Hebrew 101: Lesson 3
The new letters required for this lesson are:
ב Bet, pronounced like the 'b' in bat. Notice the dagesh, or dot, inside the letter.
כ Kaf, pronounced like the 'k' in kid.
ן Nun Sofit or final nun, pronounced like the 'n' in name.
Notice how long it is. It extends below the line on a peice of paper. The arrow pointing at the
nun sofit shows about where the line on the paper would be.
ח chet or khet, pronounced like ch
in loch.
ו Vav,
pronounced like the 'v' in vat. Notice that the vowel holam
we learned last lesson (represented
by an i) is really a vav with a dot above it
the affect of the dot is to turn this letter into
a vowel.
The vowels required for this lesson are:
Shva. We have seen this one
before, but I want to remind you that at the beginning of a syllable it is pronounced like
a short, brief ih sound. This will be represented on IRC by a :
Tsereh, pronounced eh, get.
This will be represented on IRC by .. (though this means I will have to put a space after
the letter it is under, sorry, there is no good solution for represeting the Tsereh on IRC)
Shuruk, is pronounced like the oo in boot.
It is a vav with a dot to the middle left. This will be
represented on IRC by a lower case 'L' with a period to the left .l
Vocabulary for this lesson:
ןכ Pronounced
kehn and transliterated as ken, it means yes, or it is so.
Yes, it has a dagesh (dot) in the kahf and is voweled kahf-tsereh-nun sofit.
אוה Pronounced hoo
and transliterated hoo, it
means he or it (m). It is voweled hey-shuruk-aleph.
ונחנא Prounounced
ah-nach-noo and transliterated anachnu,
it mean we. It is voweled aleph-hataph-patach-nun-patach-chet-shva-nun-shuruk
םתא Prounounce
ah-tehm and transliterated atem,
it mean you plural masculine, or in the south,
you all (m). It is voweled aleph-patach-tav (with dagesh)-segol-mem sofit
ןתא Pronounced
ah-tehn and transliterated aten, it means
you (f, pl) or in the south, you all (f). It is voweled aleph-patach-tav (with dagesh)-segol-nun sofit
םה It means they (m.), it is voweled hey-tsereh-mem sofit. It is pronounced
ןה They (f.), it is voweled hey-tsereh-nun sofit, and pronounce
...ו It means 'and' -- this prefix is usually voweled with a shva and is Pronounced vih,
(short, breif i sound similar to i in him, but of shorter duration).
...ב Pronounce bih
and voweled with a shva.
It means 'in [a]', or 'with [a]' (a prefix to a word, it cannot stand on its own). There is a dagesh inside the letter,
which is a bet (see letters above). This prefix, with a patach under it instead of the shva
is pronounced bah (like bah bah black sheep...) and means 'in the' or 'with the'. In this lesson, it will
always mean 'in [a]' or 'in the', depending on how it is voweled.
התכ Voweled kaf-hiriq-tav-kamatz-hey, it is pronounced
and means class. There is a dagesh in the kaf.
םידימלת (from the singular דימלת), is voweled
tav-patach-kamed-sheva-meme-hiriq-yud-dalet-hiriq-yud-mem sofit. The tav contains a dagesh.
It is pronounced
tahl-meed-eem, is transliterated talmidim
and means students (m). It is used both for a group of all male students, and a group of mixed
male and female students
תודימלת (from the singular הדימלת) Students (f.) it contains a dagesh in the first tav and
is voweled tav-patach-lamed-sheva-mem-hiriq-yud-dalet-holam-tav (w/o dagesh) and is
tahl-mee-dot, is transliterated talmidot. It is
used for a group of all female students.
ןב Son, there is a dagesh in the first letter, making it a bet.
Voweled bet-tsereh-nun sofit, it is
pronounced behn,
is transliterated ben.
תב Daughter, there is a dagesh in the first letter making it a bet.
It is voweled bet-patach-nun sofit and is pronounced
baht, is transliterated bat.
אבא Dad, there is a dagesh in the second letter making it a bet.
It is voweled aleph-patach-bet-kamatz-aleph and is pronounced
ah-bah, is transliterated abba.
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