~This page is of our last camping trip to Canada. I love the outdoors and camping, so there will definitely be more pictures added. :)

(---- This is our camping spot. We picked the perfect spot, there was a waterfall just feet away from us, it was so pretty, and secluded too.
~This picture shows how secluded we were, here is Chris and Jer holding a restricted area sign. So, of course that is where we went to camp. (: ----)

(---- Here is me and Tatum looking down the waterfall to see how big it was.
~This one is of me and Tatum trying to walk across a part of the waterfall, and Chris is such a big help standing there laughing at us. We fell in more than once! lol ----)

(---- Here is the actual waterfall.
~Here's me and Tatum actually standing behind the waterfall, don't ask how we got there, I'm still not sure how we came back out! ----)

~Click on these links for more pictures:FRIENDS, Family, Trip to London