Me & Adrianna

This is a page full of pictures of me and my cousin, Adrianna. We were born 2 days apart. We love to play together. You will be able to see pictures of us together on this page as we grow and play together. To see a larger view of the picture just click on it. Adrianna has her own page too so when you get done looking at my page go see her's by clicking here.

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This is the first time we met. We were only a couple weeks old. We stared at each other for a long time.
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This picture was taken on Father's Day, 1998. We laughed at each other and were very curious.
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Here is another picture taken Father's Day. We were holding hands.
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This was taken at our family reunion in September, 1998.
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Halloween 1998. I am a pumpkin. Adrianna is a Hershey's Kiss.
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Adrianna is giving me a little loving here. This picture and the next one were taken at Adrianna's birthday party on February 21, 1999.
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Here we are making a little music. I'm playing the Winnie-the-Pooh piano and Adrianna is singing a song.
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This was taken at Adrianna's 2nd birthday party on February 19, 2000. We had just gotten done opening birthday presents on Adrianna's bed.
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This was taken at my 2nd birthday party on February 20,2000. Can you tell we love each other?
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Here we are playing with my birthday present, a kitchen set.
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This one was taken on March 19, 2000.

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My Sister Sarah's Page