Hebrew 101: Lesson 2
The new letters required for this lesson are:
or for clarity
ל Lamed, pronounced like the 'l' in lamp.
ש Shin, pronounced like the 'sh' in ship.
or for clarity
ר Reish, pronounced like the 'r' in road.
or for clarity
ד Delet, pronounced like the 'd' in door.
ם Mem sofit (final mem, sof means end),
pronounced like the 'm' in mat, it appears only at the end of a word.
The vowels required for this lesson are:
Segol, pronounced eh, as in get. This will be
represented on IRC by a the letter vee v
or for clarity
Holam (the h here is pronounced like the ch in loch), pronounced o, as in oatmeal or boat.
This will be represented on IRC by the lowercase letter i
Holam haser (cholam chaser), this dot appears above
the left side of a letter. Is is pronounced the same way a holam is pronounced.
This will be represented on IRC by an accent mark `
Vocabulary for this lesson:
םולש Shalom --
means peace in mind, in body, and lack of war.
Used as a greeting. It is voweled shin-kamatz(T)-lamed-holam(i)-mem sofit.
דימלת Pronounced
tahl-meed and transliterated talmid, it
means student (m.) It is voweled tav-patach(_)-lamed-shva(:)-mem-hiriq(.)-yud-dalet.
הדימלת Prounounced
tahl-meed-ah and transliterated talmidah,
it mean student (f.) It is voweled tav-patach(_)-lamed-shva(:)-mem-hiriq(.)-yud-dalet-kamatz(T)-hey
שיא Prounounce
eesh and transliterated ish, it mean man. It is
voweled aleph-hiriq(.)-yud-shin
השא Pronounced
eesh-ah and transliterated isha, it means woman.
It is voweled aleph-hiriq(.)shin-kamatz(T)-hey
הרומ Voweled mem-holam(i)-reish-segol(v)-hey, and pronounce
it mean teacher (m.)
הרומ Voweled mem-holam(i)-reish-kamatz(T)-hey, and pronounce
it means teacher (f.)
אל Voweled lamed-holam haser(`)-aleph Pronounced
lo, it mean no
...ה Pronounce ha-
and voweled with either a
patach (_) or kamatz (T). It means 'the' (a prefix to a word, it cannot stand on its own).
לש Voweled with a segol (v) under the shin, it is pronounced
and means of
איה Voweled with a hiriq (.) under the hey, it is pronounced
and means she
ילש Voweled with a segol (v) under the shin and a hiriq (.) under the lamed, it is
shel-li, is transliterated sheli and means of me. It is
used where we would use me or mine in English
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