Hebrew 101 log from June 3, 1997

I taught Ruth 2 more words, since she will be late on Sunday. I will reteach those words both on Sunday and in the next class. Also, Dave and Dawn have figured out how to make iRCL work with the Hebrew fonts...yeah!!!!

This log has been edited to make it neater in appearance and the breaks more obvious.



Alyza: Lesson 1
Alyza: Today we will be using modified protocal, as this, unlike
Alyza: the Sunday practice session, will be run more like a formal
Alyza: class. To raise your hand to ask a question, type ?
Alyza: for a comment or to answer one of my questions, type !
Alyza: When you are done, type GA for go ahead. Modified
Alyza: means you can type lol's, smilies and the like. Try to keep
Alyza: your greets to 1-1's. Thanks :-)

Alyza: FYI, next week Tuesday is Shavout at sundown, so there will be no Tuesday class next week
Alyza: but there will be Sunday class both weeks
Alyza: .
Alyza: First I want to make sure everyone can see Hebrew
Alyza: on their screen. I am pasting one of the words of the
Alyza: lesson can you see Hebrew?
Alyza: äî
Stendhal1: yep
Dawn2: Waaaahhhhoooooo!
Ruth: yes
Alyza: Dave, what do you see?

Alyza: Now, there are some other introductory issues we need to
Alyza: deal with today. I would like each of you to do one of two
Alyza: things by next class, either get the Accent working model at
Alyza: Accent products to try with the intent of buying the product
Alyza: if it suites your needs, or start keeping a list of
Alyza: all the words we have learned in class in an application
Alyza: such as write or notepad. You will most likely have to select the
Alyza: text and change the font to the webfont you are using.
Alyza: .
Alyza: I would also like to remind everyone to check out the web
Alyza: page I am keeping for this class. It is located at
Alyza: Hebrew 101 page
Alyza: I have recently updated it to include .wav files of each new word
Alyza: to aid you in pronounciation. If you have not yet looked at and
Alyza: studies lesson 1 on the web site, please do so before Sunday's
Alyza: practice session.
Alyza: .
Alyza: Any tech questions before we begin the Hebrew 101 lesson?
Alyza: And has everyone made their font size larger?
* Dawn2 has! It's huge!
* Alyza pauses
Alyza: good, Dawn, you will need it to see all the features of the letters clearly at first
Alyza: The first thing you need to know about Hebrew is that it is written
Alyza: from right to left, the opposite direction from English. We will
Alyza: now start the Hebrew lesson. You may want to increase your
Alyza: font size to 16 or 18 if you are learning to read Hebrew for the
Alyza: first time, as the larger size will allow you to see the details
Alyza: and differentiate between letters that may be somewhat similar.
Alyza: .
Alyza: Is everyone ready? If so, raise you ! hand :-)
Alyza: .
Stendhal1: !
Dawn2: o/
Ruth: lol
Alyza: well, at least Adrian is ready
Alyza: what about the rest of you?
Dawn2: oops...!
Ruth: !
* Alyza wakes up Dave
DaveS: Dave is awake.
Alyza: good :-)
Alyza: ==========================
Alyza: Letters of the Aleph-Bet for this lesson
Alyza: ==========================
Alyza: All of these letter are on the web page
Alyza: in Lesson 1.
Alyza: I recommend you look at them there as well
Alyza: à
Alyza: Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew
Alyza: Aleph-Bet. It is a silent letter getting
Alyza: the sound of the vowel under it or next to it.
Alyza: .
Alyza: does everyone but Dave see an aleph in Hebrew?
Alyza: kind of looks a bit like an N
Ruth: yes
Dawn2: à Yes:)
Alyza: Adrian?
Stendhal1: An "a" with something over it
Alyza: okay, you need to change your font
Stendhal1: To what?
Alyza: got to tools---->font
Alyza: and pick a hebrew web font, netextmo
Alyza: and increase the font size to 16
* Alyza waits
Stendhal1: I'm going to try to change the font for Adrian
Alyza: thanks, Harriet
* Dawn2 is so excited!
Alyza: please be patient, things will get smoother as classes progress
Alyza: :-)
* Ruth is nervous
* Alyza is please that half of those showing interest showed up
Dawn2: ALyza is a good rebbe, Ruth:)
Alyza: don't vory about a ting, Ruth
Stendhal1: got it!
Alyza: I will be going slow
Dawn2: LOL!
Alyza: Yeah!!!
Ruth: :)
Alyza: okay, let me repeat my last
Alyza: à
Alyza: Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew
Alyza: Aleph-Bet. It is a silent letter getting
Alyza: the sound of the vowel under it or next to it
. Stendhal1: Got it for sure
Alyza: great :-)
Alyza: .
Alyza: î
Alyza: Mem. Take a careful look at this letter, can
Alyza: you see a space at the bottom left of the letter
Alyza: and a protrusion on the top left? If not, please
Alyza: try either increasing the size of your font or
Alyza: switching to one of the monotype fonts. Globes
Alyza: is a proportional font that also works well.
Alyza: Any questions?
Alyza: .
Dawn2: no:)
DaveS: I see Hebrew mem
Ruth: ?
Alyza: Really, Dave, cool
Dawn2: prayer works:)
Alyza: GA Ruth
Ruth: how do you pronounce mem?
Alyza: Okay, mem is pronounced like the 'm' in
Alyza: map
DaveS: Lol. Prayer, and changing settings!
Alyza: that was my next paste :-)
Ruth: oops, but thanks
Alyza: :-)
Alyza: ð
Alyza: Nun (nuhn) is the next letter we are learning, but is
Alyza: not the second letter in the Aleph-Bet.
Alyza: It is pronounced like the 'n' in north and is the
Alyza: letter that follows mem in the Aleph-Bet
Alyza: the letter's name is NOT the name of a Roman Catholic sister
Alyza: more like nuhn in sound
Alyza: .
Alyza: ú
Alyza: Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet
Alyza: it can be seen either with or without a dot inside
Alyza: (it appears both ways on the web page). The
Alyza: dot is called a dagesh, and with some letters it can
Alyza: change the sound, but not with tav, tav is always
Alyza: pronounce like the 't' in telephone.
Alyza: (and Tav is also Adrian's brother's name :-)
Alyza: .
Stendhal1: lol
Alyza: ä
Alyza: Hey is the 5th letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet
Alyza: and it is pronounced like the 'h' in hat. Notice
Alyza: that there is a gap on the top left where the upright
Alyza: meets the horizontal portion. This will be important
Alyza: when we learn the letter chet at a future date.
Alyza: .
Alyza: that is the last letter for today
Alyza: .
Alyza: Exercise:
Stendhal1: ?
Alyza: GA Adrian
Stendhal1: Please a short review, or will we do that.
Alyza: that is what the exercies is for, Adrain :-)
Stendhal1: Thanks
Alyza: What is the name of each letter and what sound does it make?
Alyza: remember to raise your hand to answer
Alyza: .
Alyza: ä
Dawn2: !
Alyza: GA Dawn
Dawn2: Hey...h
Alyza: right, very good
Alyza: à
* Alyza waits
Dawn2: !
DaveS: !
Alyza: GA Dave
DaveS: Aleph. Sounds like: aleph
Alyza: close, the name is right
DaveS: Ahhh, ahh liff
Alyza: what does it sound like, Dawn
Alyza: oh, I mean, what sound does the letter make, Dave
Dawn2: no sound...gets the sound of vowel under it or next to it
Alyza: right, thanks, Dawn
* Dawn2 doesn't understand the Under It part
Alyza: okay, picture the letter N (english) and you want to spell no,
but you put the o under the N
Alyza: does that help?
Alyza: oh, I know
Alyza: ú
Alyza: _
Alyza: under
Alyza: ú
Alyza: -
Alyza: ú
Alyza: .
Alyza: but a bit closer
Alyza: does that help?
Dawn2: OH
Alyza: okay, let me try english
Alyza: N
Alyza: o
Alyza: that says no
DaveS: Lol
Dawn2: Oh...just if the text is written vertically right?
Alyza: In Hebrew, the vowels are dashes dots and the like
DaveS: So Dawn's name would be:
DaveS: D W N
DaveS: A
Alyza: right
Alyza: but you will see more in a moment
Alyza: when I give you the vowels
Dawn2: k:)
Alyza: ú
Alyza: What is that letter?
Ruth: !
Alyza: and what sound does it make
Alyza: GA Ruth
Ruth: Tav, t
Alyza: very good
Alyza: and ð
Dawn2: !
* Alyza waits a bit longer, for all students to think
Ruth: !
Alyza: GA Ruth
Ruth: Nun, n
Alyza: right!
Alyza: ä
Alyza: (we had this one already)
Stendhal1: !
Alyza: GA Adrian
Stendhal1: Hey...h
Alyza: correct!
Alyza: î
Dawn2: !
Ruth: !
Alyza: GA Dawn
Dawn2: Mem...m
Alyza: right :-)
Alyza: ú
Ruth: !
Stendhal1: !
Dawn2: !
Alyza: GA Adrian
Stendhal1: Tav t
Alyza: (By the way, this letter has a toe that kicks the next letter)
Alyza: Very good
Alyza: à
Dawn2: !
Stendhal1: !
Ruth: !
Alyza: GA Ruth
Ruth: Aleph, silent?
Alyza: right, Ruth
Alyza: okay, lets go to the vowels for this lesson (BTW, some lessons last more than 1 week)
Alyza: ==================
Alyza: Vowel sounds for lesson 1
Alyza: ==================
Alyza: .
Alyza: In modern Israeli news papers, and even in the Torah
Alyza: scroll, you will not see vowels. Torah books, however
Alyza: always contain vowels. The vowels in Hebrew are
Alyza: indicated mostly by dots and dashes underneath the letters,
Alyza: though the o and oo sounds are exceptions to this rule,
Alyza: as you will learn later.
Alyza: .
Alyza: It is important that you see the vowels on the web page
Alyza: as IRC does not support them, so I will have to represent
Alyza: them with other symbols.
Alyza: .
Alyza: Patach looks very much like an underscore, _
Alyza: it is pronounce like the ah in father.
Alyza: I will use the underscore to represent it on IRC
Alyza: pAHtach makes AH sound
Alyza: .
Alyza: Kamatz looks a bit like a captal T in a font
Alyza: without serifs. It is also pronounced like the
Alyza: ah in father.
Alyza: kAmatz makes Ah sound
Alyza: .
Alyza: To remember the names, remember that Patach
Alyza: is parallel to the lines on a page. Kamatz is that
Alyza: other ah sounding vowel.
Alyza: patach, parallel
Alyza: okay so far?
Dawn2: Ken!
Alyza: :-)
Stendhal1: !
Alyza: Yes, Adrian
Alyza: ?
Ruth: !
Alyza: got a comment?
Stendhal1: No, I'm just ok so far
Alyza: okay
Alyza: Ruth, you raising hand to say comment or you are okay?
Ruth: I'm keeping up, so far.
Alyza: .
Alyza: The vowel shva looks like a colon : though again,
Alyza: it goes under the word. At the end of a syllable,
Alyza: it is completely silent and acts as stop. If it is at
Alyza: the beginning of a syllable, it is pronounced like
Alyza: a very short ih sound as in sit (but shorter)
Alyza: .
Alyza: The Patach can be shortened in length by
Alyza: placing a sheva in front of it (from right
Alyza: to left) _: See the web page to see how this
Alyza: really looks. This is an ah of short, clipped
Alyza: duration.
Alyza: .
Alyza: The last vowel sound we will learn today is
Alyza: the Hiriq The Hiriq appears as a single dot
Alyza: under a letter and will be represented by a period .
Alyza: It is pronounced like the 'e' in he You may also
Alyza: see it followed by a yud (we will learn more about
Alyza: that latter, for now, it will only be used with a hiriq
Alyza: for the 'e' sound)
Alyza: é.
* Alyza waits for mass reading, raise your hand ! when done
Dawn2: !
Ruth: !
Stendhal1: !
* Alyza waits for Dave
Alyza: okay
DaveS: !
Alyza: thanks
Alyza: Exercise:
Alyza: How would you pronounce the following?
Alyza: I will do an example first
Alyza: Example (doogma in Hebrew):
Alyza: î
Alyza: .
Alyza: that is me
Alyza: another
Alyza: î
Alyza: oops
Alyza: éî
Alyza: .
Alyza: me
Alyza: so you say the consonent sound and then the sound of the vowel under it
Alyza: Exercise
Alyza: à
Alyza: _
DaveS: !
Alyza: GA Dave
DaveS: Ah
Alyza: very good!
DaveS: Ah ha!
Dawn2: hehehe
Alyza: î
Alyza: T
Stendhal1: !
Dawn2: !
Alyza: GA Adrian
Stendhal1: ah
Alyza: okay, you have the vowel right, what is the consonent above it?
Stendhal1: mem, so mahm
Stendhal1: ?
Alyza: right!
Alyza: GA Adrian
Alyza: actually mah
Stendhal1: I just wasn't sure of my answer
Alyza: okay
Alyza: there is no m sound at the end, mahm would be
Alyza: T
Alyza: okay?
Stendhal1: gotcha
Alyza: okay
Alyza: ð
Alyza: .
Dawn2: !
Alyza: GA Dawn
Ruth: !
Dawn2: ne?
Alyza: right nee (long ee sound)
Alyza: we are the knights who say nee!
Ruth: lol
Dawn2: hehehe nenenene
Alyza: ú
Alyza: _
Ruth: !
Dawn2: !
DaveS: !
Stendhal1: !
Alyza: GA Ruth
Alyza: :-)
Ruth: tah
* Alyza likes it when all hands go up :-)
Alyza: right!
Alyza: .
DaveS: !
Dawn2: !
Stendhal1: !
Alyza: GA Dave
DaveS: He
Alyza: right!
Dawn2: ?
Alyza: GA Dawn
Dawn2: first is h...then the e below...why another e?
Alyza: only 1 hiriq (period looking thing) then the yud é just makes it a bit stronger
Dawn2: ohhh! thanks!
Alyza: no problem :-)
Alyza: ä
Alyza: T
Stendhal1: !
Dawn2: !
Ruth: !
Alyza: GA Adrian
Stendhal1: hah
Alyza: right! or ha (if you want to spell it that way)
Alyza: okay, now we have some vowels and letter to play with, let's learn some words!!
Stendhal1: a passive chuckle
Alyza: ========
Alyza: Vocabulary
Alyza: =======
Alyza: we are going to learn 6 words today
Alyza: first, I will write them with vowels
Alyza: then ask you to read them
Alyza: then I will tell you what they mean
Alyza: .
Alyza: .
Ruth: !
Alyza: GA Ruth
Ruth: me
Alyza: Right!
Alyza: okay that word éî means "who"
Alyza: éî (me) ---> who
Dawn2: !
Alyza: GA Dawn
Dawn2: A...your . dividers are being interpreted as Hiriqs:)
Alyza: sorry
Dawn2: 's ok Teach:)
Alyza: how bout I use a # for a divider instead?
Dawn2: cool:)
Alyza: okay
Alyza: T_
DaveS: !\
Alyza: Comment Dave, or answer?
DaveS: Sorry. Just trying to get on screen before Ruth.
Alyza: lol
Ruth: !
DaveS: Want an answer?
Alyza: GA Dave
Alyza: how does it sound?
DaveS: Ahhh tahhh
Alyza: right, or more simply ah tah
Alyza: we transliterate this as ata or atah
Alyza: it means you masculine
DaveS: Thanks you, feminine
Alyza: it is used when talking tot a male
* Dawn2 leaves out the back door...see you guys soon:)
*** Dawn2 has left #BetSefer
Alyza: aw
Alyza: well, I will send it to her
DaveS: Take care Dawn! See you soon!!
Alyza: it means the word "you"
Alyza: and is the masculine tense
Alyza: úà
Alyza: :_
Stendhal1: !
Alyza: (note: Dawn has a shift to work)
Alyza: GA Adrian
Stendhal1: tah
Alyza: close, go from right to left
Alyza: <----------
Stendhal1: not sure
Stendhal1: tih
Alyza: what is the first letter, Adrian?
Stendhal1: tav
Alyza: on the right
Stendhal1: aleph
Stendhal1: isn't that silent
Alyza: right, that is the first letter in the word
Alyza: right
Alyza: Alyza: úà
Alyza: Alyza: :_
Alyza: now, the vowel under it is what sound?
Stendhal1: ih and ah
Alyza: the first one only
Stendhal1: ah
Alyza: one vowel per letter
Alyza: okay
Alyza: so aleph + ah = ah
Alyza: next letter is what?
Stendhal1: tav
Alyza: good
Stendhal1: so that would be tih
Stendhal1: ahtih
Alyza: and the vowel does what at the end of a syllabal
Alyza: getting closer
Alyza: ah from first letter and vowel
Stendhal1: I'm not sure what a vowel does at the end.
Alyza: the shva : (reminder) is a ih sound if at the beginning of word or following another shva
Stendhal1: Ohh
Alyza: here, it is not at the beginning of the word, nor does it follow another shva, so it is silent
Alyza: okay?
Alyza: Alyza: úà
Alyza: Alyza: :_
Alyza: aht
Alyza: does that make sense to everyone, if not raise your ?
Stendhal1: !
Alyza: GA Adrian
Stendhal1: No, I get it thankyou
Alyza: okay
Alyza: úà aht (or at sometimes in transliteration) means "you" feminine
Alyza: both úà and äúà are singular, they refer to one person
Alyza: #
Alyza: the next word is a bit hard to put on IRC, but bear with me, it need to be explained
Alyza: it is one word, but to get the _: vowel right, there will be a space in it
Alyza: I will paste it correctly without the vowels afterwards
Alyza: éð à
Alyza: ._:
Alyza: éðà
Alyza: what sound does a _: make?
Ruth: !
Alyza: (remember go from right to left when reading <-------)
Alyza: GA Ruth
Ruth: ah
Alyza: right
Alyza: okay, what is the first letter of the word?
Alyza: éðà
DaveS: !
Alyza: what is the first consonent
Alyza: GA Dave
DaveS: Ah
Ruth: !
Alyza: and the name of the consonent is what?
Alyza: GA Ruth
Ruth: Aleph
DaveS: The ah-ifier
Alyza: right, and aleph makes what sound with an _: under it
DaveS: Patach
Alyza: éð à
Alyza: ._:
Alyza: éð à
Alyza: ._:
Alyza: okay, let me break this appart
Alyza: apart
Alyza: à
Alyza: _:
Alyza: what sound does that make?
Stendhal1: !
Alyza: together
Ruth: !
Alyza: GA Adrian
Stendhal1: ah
Alyza: good
Alyza: now the next half of the word
Alyza: éð
Alyza: .
Alyza: what sound does that make?
Stendhal1: !
Ruth: !
Alyza: GA Ruth
Ruth: nee?
Alyza: right
Alyza: put the two together
Stendhal1: !
Alyza: GA Adrian
Stendhal1: ahnee
Alyza: right!!
Alyza: metzuyan (excellent)
Alyza: éð à
Alyza: ._:
Alyza: is ahnee
Alyza: and will be written
Alyza: éðà
Alyza: without the gap
Alyza: okay
Alyza: a couple of questions
Alyza: I can ask you ?úà éî
Alyza: me aht
DaveS: !
Alyza: GA Dave, what does it mean?
DaveS: Sorry. Slip of three fingers.
Alyza: me = who
Alyza: aht = you feminine
Alyza: so I would be asking a female (Ruth) who are you?
Alyza: that are is understood
Alyza: there is no present tense of the verb "to be" in Hebrew
Alyza: the proper reply would be (from right to left) Ruth éðà
Alyza: for men, I would ask instead ?äúà éî
Alyza: we just talked about éî
Alyza: how do you say it and what does it mean?
Alyza: Quick check, hello?

Session Start: Wed Jun 04 00:21:13 1997
*** Ruth has joined #BetSefer
Ruth: Hi
Alyza: WB Ruth
Alyza: yuck
Alyza: I have to teach everyone how to connect through chat2, in case of a bump
Ruth: I tried, but couldn't make it work either
Alyza: hmm
Ruth: yes
Alyza: hmmm, it worked for ma
Alyza: me
Alyza: I hope the rest of the class comes back
Ruth: yep!
Alyza: if not, we will have to continue with the vocab on Sunday, cause we can't practice without words
Ruth: Ok, I will be late on Sunday.
Alyza: okay
*** Stendhal1 has joined #BetSefer
Alyza: WB Adrian!! Alyza: only one more missing student Stendhal1: Adrian gave up and went to bed. This is Harriet
Stendhal1: Hi
Ruth: HI Harriet
Stendhal1: HI Ruth
Alyza: oh, logging for Adrian or learning too?
Alyza: Hello Harriet
Alyza: the last thing I started was
Stendhal1: I'm going to have Adrian teach me what you guys have learned. It will be good practice for him
Alyza: agreed!
Ruth: good idea
Alyza: ?úà éî
Alyza: that was what we did before the boot
Alyza: do you remember what it means Ruth?
Stendhal1: !
Alyza: (I will send the log to Dave and Dawn, and those who asked for it)
Ruth: the only thing i could think of was who me?
Ruth: no
Ruth: who you?
Alyza: Ruth me is the first word, and it means who
Alyza: right
Alyza: now, there is an implied verb
Alyza: Harriet, do you know what is implied?
Stendhal1: necessary but not written
Stendhal1: ?
Alyza: right, necessary but not written
Alyza: (necessary in English at any rate :-)
Alyza: GA Harriet
Stendhal1: Who are you?
Alyza: right
Alyza: and the you here is feminine
Alyza: there is no present tense of the verb "to be" in Hebrew
Stendhal1: ?
Alyza: If I asked that of Ruth the proper reply would be (from right to left) Ruth éðà
Alyza: GA Harriet
Alyza: <-------
Alyza: Ruth éðà
Stendhal1: Are other tenses of the verb to be, written?
Alyza: yes, they are, future and past
Ruth: !
Alyza: but we will not learn about that at this time
Alyza: GA Ruth
Ruth: I Ruth
Ruth: ?
Alyza: right, what is the implied verb?
Ruth: I am Ruth
Alyza: good!
Stendhal1: ?
Alyza: GA Harriet
Stendhal1: which part of that conststruction is "I"?
Alyza: éðà = I
Alyza: ahnee
Alyza: usually transliterated ani
Alyza: for men, I would ask instead ?äúà éî
Alyza: what is the first word, how do you say it and what does it mean? Remember, right to left
Stendhal1: !
Alyza: GA Harriet
Stendhal1: Who?
Alyza: right
Alyza: how is it said?
Alyza: éî
Alyza: .
Alyza: there it is with the vowel
Ruth: !
Alyza: GA Ruth
Ruth: me
Alyza: right
Alyza: okay the second word was äúà
Alyza: äúà
Alyza: T_
Stendhal1: !
Alyza: how is it pronounced and what does it mean?
Alyza: GA Harriet
Stendhal1: I have no clue about how it is pronounced. She passes to Ruth
Alyza: okay, do you know what it means, Harriet?
Ruth: ahtah?
Alyza: right Ruth
Alyza: aleph patach = ah
Stendhal1: you?
Alyza: tav kamatz = ta add the hey and you get tah
Alyza: right
Alyza: masculine
Alyza: ?äúà éî
Alyza: Dave would reply
Alyza: Dave éðà
Alyza: the whole question means what? (you told me the parts already)
Session Close: Wed Jun 04 00:38:51 1997

Session Start: Wed Jun 04 00:39:07 1997
*** Ruth has joined #BetSefer
Ruth: back
Alyza: oy
Alyza: lets wait a moment for Harriet
Ruth: ok
Alyza: if she does not return, I will finish my thought and we will break for the night
Alyza: or, since you will be late on Sunday, maybe I will teach you the other 2 words
Ruth: I couldn't make that Accent website open from the pointer you gave...
Ruth: ok
Alyza: (yes, only 2 more words, we build slowly
Alyza: hmmm...
Alyza: maybe it is down?
Ruth: I don't know. I will try again later.
Alyza: if not, I will check it again and give it out again on Sunday
Ruth: Ok, thanks
Alyza: let me know by e-mail, okay?
Ruth: ok
Alyza: thanks
Ruth: I wish I didn't have to sleep tonight, so I wouldn't forget all this!~
Alyza: lol
Alyza: Study between now and Sunday, and visit the web site too, I pronounce the words there
Ruth: I sure will.
Alyza: in my American accented Hebrew
Alyza: ?äúà éî
Alyza: what does that mean? We had the peices before the bump
Ruth: Who you? who are you? mas.
Alyza: right!
Alyza: Dave, if he were still here, would answer
Alyza: Dave éðà
Alyza: <-------
Alyza: from right to left
Alyza: what does it mean
Alyza: ?
Ruth: I or I am?
Alyza: I am Dave, good
Alyza: now
Alyza: let me ask you
Alyza: and you reply by copying the correct words
Alyza: here are the words we have so far
Alyza: éî
Alyza: éðà
Alyza: äúà
Alyza: úà
Alyza: ?éðà éî
Alyza: what does that mean?
Alyza: ?éðà éî
Alyza: what does that mean?
Alyza: (in case you thought I meant the whole list)
Ruth: yes, I did!
Ruth: lol
Alyza: :-)
Ruth: Who I? Who am I?
Alyza: right
Ruth: kewl!
Alyza: since I am asking it, you answer: you (f)[are] Alyza
Alyza: you need to find 1 Hebrew word
Ruth: I don't understand what you want me to do.
Alyza: copy the Hebrew word that means you feminine
Alyza: paste it
Ruth: OH!
Alyza: then type Alyza to the left of it
Ruth: Alyza úà
Alyza: Yeah!!!!
Alyza: metzuyan!!! (excellent)
Alyza: okay, let's try another
Alyza: éî
Alyza: éðà
Alyza: äúà
Alyza: úà
Alyza: ?úà éî
Alyza: I am asking you now. what am I asking you?
Ruth: Who are you?
Alyza: right
Alyza: how is it pronounced?
Ruth: me aht
Alyza: great
Alyza: !
Alyza: what is your reply?
Alyza: (1 hebrew word and 1 in English)
Ruth: ok
Alyza: (eventually, I will teach you Ruth in Hebrew)
Ruth: Ruth anee?
Ruth: or Ruth éðà
Ruth: I'm not sure
Alyza: second one
Ruth: ok
Alyza: since it is in hebrew, good pronounciation on the first one, though :-)
Alyza: today you learned 3 words!!!!
Alyza: 2 more to go
Alyza: in lesson 1
Alyza: then the practice will be cool on Sunday
Alyza: àîà
Ruth: wow, I've been really nervous about this
Alyza: T.
Alyza: àîà
Alyza: T.
Alyza: and now?
Alyza: how do you feel now?
Ruth: better!
Alyza: good!
Alyza: me too
Alyza: :-)
Alyza: àîà
Alyza: T.
Alyza: can you sound that out?
Ruth: emah?
Alyza: right!!!
Alyza: eee mah
Alyza: it means mom
Alyza: Ruth, are you a mom?
Ruth: yes
Alyza: okay, then say, "I [am] [a] mom" in Hebrew. The words in [ ] are implied, there is no "a" in Hebrew
Alyza: éðà
Alyza: äúà
Alyza: úà
Alyza: àîà
Ruth: àîà éðà
Alyza: WTG!!!!
Alyza: wooopppp!
Ruth: I had it backwards and had to change it.
Alyza: understood
Alyza: one more word, okay?
Ruth: ok
Alyza: (I will do this again on Sunday, for those not here, but since you are comming late Sunday...)
Alyza: äî
Alyza: _
Alyza: sometimes this is spelled
Alyza: äî
Alyza: T
Alyza: instead
Alyza: but the sound is the same, as are the letters
Alyza: how is it said?
Ruth: mah?
Alyza: right :-)
Alyza: it means "what?"
Alyza: you could say ?úà äî
Ruth: ok
Ruth: I wrote it down.
Alyza: what are you?
Alyza: okay :-)
Alyza: and, with the vocabulary we know so far, you could say I am a mom
Alyza: which is said how?
Ruth: ani eema?
Alyza: right, how about using the Hebrew words
Alyza: here, let me paste the vocab
Alyza: éî
Alyza: éðà
Alyza: äúà
Alyza: úà
Alyza: àîà
Alyza: äî
Alyza: now it is there for easy copying
Ruth: àîà éðà
Alyza: nachon (Correct)!!!
Alyza: that is it for tonight, we will practice questions and answers and pronouciation on Sunday
Ruth: WOW! this is fun!
Alyza: cool!
Alyza: Glad you like it so far
Ruth: Is there punctuation? like ? and .?
Alyza: yes, ? is ?
Ruth: ok
Alyza: the period is often a small diamond
Alyza: ! is used
Ruth: ok
Alyza: in the Tanach, a colon looking thing is used to end a verse
Ruth: I'll try to remember.
Alyza: more like 2 diamond shaped dots then round ones though
Alyza: okay, study :-)
Ruth: I really appreciate all this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ruth: I really do.
Ruth: Thanks for being so patient.
Alyza: I think it is cool that there is so much interest
Alyza: I have a good class
Alyza: thank you
Ruth: Wow..time went fast too!
Alyza: 2 hours
Alyza: sunday we have from 8:30 to 10 only, as the quiz starts at 10
Alyza: shalom Ruth and goodnight :-)
Ruth: yes, and if we have thunderstorms I am a no show, otherwise I will be here about 8 central.
Ruth: Thanks again!
Ruth: bye
Alyza: okay :-)
Session Close: Wed Jun 04 01:06:24 1997

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