCCC: the translation is coorect
AlyzaCCC: what gender is machbereht?
Ruth: fem
AlyzaCCC: so this and notebook match in gender also.
The word this must match what it is refering too
AlyzaCCC: (yes, a grammar rule)
AlyzaCCC: .תרבחמ תאז ,ןכ :הרומה
Ruth: hamoreh: ken, zoht machbereht.
Ruth: the teacher (m): yes, this (f) is a notebook (f).
AlyzaCCC: avodah tov!
AlyzaCCC: ?תרבחמה ימ לש
Ruth: shel me hamachbereht? of who is the notebook?
AlyzaCCC: metzuyan!
AlyzaCCC: .ילש אל תרבחמה :השמ
Ruth: Moshe: hamachbereht lo shehlee
Ruth: Moshe: the notebook is not of mine. (of me?)
AlyzaCCC: of me
AlyzaCCC: tov
AlyzaCCC: .הרומה לש תרבחמה
Ruth: hamachbereht shel hamoreh
Ruth: the notebook is of the teacher
AlyzaCCC: tov maod!
AlyzaCCC: ha-sof (the end)
Ruth: hmmm masculine? LOL
AlyzaCCC: lol
AlyzaCCC: next Sunday, we will practice talking a bit,
and next Tuesday, start vocab set C (I have to put it
up on the lesson 4 page)
Ruth: ok
AlyzaCCC: Brrrrinnnnngggg :-)
Session Close: Tue Sep 02 23:41:08 1997