Ten Books on Sociology of Religion:

My Notes

The following includes notes

on ten main books in the field of sociology of religion.

These notes are not complete summaries

but highlights of the material covered.



1. The Heretical Imperative by Peter Berger

2. The Sacred Canopy by Peter Berger

3. The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life by Emile Durkheim

4. Theology and Sociology: A Reader by Robin Gill

5. Religion as Social Vision by Mark Juergensmeyer

6. The Future of Religion: Secularization, Revival and Cult Formation by Stark and Bainbridge

7. Sociology of Religion by Georg Simmel

8. A Sociable God by Ken Wilber

9. Religion in Sociological Perspective by Bryan Wilson

10. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism ( includes a section on Weber's

Sociology of Religion) by Max Weber



Texts: The Heretical Imperative and

The Sacred Canopy by Peter Berger

Main Points:




Text: The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life by Emile Durkheim

Main Points:



Text: Theology and Sociology: A Reader by Robin Gill

Main Points:


Text: Religion as Social Vision by Mark Juergensmeyer

Main Points:



Text: The Future of Religion: Secularization, Revival and Cult Formation by Stark and Bainbridge

Main Points:



Text: Sociology of Religion by Georg Simmel

Main Points:



Text: A Sociable God by Ken Wilber

Main Points:


Text: Religion in Sociological Perspective by Bryan Wilson

Main Points:



Texts: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism; The Sociology of Religion by Max Weber

Main Points: (Protestant Ethic)

Main Points: (Sociology of Religion)