Andrews, S. C., Thursday, January 31st, 1918, No. 1, Vol 1 

Government To Sell Nitrate for Ferterlizer

Washington, D.C., Notice has been given that the US Department of Agriculture will sell at cost a supply of nitrate of soda to farmers. 
  The nitrate was purchased through the war industries board under teh authority of the food control act as a part of the program for stimulating agricultural production.  It will be unloaded at Atlantic ports and the price will be $75.50 a ton, free on board cars at port of arrival.  Farmers are to pay in addition freight from port of arrival and the State fertilizer tag free. 
  Applications for a part of the one hundred thousand tons of nitrate bought by the government will be received only from actual farmers or owners or holders of farms for use on their land and may be made through the county agent or through any member of a local committee. 
  No money will be required with the application but upon notice from the county agent, farmers who have signed application must deposit with a local bank, association, or individual designated by the Secretary of Agriculture to act as the farmer's agent for that purpose, money to cover the cost of the fertilizer except the freight charge.  After the money is transmitted to Washington the nitrate will be shipped to the farmers.  If applications for the nitrate exceed the supply of about one hundred thousand tons, the government will allot the supply on a pro rata basis among those who applied.  Applications must be received by February 4th. 

Andrews is the fastest growing town in the state. Being only about 8 years old, it now claims over 2,000 inhabitants.


You do not seem to know that he must fail who appeals to the cowardice of the American people. Step out of the way of the nation that marches with firm step and a proud heart after the martial drumbeat of her destiny. She feels that the struggle of ages compresses itself into the portentous crisis of this hour. It is for coming centuries she fights; and already she sees before what was once a patriotic dream rise into magnificent sunlit reality! -- Carl Schurs, 1864. 

Meaning of "Purim"

The word "purim," the name of the great annual festival of the Jews, means "lots." This feast commemorates the preservation of the Jews in Persia from the massacre with which they were threatened by Haman (Esther 9). They gave the name of Purim or "lots" to commemorate the festival because he had thrown lots to ascertain what day would be auspicious for the massacre. 

Food for the Spirits
The graves in Ashanti have always at their head a bowl of bread and a chatti of water, and Field Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood once remarked to a Fanti chief, "Do you, an intelligent man, really believe that your dead eat the bread and drink the water?" The man smiled, "Of course not," he replied.  The birds eat the one and the sun dries up the other. But the spirit of the dead eats the spirit of the bread and drinks the spirit of the water. 

In Damp Weather

Piano keys are wont to stick in damp weather, especially when the instrument is an old one.  In almost every case, the sticking will not be between the keys, but along the front.  This can be remedied with little trouble. Take a thin knife and work a little cornstarch between the keys and the front board and they will slip easily. 

How Greeks & Hebrews Met
The Greeks and the Hebrews met for the first time in the slave market. The medium of communication seems to have been the Tyrian slave merchants. About 800 B.C., Joel speaks of the Tyrians as sellin the children of Judah to the Grecians (Joel 8:6). In  ????  27:18, the Greeks are mentioned as bartering their brazen vessels for slaves. 

Used Butter to Heal Wounds:
The ancient Spartans used butter as ointment to heal their wounds. 


Andrews is a good town.

Boost for Andrews.  If you can't boost, keep quiet.

We have on hand one of the most complete line of Furniture to be found in this section and it will pay you to call to see us before making your purchases.
Quality Counts
With Us
Furniture Co.
H.S. Clardy,
South Carolina

Sergt. G. Morini of the Italian Berstaglieri while on patrol stopped a German motorcar carrying General von Berrer, an adjutant and two chauffeurs.  He killed the general with the first shot and put the soldier - chauffeurs to flight. The adjutant, a German captain, he captured after a struggle, and turned him over to the nearest Italian command, and then joined his cycle patrol for further rear-guard action. He was wounded later and sent to a hospital in Milan.  His daring feat took place at the gates of Udine during the Italian retreat to the Piave. 


Applies to All Freight Except Food, Fuel and Munitions

Embargo Will Remain Effective Until Congestion Has Been Relieved, Resulting From Intense Weather.

Washington--An unofficial embargo on all freight except food, fuel, and munitions is in effect east of the Mississippi and north of teh Ohio and Potomac rivers, as a result of Director General McAdoo's authorized embargo on three eastern trunk lines. Although the restriction was apply formally only to the Pennsylvania and the Baltimore & Ohio east of Pittsburgh, and the Philadelphia & Reading, other railroads accepted little freight, particularly if it was destined for eastward movement.  
  This situation probably will continue for several days, until milder weather permits railroads to begin to move the great quantity of general freight acumulated during the past two weeks of winter storms. 
  Factors contributing to the unofficial eastern embargo were the priority of movement for coal and food stuffs, and the continue preferneces in coal deliveries given to domestic consumers, ships and certain industries which were exempted from the fuel administration's closing order. 
  The ban on coal consumption was officially lifted but scores of manufacturing plants unable to divert coal from the stream flowing to the more essential industries, remained  closed or prepared to suspend operations a day or two when their available coal stocks are gone.  This fact and the knowledge of many shippers that ordinary freight had little chance of prompt delivery tended to curtail shipment offerings. 
  To reduce railroad mileage in hauling of coal, some sort of a zone system of coal distribution probably will be put into operation by the railroad and fuel administrations within a week. Plans for such an arrangement were discussed today at a conference between Director General McAdoo and Fuel Administratior Garfield, both of whom announced later that they were working in entire unison in developing a plan of greatest efficiency for coal transportation. 

Kelly Building: First Room in Front
Andrews, South Carolina

Will Be at Andrews

   Mr. R. M. McCown, former Secretary of State, will be in Andrews Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, February 2, 4, & 5 for teh convenience and enlightenment of the public as to the income tax law and taking returns for same. 
   All persons liable to the tax must make their returns before March 1st.  This is a Federal tax and heavy penalties apply to those who fail to make a return or make a fraudulent return.  Mr. McCown is sent out on these trips for the convenience and enlightenment of the public. 

   With this issue The Andrews News begins its car eer as a weekly newspaper with four pages. It is our intention to increase the size as rapidly as possible and as we look at the possiblilities and advantages o our thriving little city we cast a vision of teh newsboy as he goes from house to house delivering The Daily News. We cannot say if that will ever come to pass but nothing would please us more than for Andrews to support a daily.  But we must tread on the weekly plan at present for the daily is too far distant.
   It is the purpose of The News to work unceasingly for the best interests of the territory which it represents, to encourage enterprise in this section, to stand for these things which go to make a live and progressive town.  In this effort we need and ask the undivided support of every citizen in this vast territory of business possibilities. The Andrews News is published eery Thursday every line printed at Andrews for the small subscription price of $1.50 per year. Before we are able to mail as second class matter we will have to make sworn statement of a paid in advance circulation so we ask that you mail us check or call at our office with the kale.  We are sending out a large number of sample copies for a few weeks but will cut off all unpaid circulation on the 15th of February.  We are already pleased with the support and encouragement we have received. For this we thank you.

   Since the above was written we have decided to increase the size of our paper due to the amount of advertising received.


Andrews Will Have Another Tobacco Warehouse This Season

   Work will begin in a few days on the new tobacco warehouse at Andrews. The AndrewsTobacco Warehouse have been planning for some time to erect another warehouse and same have jsut been completed for its erection. It will be 100 x 200 feet and when completed will be a credit to the town.  Mr. Fred Brooks has been awarded the contract for this work and he tells us he will have it completed in plenty of time for the 1918 crop. 
   There is no reason why Andrews will not be one of the leading tobacco markets of the State in the future and nothing should be left undone towards making it. 
   The other warehouse at Andrews has been acquired by Irby & Thompson of South Boston, VA., who say they are going to make the Andrews market equal to any in the State of South Carolina. 
   Plan now to plant a few acres in tobacco and sell it at Andrews. 

Local Items 
Briefly Told

   Mr. W. B. Blakeley has the honor of being the first to subscribe for The Andrews News. 
   Mr. J. L. Wilkes and family of Timmonsville, have moved to Andrews to live. Mr. Wilkes is one of Andrews' progressive merchants and we are all glad to have him locate in Andrews permanently. 
   The Andrews Live Stock Company have increased their capital stock from $10,000 to $15,000. A meeting of the stockholders of the company will be held at the office of Mr. C. J. Levy February 1st, at 11 o'clock A. M. 
   Mr. R. H. Josey of Lanes, has accepted a position with the Bank of Andrews. 
   Mr. Geo. Hanks was somewhat indisposed for a few days last week. 
   The Andrews News will appreciate any news items that are mailed to us for publication. We would like to have a local correspondent in every vicinity in the surrounding territory. 
   Mr. George Kimmel, formerly of Celine, Ohio, arrived here last week with his family, where he will make his home in the future. Mr. Kimmel will oversee Mr. Ovelle Raudabaugh's farm near Andrews. 
   The Andrews News is prepared to do all kinds of printing. 
   Subscribe for The Andrews News. 
   A manufacturing plant will be started here in a few weeks that will add considerably to our several monthly pay rolls. 
   The young men of Andrews are going to give a mid - winter dance in the hall over the Majestic Theatre, on Friday night, Feb 8th. Quite a number of young people are expected to come from Lake City, Kingstree, and Georgetown. 
   See Miss Pearl White in the "Fatal Ring" at the Majestic every Wednesday night. 
   We are showing a beautiful line of engraved visiting cards, wedding invitations, etc. -- The Andrews News. 
   We hope to improve the appearance of the next issue of The Andrews News. It is quite a jobto bring out the first issue of a newspaper, consequently we ask your indulgence. 
   Mr. Hugh L. Oliver of Georgetown spent the day here today. 
   In the next issue of the paper we will have an advertisement from the Andrews Bargain House. 
   Capt. H.M. Laurene of Washington will deliver a lecture at the school auditorium Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. His subject will be the present war. There will be no charge for admission. 
   Mrs. Agnes Snyder, formerly of Celina, Ohio, but who has been visiting Mrs. Raudabaugh, at Andrews; left lalst Thursday for a few weeks visit  to her daughter at Spartanburg. 
   The Bank of Andrews is planning to build an addition to their building. The material is already on the ground. This will be for an office room. 
   Mr. C. J. Levy will soon be ready to occupy his handsome new office building. 
   Mr. L. T. Boyer called last week and subscribed to the Andrews News.

The Andrews News $1.50 a year in advance. 
Subscribe Now!
Published every Thursday.

   We are participating in the world's greatest war. Our country is one of nineteen facing a foe who has gone back to worse than barbarism -- a foe who believe in might against right; a foe whose withered arm of humanitarianism gives double strength to his ruthless arm of destruction and barbarism. We must defeat that foe for all time in the name of humanity--for the sake of the generations to come.  We must once more place the flag for which our forefathers bled and died -- at the top mast as the true emblem of freedom, of justice, of humanity and of democracy. We must do our bit for the United States or become slaves of kaiserism. We must fight for democracy or be ruled by military autocracy. We must sacrifice for humanity or sacrifice our women and children as those of Belgium, have been sacrificed. We must protect our homes or have our home descrated. We must feed our armies and our allies or be fed ourselves "by the courtesy of the kaiser." We msut abide by meatless and wheatless days or have "eatless days." We must demand  respect for law -- for treaties -- for womanhood -- or have no law except for the will of the kaiser. Which shall it be?
(continued next column)

Local Theatre is Booking Best Pictures Obtainable

   Andrews can boast of having one of the best theatres to be found anywhere and the management is doing everything in its power to put on just the kind of pictures the patrons like. Mr. G. K. Hanks tells us that he has already booked a large number of features which will be shown here at an early date. The third episode of "The Fatal Ring," with Pearl White featuring was shown last night to a large and appreciative audience. This feature is to be shown each Wednesday night for the next several weeks.  Friday night of each week "The Retreat of the Germans at the Battle of Aaras," is shown in addition to the regular program and for the past two weeks have drawn large crowds. 
   The program of teh Majestic will be published each week in The Andrews News for the Benefit of the public, and you will always find this, theatre a pleasant pastime. 

   There will be an examination here and at Andrews on Feb. 9th for carrier on Motor Route A from Kingstree -- Williamsburg Herald 
  Miss Abbie Smith, of Andrews, spent the weekend with her cousins here, Misses Mary and Mattie Moore. --Trio correspondence, Williamsburg Herald 
   Mrs. J.M. Waldron, of Andrews, visited her sister, Mrs. William Graham last week. -- Trio correspondence, Williamsburg Herald. 

The Retort Caustic
"So," said Hooker, a cherry bore, "you have purchased a new motorcar?" "Yes," answered Mr. Mineby. "Causes you a heap of trouble, doesn't it?" "Yes." "Electricity's been going wrong, eh?" "No." "Sparking plug to the bad?" "Not that I know of." "Then how is it causing you trouble?" "By encouraging people to stand around and try to make funny remarks." 

We have a nice line of Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes and Ladies and Gent's Furnishings.
A nice line of General Merchandise always on hand. We want you to come in and inspect our select line. We handle the celebrated Walkover Shoes for Ladies and Gentlemen at a very reasonable price. When in Andrews give us a call.
South Carolina

Laboratory Equipment Costly
In a well-equipped laboratory for original research the various platinum dishes, crucibles and stirring rods have an aggregate weight of about 2,600 grams and an approximate value of $5,000. The largest vessels are 2½ inches in diameter and 1 1/8 inches in depth, weigh 40 grams each, and are worth about $80 each. A single stirring rod may cost more than $100. 

A Board of Trade
   A Board of Trade is badly needed here at Andrews and should be organized at an early date. We have talked with quite a few business men of Andrewss and they all think that we should organize a commercial body of some form. We would make the suggestion that we hold a mass meeting at an early date and organize.
   We no only want to organize, but we should also cooperate and do what we can to promote and encourage enterprise. We need a body of this kind and firmly believe the business men will stand together in upholding same.
   One thing which we believe that a body of thisd kind could do that would be of benefit to this section is the issuing and distribution of illustrated literature in the North setting forth the advantages of this town and surrounding territory. This subject is worthy of discussion and the columns of this paper are open to same.

No Middle Ground
Each and every one of us -- every man and woman in America, must decide for himself and herself. There is no middle ground. It is one way or the other. It is either for America and Humanity or Germany and Barbarism. The way we live, the way we conduct our homes, the way we manage and rearrange our business to meet present conditions and the recommendations of the various department of the government, tell the story and answer the question.

To SaveLeft Over Paint
After housecleaning, if one has partly used cans of paint or varnish left over which would soon dry up and become useless, try putting them into small cans and cover with melted paraffin. They will keep indefinitiely and can be used as needed.

The above is a recreation (not in its entirety) of the first page of the first edition of The Andrews News, whose publishing began on Thursday, January 31, 1918 in Andrews, SC 29510.  The full edition of this newspaper can be read at the Andrews Old Town Hall  Museum, 14 W Main St, Andrews, SC 29510.

[Let's Go Home to Andrews, SC 29510]

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