This page is dedicated to the memory of our eldest son, David Vander Stratton, born 17 June 1975 and died 26 November 1993. At the age of six, David was found to have leukemia and was treated for twelve years at St. Jude's Children Hospital. On October 26, 1993, we received a letter from St. Jude's telling us that he had been cured and would not have to return for any treatments. Thirty days later, David was killed, as a pedestrian, in a freakish auto accident, less than a quarter of mile from our home. He attended Hampton (Arkansas) High School where he was president of the Hampton High School Library Club, a member of the Hampton High School 4H Club and a member the school baseball team. He was also a member of the El Dorado (Arkansas) Police Cadets. He was a member of the Campground Presbyterian Church in Calhoun County, Arkansas. His goal in life had always been to be a career Air Force pilot and then return to his home area and work in law enforcement. The memories we have of David Vander remain strong and always will.
Mary Yolanda was born 21 January 1986 in El Dorado, Arkansas. She has been an honor student since kindergarten is currently in all accelerated classes at Juntion City (Arkansas) Elementary School. She received numerous academic accomplishment and citizenship awards and has been named student of the month twice. She is a charter member of the Junction City Elementary School Student Council. Mary was a member of Camp Fire for four years during which she was named Camp Fire Princess one year and Camp Fire Queen one year. She is active in softball where she has been named an all-star once, received a team spirit award once and last year was named most improved player. Three years ago Mary's team went undefeated. Mary is active in fund raising for St. Jude's Children Hospital and other charities. Her favorite award came in the 1997 Miss Pre-Teen Arkansas Pageant where she was named top athlete. She also placed second in the Pre-Teen Arkansas fund raising for the Shriner's Children Hospitals. We have just learned that Mary has been selected as a finalist in the 1998 Miss Pre-Teen Arkansas Pageant. With one week left in this softball season she has an on base percentage of .875 and a batting average of .812. Mary has drove in 42 runs and scored 12. Her athletic plans for junior high includes playing basketball, soft- ball and throwing the shot and discuss on the girls track team. Her hobbies are hunting, fishing, swimming and, of course, softball.
Logan was born 11 May 1990 in El Dorado, Arkansas. When we named him, we wanted something in his name that would help genealogist 100 years from now help trace his ancestry. Thus the third given name "Andrist" which is his mothers surname. Logan DeGrey has also been an honor student since starting school, winning numberous academic and citizendship awards. He recently made the Pricipal's List (straight A's) for the first time. Logan received the following awards in the second grade this year: honor roll and citizenship. He is in his fourth year of Dixie Youth League Baseball and has been an active member of the Boys Scouts for two years. Logan's baseball team finished their regular season with a second place finish (11-3-1). Logan finished the regular season hitting .700 with two homeruns, 17 rbi's and 5 runs scored. Logan's hobbies are hunting, fishing, swimming, sports and compu- ters.
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