201 South Maple Street / Andrews, SC 29510
Tel: (803) 264-3414    Fax: (803) 264-3326
Rene King, Principal

Academic Requirements
Specific learning objectives have been established into three levels:
Beginning with the 1997-98 term, students will get an "I" (incomplete) or an "F" (failing) unless and until that student has demonstrated successful compoletion of all "essential" level objectives taught during a given grading period.  Once a student masters the essential objectives, his/her grade will be awarded as it has been historically -- based on a numeric average derived from test scores, essay scores, homework, class participation, etc.  If, at the completion of the 180 day regular school term, an "I" grade is still posted for any one of the four grading periods, the final grade will be an "I".  Grades of "I" are converted to the appropriate grade once the essential objectives are successfully completed or to an "F" if the objectives are not completed by the end of summer school.  After-school (extended day) and summer (extended year) programs will be offered for all students in need of academic assistance.

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