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Macromedia Shockwave Icon Go to the Potters' Tale First movie in the Shockwave Adventure
Macromedia Shockwave Icon Go to The Circle of Vermier -> The main page of the Potters' Tale Shockwave adventure
Macromedia Shockwave Icon The Third page of the Potters' Tale Shockwave adventure
Macromedia Shockwave Icon The Credits page of the Potters' Tale Shockwave adventure
Macromedia Shockwave Icon Go to Fire, Earth, Air and Water -> The Fourth page of the Potters' Tale Shockwave adventure
Macromedia Shockwave Icon The Garden of Eden page of the Potters' Tale Shockwave adventure
Macromedia Shockwave Icon Go to The Greek Vase -> The Dancing Greek Vase page of the Potters' Tale Shockwave adventure
Macromedia Shockwave Icon Go to The Prodical Son -> The Story of the Prodical Son page of the Potters' Tale Shockwave adventure

Russell Andavall
c/o West Coast Macaroni Factory
#4 1250 57th Ave
Oakland, Ca 94521
United States

This is a Shockwave Animation

Click the mouse over the window to advance the animation

The Prodical Son Returns

      The Prodical Son Returns is part of The Potters' Adventure, a Shockwave interactive multimedia project. This is an experimental project involving multimedia and the web. I originally produced this piece as a Director Projector to be delivered on a Zip drive or CD. I converted the movies to a smaller size using 16 colors. In addition, I removed several large quicktime movies and degraded the sound files. Still, these files run up to 980k and take 15 minutes to download with a 33.6 modem..... so go make some coffee. Also, I am having some problems with understanding Shockwave. and have modified my movies into HTML pages inorder to speed things up. This has limited the functionality of the original piece. This is an experimental piece....bug fixes are in the works....

Russell Andavall
The FireGod

You are the traveler to these lands