click here to return to the Drawing Room

Ravnos Emblem My life and history is among these,
They each walk in my heart and mind
and my love for them grows daily.

I am nothing....if not Ravnos.

I am Ldy Gwynavire Ravnos
3rd Gen, and Primogen of Clan Ravnos.
These are those to whom I have pledged my love,
my heart and my service.
Click to see the fantasy image of LdyRavnos

I do not know how many opporutnities you have had
to look upon the pages of a "Book of Shadows"
belonging to an immortal,
but I would caution you that in my house,
family is taken very seriously.
There is sweet wine and fruit
on the table there if would like some
while we look through this book.
*she smiles and opens the book, blows off the dust
and begins....*
All images are not yet offered but those that are
are quite a sight to see...

4th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
Darklord: Second to the Primogen April 16, 1998 (Addition) It has been said that Darklord has been killed, until this matter is entirely investigated and answers are discovered I ask that all be patient. Until I know whom could have accomplished such a task, when, how and where this happened Darklord will stay in my heart and among us his name shall stand. Upon seraching for this information should it be discovered that he has been taken by an enemy let it be known this one should end their life now to avoid the pain in the punishment delivered upon them by this Clan and its Primogen. I have known Darklord for quite some time. He saved my life while he was yet mortal and I kindred. I shall forget it not...ever. All would be well advised not to stir him to anger, for he returns it 100 fold. He has pledged his life and his sword....and his heart. A powerful addition to the bulwark of Ravnos Clan is he....welcome dearest Dark, the future has only just begun....(addendum)Darklord has chosen a "quest"....but he is ne'er more than a breath away in my heart and mind should he be needed...for the time he searches I shall hold him dear in my vamphyre heart....
Click here to see the image of Darklord

4th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
Ldyshadowlove: Clan Counsellor A gentle heart beats in the breast of this one. Just do not press upon her to much, trust me on this....If she thinks for one moment you are out to harm her family you would wish to get out of her way. Her powers are potent, most especially in the area of healing, both body and spirit. She has the beauty of a flock of morning doves, I fear for the hearts of the men in the city. She is a true Ravnos, and she was my first borne to this life and the first to thrice become embraced... Over these many eons since LsL first came to me a young a shy girl...she and I have both grown together. In many ways, I was but a child myself when I first met her. we have known our battles, but I trust her wisdom and her instincts...this family would be far less than it is without her. A Counsel of her strenght and power is a gift to us all...
Click here to see the image of LsL

4th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
Sir Drakynn Du Ravnos: Twisting his knives between his fingers, in a heartfelt and deeply emotion rage was the first I saw Drakynn. The woes of love pouring forth in verse and wit, in untold beauty....even tho it be of such intensity, and of such pain. I was there when he found love...I was there when he wed.....and when he asked the question of me, that no one would have ever thot would cross his lips, "Rav, I want to join the Clan Ravnos", I know it was perfect. Drakynn, you have proved yourself a wise man...still the "smirking" Drakynn, but very wise indeed....
Click here to see the image of Drakynn

The Love of My Heart
Tremere Emblem
ShadowLord: Former Ravnos Clan Champion The history of ShadowLord and I and this clan is most lengthy and would be impossible to recount in so short a space....suffic to say, obviously Shadow is Tremere, and the alliance between Tremere and Ravnos is strong, now fortified by the oath of blood as Champion. ShadowLord is Second to the Primogen of Tremere, and has long been loved by Ravnos Clan and me.... His sword and mind sword to protect, there is no doubt that he is a prominent gifure among us... worry him not with trifles, for he is not the most patient of men I have ever known *chuckles softly*....but if you wish to learn, whether be for your own ignorance tamed, or to increase your knowledge he is the one to see out. In fact...*smiles*...he may be standing behind you in the shadows and you are not even aware....
Click here to see the image of ShadowLord
This is a secret...*smiles*...

4th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
Taltos: Tavern Elder Honor bound. Full of fire this one. Clanless and alone for many years, most were surprised to see his request to become part of this family, but not I. When a warrior can find the kindness wihtin his own heart, it is an honor of the highest level. It was during a war, blood covering the ground that he knelt before me and placed his black sword at my feet, requesting a place to rest his warrior soul. I have ne'er regretted that decision, though it has been rough at times dealing with his rogue heart...*smiles*....but he is worth it all....
Click here to see the image of Taltos

4th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
Lord Drakoneyol: This vamp has truly touched my heart, from the beginning. He is the brother of Shadowlord, and my own brother by blood. What a story this one, I will never forget the night we became kindred...and how we romped in the days of old together making magick...A great spirit lives inside this dear one. He is deep, kind, and attmepts to do the best in every circumstance. That is probably what I love best about him, other than his tremendous dancing abilities. No one does a classier strip than Drak!...(altho many of the male strippers in the Tavern may disagree with me...LOL) Drak?...heart to heart...blood to blood... soul to soul....always.
Click here to see the image of Lord Drakoneyol

4th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
Aleczandria: The first sister I had in this life, more beautiful than any is she. We promised one to another and then chose to seal our love as sisters in blood. As is should be, sisters should be joined in this way. She is strong and full of mischief...(a bit cheeky you might say). She could handle herself in any situation of which I can think. She has a tender heart, a sharp tongue, and a very gentle bit I must say....*reaches to touch the perfect sapphire brooch that is always upon her garment...and smiles softly...*
Click here to see the image of LdyAleczandria

4th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
LdyJamieOfRavnos: I remember the first I saw her, I was in the midst of a battle in the Tavern against one who would simply not choose to live. She stepped forward from the crowd offered her assistance, without thot to the fact we had ne'er before that moment met, and was ready to defend. In the end we shared the victory and a glass of wyne, in fact 'twas her own special brew and was quite sweet. She is courageous, thoughtful, considerate and full of honor....*sighs deeply*....and fits so perfectly with the rest of these I love so dearly, 'tis curious indeed, how the night has brought us all together....actually not really, I know there is not a single coincidence in it all...
Click here to see the image of LdyJamieOfRavnos

4th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
Wolfy: She is a fire-ball! If you believe me not, ask Drakynn...*grins*... The most important thing I can say about Wolfy, to which I have been witness on more than one occasion, is that she has never failed to stand her ground for friend or family. So much like the others in this house, she is strong of heart, very courageous, and fiercly loyal. I could not be more pleased to have her added to this clan.
Click here to see the image of Wolfy

5th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
Spica: The first and foremost word that comes to mind when I think of Spica is gentle, opinionted yet allows the opinions of others to be heard, and oh yes...soft spoken....*chuckles*...until someone crosses the line and he in their...mmmm..."face!" a raging storm! the smoldering white heat of the star after which he was named. A true romantic in every sense of the word... Spica...the childer of Ldyshadowlove, a treasure to us all...a gem....a gentlemen Vamp....
Click here to see the image of Spica

4th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
Keltic Lady: I have known this lady for some time now, and she is precious to me. A powerful witch is she, and now a member of this family. Keltic, a fiery redhead, with a heart as big as it is powerful. As is often the case something binds each of us together, that brings us to the bonds of blood, and so is the case with her, she used her powerful magick to touch my life, in more ways than one, but most certainly to save it on one particular occasion, it seemed only fitting I should give her a new one.
Click here to see the image of Keltic Lady

4th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
Countess: This one makes me laff. In fact she often makes everyone laff with her antics. There is no question that she has a heart of well as being a soft heart...*smiles*. She is a forever shall be my sister. I had hoped for this have Tess as kindred truly in Clan, and now 'tis a reality... and it was a most beautiful sharing between us when it did occur... she is strong, strong enough to carry the world upon her shoulders, and often I do hope she knows and truly understands...there is someone to help carry the weight...I you Tess...
Click here to see the image of Tessy

5th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
LdyNepentheAngel: This is the childer of Ldyshadowlove.... I have known Nepenthe long before she became clan. To have her named Ravnos means a great deal to me, because I know the thought that went into her decision and what she has endured to be one of ours. She is full of light and magick, mirth, and most definately mischievious... *smiles*...when she hangs by her toes from the castle chandelier I can rest assured some witting comment will come from above....Nepenthe may appear to be the sweet little angel to most, and though she is....she is also quite deep, thoughtful and full of curiosity...I am proud to know her, proud to know she has chosen to become Ravnos...
Click here to see the image of Nepenthe

5th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
Lady Stresskitten: She is the childer of Aleczandria. I have known Stressy for some time, but only recently really coming to know her. She has such a genuiness about her, and I find her most pleasant company, which is good for families....*smiles*....Stress is a kitten that is true, and she has claws so be aware of that, though oft she is not inclined to use them. However, I have seen times and it was not a pretty sight. For the most part Stressy is laughter looking for a place to happen...*chuckles softly*... She touches me. She is a treasure to this family...yet another! I am most pleased. There will be more as I come to know Stress, count upon it...welcome Stress to Ravnos Clan...
Click here to see the image of Stressy

5th Gen
Ravnos Emblem
ShadowedRose: Rose long sought her home among us, for it is my belief she was born with the heart of Ravnos even as a mortal...when she was born to this life the Midnight Sun shown just a little brighter. A seeker is this one, and not afraid to find, that in my heart and mind is what makes her so special. For many do search but fear to look upon what they find. Rose not only looks, she grabs it up with both hands and turns it every which way to discover every facet of the discovery. I am more than pleased with the addition of this fine vampiress and not only expect great things from her, but great things to happen as a result of her presence. The bonding has begun, let it be so...Welcome to you ShadowedRose to the Savage Garden.
Click here to see the image of ShadowedRose(not yet up)


Child of Night
Lord One Eyed Wolf


Ravnos - Primogen - LdyRavnos
Inconnu - Primogen - Lady Adamned
Ventrue - Primogen - Lonehuntress
Tremere - Primogen - Lady Hestia
Gangrel - Primogen - TheEmbraced
Nosferatu - Primogen - RosyRed
Malkavian - Primogen - Brenin Kross
Brujah - Primogen - Dark Rapture
Toreador - Primogen - Lady Alustriel
Daughters of Cacophony - Primogen - Lady Enchantress
Iscariot - Primogen - Lord Riodrian Iscariot
Kymera - Primogen - Gar Goyle Kymera
If there are any changes to be made in this list please forward to


I could not leave out the names of friends and those close...all of those I have met in my here is the list, and it ever grows. Were I to tell you all I could about them, you would have to be buried here so...I shall refrain. There is no particular order and the list is this:

Lord & Lady Erinn, Lady Cyn Kymera, Lord Razz, Rainspirit, AngelofLight, Lord Gypsy (also family....*grins*), Lady Thief, Ariana Marie, Lady Scorpio Lord Aragon, The Embraced, Sir Smurphy, LORD DEMOGORGON, FireStarr, Spooooooky Lady, Lady Vamphyre, Dragon Dracul, Shinsaya Knighthill, Darkone, DARKLORD, SeVen, Lady exotica, Lady of Darkness (Nessy), Magnus, KindredKnight, Shenara, Doves Cry, Rosy Red, Lord Grim Reaper, CalicoSpider, Donaovan Kross, Brenin Llywyd, Lord of Serpents, Lycaon, Lordsw, Lord Ankou, Lady Hestia, Nightsong, Joopy, RedfallenAngel, XladyGem, LADYBLACKSTORM, Lady Alucard, Lady Enchantress, Lonehuntress, DarkLadyVenus, Lady Moon Wolfe, TheBlackBeast, Lady Icefire, S_T_O_R_M, Knight Avenger, Lady ShadowRunner, Lord Riddlin, MiTPORTHOS, Wedge269, Lady Whyte Wolf, King WarCat, Badbear (oh bear!), MysticBeast, White Wolf, Exkin Apocalypse, Akim Torill....Ryu_the_Streetfighter, Lord of all Lords, Lady Quentara, Lestan of Ravenloft, DANKKON, Suicide Malkavian, Wolf of Death, MatalyneVanOstad, Tesuo, Lady Quentara, Fire of Crimson, Rogue Grey, White Raven Angel, DukeZabastianCrimson, Darkheart, Wraithwulf, MandorVanOstade, MatalyneVanOstade, Dark Wolf Child, MoonlightLaOshun

This list continually grows so if you are not here yet....please remind me...*smiles*...

*gently she closes the book, puts it back in its place on the shelf. Turning, she smiles and fades once again into the very walls of the room itself....
*from the shadows you hear her say*

"go back upstairs and someone will meet you there...."

go back
Back to the Drawing Room

Leave your mark
on the Castle Wall...

Most Graphics on this site, were created by LdyRavnos.