The first thing you need to know is that Hebrew is written and read from right to left that
is in the direction of the arrow below this line
à Aleph, a silent letter getting the sound of the vowel under it
or next to it.
ð Nun, pronounced like the 'n' in north.
î Mem, pronounced like the 'm' in map.
ú Tav, pronounced like the 't' in tent.
ä Hey, pronounced like the 'h' in hat, except at the end of a
word, where it is silent.
Patach, pronounced ah, as in father. This will be
represented on IRC by an underscore _
Kamatz, pronounced ah, as in father. This will
be represented on IRC by T
pronounced as a shortened ah. This will be
represented on IRC by _:
Hiriq, pronounced as the 'e' in he. This will be
represented on IRC by a .
Hiriq followed by a yud, pronounced a the 'e' in he.
This will be represented on IRC by a é.
Shva, silent stop at end of a syllable, short ih at the
start of a syllable. This will be represented on IRC by a :