Andrews, South Carolina, is located in Georgetown County in the southeastern coastal section of the State. Twenty-miles from the Atlantic Ocean Andrews has an elevation of thirty-two feet above mean sea level and enjoys an annual mean temperature of 64.5 degrees. The nearest Urbanized area to Andrews is Charleston, sixty-five miles to the south.
The Andrews school district consists of the Georgetown County portion of the City of Andrews and a rural area of approximately a nine mile radius from Andrews - to the East. The Williamsburg County Line and the Santee River serve as boundaries on two sides of the Andrews School District, with swamps and lack of roads providing the other boundaries.
In 1905, some 600 acres of land was purchased by the Atlantic Coast Line Corporation and a group of men who incorporated the Rosemary Land Association. The present town of Andrews emerged in 1909.
Population Factors: The total population for the State of South Carolina, according to the 1960 Census of the United States, was 2,382,594. Of that number 34,708 were residents of Georgetown County and 5,482 of the County residents lived in the Andrews Division. In the Town of Andrews there were 2,995 people.
Between the years of 1950-1960, in Georgetown County, there was an increase of 10.7 percent in urban population as opposed to an 8.7 percent increase in rural population. Further statistics show that 27.3 percent of the population lived on rural farms in 1950, with only 13.4 percent living on farms in 1960.
In the decade, 1940-1950, the County population increased 20l.5 percent. The following decade experienced a growth of only 9.6 percent. Perhaps the most influential factor in the high growth rate in 1940-1950 was the establishment of a large paper mill in Georgetown, which brought many people into the County.
The table to the right presents the 1960 population statistics for the Andrews Division, indicating that the Town of Andrews serves a people of the immediate surrounding area that is larger than the actual population of the town itself. These people may be considered to be "rural" in terms of home location, but most of them are employed either in Andrews or Georgetown. Their children attend the Andrews Division Schools. | ![]() |
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Total population growth of the Town of Andrews can be seen from the chart to the left. |
In 1950, 27.4% of the County was rural farm. This dropped to 13.4% in 1960. The majority of the present farms are confined to an area of the County which is not a part of the Andrews Community.
Statistics on the labor force show the decided shift in occupations from the farm, with 1960 showing 1,362 less persons employed in agriculture than a decade ago, in the County of Georgetown. On the whole, job opportunities are increasing in the areas of manufacture, trade, business and personal services, and in the professions.
In the County the median family income rose from $1,784 in 1950 to $3, 160 in 1960. However, in 1960, 48.3% of the populations family income was less than $3000 annually, with only 4.8% above $10,000 annually.
From the 1964 Census made by the Georgetown County Development Commission, Georgetown, South Carolina, it was learned that a total of 930 persons from Andrews and the immediate area are employed by eight industries, with two of these industries (Oneita and International Paper Company) employing 760 of the 930 persons. Of these 930, 288 occupy jobs that are classified by the employees as skilled labor; 537 are in semiskilled work; 130 are unskilled laborers.
There is a high percentage of the male and female population employed, with only 2% of the civilian labor force unemployed (1960 Census).
The median family income would be considered low by National norms.
Since 41.4% of the persons over 25 years of age, residents of the Town of Andrews, completed four years of high School or more with a median of school years completed for for the entire population of that age group being 10.4, it could be assumed that approximately half of the 25 year and older population were prepared for semiskilled to skilled labor, or for worthy occupations, services, and/or professions. By the same assumption it would follow that approximately half of the same group were prepared only for unskilled, semiskilled, or limited service employment.
31.8% of all employed persons of the Town of Andrews are in manufacturing industries.
The Real and Personal Property Taxes in the County total 66 mills, 51 mills designated for schools, 2 mills for school bonds, 12 mills for the General Fund, and 1 mill for county notes. The General Fund in Andrews is 50 mills.
Of the six largest taxpayers in the Town of Andrews, only one company; Parsons, Inc., is owned and operated by native residents of the community.
At the close of the 1964 - 65 year, recorded May 1, 1965, the gross income on taxes in the Town of Andrews was $41,000 and the receipts from business licenses totaled $17,000. In 1950 there were 83 Business Houses (licensed) in the Town, and this more than doubled by 1963.
The Andrews Bank & Trust Company reported 1964 total assets at $2,992,499.47; $471,617.23 more than reported in 1960; $2,935,523.44 more than reported July 16, 1928.
Brief Description of the cultural activities of the community, other than the school, which contribute to the education of the children (identifying specific resources such as public libraries, church organizations, governmental and civic groups, recreational facilities, health services).
Health Services
Georgetown County Health Department in Georgetown Under the State Board of Health
Civic Groups
Governmental Groups
Recreational Facilities which contribute to the education of our children
Ninth Report, Andrews Public Schools, Georgetown County, SC, April 12, 1965, pp. 15 - 31, in passing.
Records of the Town Clerk of Andrews