You Buy
Liberty Bond
War Savings

Andrews, S. C., Thursday, May 2, 1918, No. 14, Vol 1 

Miss Florine McKelvey, of Rt. 1 Trio, was in Andrews Monday on business.  
Mr. J. D. Benton, of Route 1 was in Andrews Saturday and called and subscribed to The Andrews News. 
Misses Lee and Ida Benton, of Warsaw, were in Andrews Saturday. 
Mr. M. C. Benton made a business trip to Georgetown on last Saturday. 
Mr. Oliver Richardson, of Route 1, was in Andrews Saturday and subscribed to The Andrews News. 
Mr. J. D. Hardee was in Andrews Saturday, showing some of his new Irish potatoes.  They were fine specimens and Mr. Hardee says he has them on his table regular now.

Postmaster Blakeley has received a letter from Prof. Hoyt Watson, a former principal of the Andrews Graded School.  He is on his way to France to act as physical director of the Y.M.C.A.  This will be of interest to the people of Andrews as Mr. Watson has many friends here.. 

Mr. H. A. Wheeler, and Z. B. Wheeler, of Trio No. 1, were in Andrews Saturday and subscribed to The News. 

Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McManus, Mrs. Samuel McManus and Mr. LeRoy Payne motored to Georgetown Monday. 

Mr. C. J. Levy and O. Raudabaugh were seen on the streets of Georgetown Monday. 

Dr. D. Z. Rowell, Mrs. H. S. Clardy and Mrs. B. L. Beck motored to Georgetown Monday. 

Mr. F. Ebert leaves Friday for Conway, N.C., for a few months.  We hope to see him back in Andrews. 

Mr. T. G. McDonald spent Sunday in Charleston. 
Mr. J. W. Smith of Dillon, was a visitor in Andrews Wednesday.  Mr. Smith is planning to locate in Andrews next fall and buy cotton for one of the largest cotton firms in the South.  This assures for Andrews a real live cotton market. 
Mr. J. L. Sims, U. S. Deputy Marshal is in Andrews this week on legal business. 
Mr. Willie Scarborough, of Florence County, is visiting relatives here. 
Mr. E. B. Freeman returned Tuesday from a trip to Washington. 
Mrs. T. G. McDonald has returned from Roper Hospital in Charleston.  She is improving slowly. 
Mrs. G. K. Hanks returned this week from a days visit in Savannah. 
The friends of Mr. W. T. McDonald will be glad to hear of his recovery from recent illness. 
Mr. T. K. McElveen, of the Oak Ridge section, was a caller at The News office Wednesday. 
Mrs. F. L. Blakeley, of Trio, spent Sunday and Monday in Andrews with her son Mr. J. M. Blakeley. 
Mr. Geo. Caines, left Friday for the Roper Hospital in Charleston to go under treatment for blood poison. 
Democratic Clubs Met Saturday to Name Delegates
Kingstree, April 29 -- The Democratic Clubs throughout the county met and organized Saturday.  The Kingstree club was well attended and after the routine business had been transacted the Hood resolution was unanimously adopted.  A. C. Hinds was elected president of the club; Hugh McCutcheon, vice president and J. D. Britton, secretary-treasurer.  Fifteen delegates were chosen for the county convention.
Our Boys "Over There" Enjoy Toasted Cigarettes
  Through the patriotism of the citizens of this country thousands of smoke kits are being distributed to American soldiers in France.  Authorities agree that men in the trenches need cigarettes almost as much as food and munitions.
  Doctors, nurses, and commanding officers all join in the demand which has awakened in this country a great movement to keep our boys supplied with smokes.
  Millions of the famous LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes are "going over" all the time.  There's something about the idea of teh toasted cigarette that appeals to the men who spend their time in cold wet trenches and billets.
  Then, too, the real Kentucky Burley tobacco of the LUCKY STRIKE cigarette gives them the solid satisfaction of a pipe, with a lot less trouble. Adv.
Desperate Expedient
"How is your nephew doing Sally?"
"He's pretty bad, miss, and yesterday they done took him to the horse-pital to perform a autopsy on him."
Shake the political plum tree and you dislodge a lot of grafters.
Andrews Elects Delegates
The Andrews Democratic club, of Andrews, was called to order last Saturday evening, April 27th, at the Town Hall by the President, H. D. Herring.  Quite a large number of citizens attended notwith standing the meeting was called at a busy hour.  The officers elected were:  H. D. Herring, president; S. E. Jenkins, vice president; W. T. Clift, secretary; W. H. Andrews, executive committeeman.  The selection of eight delegates and alternates were gone into and the following selected. 
H. S. Parsons
L. Ballenberger
J. L. Grant
H. K. Ward
C. J. Levy
W. T. Clift
W. H. Andrews
S. E. Jenkins
N. W. Cooke
H. W. Medlin
H. D. Herring
E. N. Beard
D. O. DuBose
D. R. Rogers
Tom Harris
H. S. Clardy
T. W. Bellune
J. H. White
Registration Committee -- W. T. Clift, J. R. Ford, G. K. Hanks. 
The County Convention will convene in the court house at Georgetown next Monday, May 6th at 12 o'clock noon. 

Colored Citizens Buy Thrift Stamps
A meeting of the colored citizens of Andrews was held last week and an active campaign began for the sale of War Saving Stamps.  Two teams were formed and these teams are doing good work among the colored people.  M. D. Ranson is chairman of the War Savings Committee among the colored people. 

Oak Ridge Democratic Club Meets
The Oak Ridge Democratic Club met last Saturday and elected the following officers and delegates: J. L. Blakeley, president; L. K. McLellon, v-president; T. K. McElveen, secretary; Delegates to the County Convention; L. K. McLellon, T. K. McElveen, J. T. Wilson, executive committeeman. 

Children's Day Exercises
Trinity Methodist Church will have Children's Day Exercises next Sunday afternoon at 4,30 o'clock.  A feature of the exercises will be the baptism of children. 
There will be preaching by the pastor at 11 a.m. and at 8,30 p.m.  All are cordially invited to attend these services. 

School News
Because of the rain on Friday the flag raising exercises were postponed indefinitely. 
The plays to be given by the pupils of the music department for the benefit of Junior Red Cross Society will be presented in the school auditorium on Tuesday night, May 7, admission 25 and 10 cents. 
The pupils of the tenth grade paid a visit to Friendfield Saturday, explored the house and grounds thoroughly and enjoyed the afternoon to the fullest extent.  Mr. Lamaar Mathis kindly motored us down in his truck. 
The two literary societies held a joint meeting on Monday afternoon. The debate on the query resolved that holidays are detrimental to a school was very interesting.  Dorothy Grant and Nelle Moyd upheld the affirmative.  Iva Moyd and Marguerite Cooper the negative.  In spite of a hard fight by the opponents the affirmative won. 

Chamber of Commerce to Meet
The regular monthly meeting of the Andrews Chamber of Commerce will be held next Tuesday evening May 7th at 8:30 o'clock in their club rooms at the town hall.  All members are urged to attend. 

In The Police Court
The following cases appeared before the mayor on Monday morning: 
  M. Wilson, drunk and disorderly conduct.  Pled not guilty, but on conviction was fined $50 or 60 days on the gang.  The fine was paid. 
  Bill Carpage, drunk and disorderly conduct.  Was released on bond of $10.  The bond was declared forfeited. 
  John Coachman, drunk and disorderly conduct.  Was released on bond and the same was forfeited. 
  Chief, if you keep on you will soon make a record. 

OLD PAPERS for sale at The News office. 
Other Articles in this Edition Are: 
Government Opposed to Deferred Tax Payments 
Germany's Losses in War 2,000,000 Men
Young Men Becoming 21 Required to Register
Appointment Declined By Speaker Clark
French Retake Ground in Counter-Attacks
Germans in Possession of Dranoutre, Says Haig
Thrilling Stories Told of Raid on U-Boat Bases
Trial of Dr. Johnson Deferred Till May 15

Change for the Better and Pains in Sides Relieved, by Use of Cardul, the Woman's Tonic, Says Texas Lady
Cheese Factory for Oconee
Proven Swamp-Root
Aids Weak Kidneys
Who Receives Service Flag
The government is presenting each town, city, and county in the United States that "Goes over the Top" in the Third Liberty Loan Bond Sale with a large service flag.  The town of Andrews was one of the first to receive this flag.  Being apportioned $21,800.  It has sold about $65,000, which is three times the amount asked for.  No other town in South Carolina has gone on record as selling more bonds in proportion to their allotment than has Andrews.  Following is a list of towns, cities and counties receiving these  flags up to April 23:  Allendale, Andrews, Blackstock, Chappells, Cherokee County, Chester, Clinton, Cottagevile, Cowards, Fort Mill, Furman, Gaffney, Georgetown County, Gray Court, Great Falls, Holly Hill, Jasper County, Lexington, Owings, Pamlico, Ruffin, Sumter, Trenton, Walhalla, Ware Shoals, Whitmire. 

News From Spring Gully
  Miss Lee Cooper was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Boyd a few days last week. 
  Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Feagin were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. R. C. Marshall, one day last week.
Mr. J. B. Thomson, who has been very ill is able to get about again.
  Miss Connie Thomson spent a part of last week at home on account of her father's illness.
  Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Marshall and family spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Feagin.
  Mr. J. B. Thomson has bought a Studebaker car.
  Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Marshall spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Marshall.
  Messrs. C. K. Feagin and A. B. Thomson motored to Plantersville Monday afternoon.
  Misses Thelma and Bessie Marshall, Edna Feagin, were the guests of Miss. Lucille Boyd a few evenings ago.
  Mrs. R. C. Marshall spent Monday with her parents here.
Mr. J. W. Marshall is still very ill.

Georgetown Elects Delegates
The Georgetown Democratic clubs met last Saturday and elected delegates to the county convention.  Georgetown Club No. 1 elected the following:  E. R. Beaty, president; L. B. Steele, vice president; A. F. Witte, secretary; J. R. Siau, executive committeeman; delegates, J. W. Doar, Walter Hazard, L. B. Steele, J. E. McQuade, A. F. Wittee, Jr., W. H. McDonald, Jr., J. R. Siau, E. W. Kaminski, Dr. F. A. Belle.  Alternates; J. W. Wingate, J. L. Bell,  C. L. Ford, Jr., H. W. Tallevast, C. S. Congdon. 
No. 2 - R. P. Shuford, president; L. M. Overton, vice president; C. C. Scurry, secretary; R. B. Shuford, executive committeeman.  Delegates; Dr. Olin Sawyer, Irdell Hillard, R. J. Clifford, Mr. Rouke, R. C. Davis, Thos. Fore, C. F. Kent, J. J. McKeithen.  No Alternates were elected. 

A meeting of the stockholders of the Tuten Hardware Company will be held on Saturday May 18th 1918, at 10:30 a.m., at the store of Tuten Hardware Company, Andrews, S.C., for the purpose of increasing capital stock of said corporation from $3,000 to $5,000. 
G. M. Tuten, Sec'y. & Treas.

Teachers Elected
The trustees of the Andrews High School held their annual election of teachers for the 1918-19 session on Tuesday afternoon.  The following teachers were re-elected: 
Superintendent, W. H. Glaze; High School, Miss Ruth Rollings, Miss Sophia Seabrook; Second and Third Grades, Miss Hattie Hanks; First and Advanced First, Mrs. W. L. Glaze. 
  Owing to the increased cost of living a great many teachers are going into other fields of work and there will be several vacancies to be filled before the faculty is complete.

Mr. L. W. Turner spent Sunday in Charleston

Mr. D. L. Moyd spend Sunday in Charleston.

Other Articles in this Edition Are: 
China is Taken Over By Japan? - Has agreed to hard demands from Tokio

Railroad Head Arrested Under Espionage Act  
Empress Zita's Mother Ordered Out of Austria 
Violents Bombardments on the French Front 
No Retirements by Allies - Make Gains of About One Mile in Villers-Bretonneux Section
School System is in Great Danger - Salaries Must Be Increased To Hold Good Teachers Says Coker
Hoover Appeals to Negroes
Beauty Spots of El Salvador

This is Better Than Laxatives
South Carolina News Items
Was in Cambria Fighting - Lt. Hunter of York served With British in Hard Fighting in Arras
Look At Child's Tongue If Sick, Cross, Feverish
Women and War Work
How Field Peas Are Harvested & Utilized As Feed For Farm Animals
Trio News
  Messrs. E. R. Rowell, W. T. Rowell, J. H. Rowell, Daniel Cooper and J. B. Files went to Greenville Sunday to see Doc Rowell and Acie Cooper, who are at Camp Servier.  They made the trip in Mr. John Rowell''s new car "Columbia Six." 
  Misses Myrtis and Margaret Welsh delightfully entertained a number of the young people at their home Saturday afternoon. 
  Rev. J. C. Davis is spending several days in Columbia with his son who is at Camp Jackson. 
  Mr. R E. Register of Charleston spent Sunday with his parents here. 
  Mesdames W. T. Rowell, J. H. Rowell and J. S. Carter spent Sunday at the home of Mr. E. R. Rowell. 
  Miss. Nita Tartt spent the weekend at her home near Andrews. 
  Miss. Nettie Black of Ward, S.C. is visiting her sister Miss. Orie Lee Black at Mr. Bill Boyd's. 

Prominent Westerners Here
Quite a large number of Ohio men have been in Andrews this week.  Among them were Messrs. J. E. Hamberger, Wm. Howick, JH. W. Raudabaugh, Dr. G. M. Raudabaugh, brothers of Andrew's prominent attorney, O Raudabaugh; Thos. Pierce, and Fred Harruff, all of Celina, Ohio.  Mr. G. F. Woods, of Chicago, IL, was also with them.  They have returned and arrangements will be made to move the State of Ohio to Andrews in the near future. 

Denounces Tillman and Blease
Laurens, April 24 -- N. B. Dial, who is giving considerable time to promoting his candidacy for the United States senate by making visits over the State, particularly, the Piedmont section, today gave out the following statement on the situation.  Following the formal announcement recently made by Former Governor Blease: 
  "I am convinced that the voters thoroughly concur in my view that among other reasons, Tillman is too old and feeble to be reelected, and that Blease by his attitude toward the war and the national administration has practically eliminated himself from the race." 
  "The winning of this war is the vital issue of the day, dwarfing every other subject into insignificance.: 
  "We read that ex-Governor Blease in a recent speech at Greenville stated that he was originally opposed to the war.  As we recall only about four senators voted against war measures, hence if Mr. Blease had been in the senate he would have been an unwilling support of the policies of government.  It is generally known that he was opposed to the nomination of Mr. Wilson for president and during his term of office was continually at logger-heads with the war department.  he even went so far at to disband the military companies of our State.  Furthermore he was so antagonistic that he objected to the Georgia troops passing through South Carolina. 
  "No one knows better than the ex-Governor that his offer to raise a regiment would be declined.  That was mere twaddle.  he had often seen where a similar offer by ex-President Roosevelt had been rejected.  
  "While we Americans are all peace loving people, and while our president did everything humanly possible, consistent with national honor to keep us out of the struggle, it is inconceivable that any true American citizen of broad vision can say he was opposed to this war. 
  "Without going into all the details of its causes, the barbarous manner in which the Germans have conducted  it, our aims and objects, anyone who is in sympathy with right, democracy, humanity, would have cast his lot as we have done and any who take a contrary view certainly are selfish and narrow interpreters of the duties of one nation to another." 
  "It would be a grave mistake to send a man to the senate who can not attend vigorously upon his duties and very unfortunate to send a man who is not heart and soul with the president in supporting every measure necessary during this crisis." 
  "The objects for which we fight will be attained; we and our allies will win this war, and the time is not far distant when liberty loving people of all lands will bless the day where the United States unsheathed her sword.".  

 Other Articles in this Edition Are: 
Kemmee Hill Taken in Hard Struggle-Attack to Recapture It
Will Further Curtail Manufacture of Autos
Shell Belgian Coast Bases
British & French Naval Forces Carry Out Startling maneuver
Big German Drive Makes No Headway
Girls! Make Up A Lemon Lotion
Wounded American Soldiers Arriving at Hospitals
Over the Top - An American Soldier Who Went
Cotton Prices Not To Be Fixed
Washington Gossip
World of "Make-Believe" Affected by the War
Paris Island Gets $3,000,000
Blackleg Caused By Germs
Speeches of Ex-Governor Blease
The above is a recreation (not in its entirety) of the first page of the first edition of The Andrews News, whose publishing began on Thursday, January 31, 1918 in Andrews, SC 29510.  The full edition of this newspaper can be read at the Andrews Old Town Hall  Museum, 14 W Main St, Andrews, SC 29510.

[Let's Go Home to Andrews, SC 29510]

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