Here you will find list of reunions and the dates, locations and a contact. Even though your line or lines have not been tied in to ours, if you would like to list your event here, email us. The only thing we require is that the surname matches one of ours. Who knows, we might even show up. ******************************************************************** Sunday, June 1999...Stratton Reunion at the Bearden, Arkansas Community Center. It will be a pot luck event with entertain- ment and door prizes. Family trees and old photographs will be on display. Bring yours and share your information with us. Contact Buddy Mhoon at
Back to Adam?....I recently received a tree that starts with John Stratton and Elizabeth Luttrell of England and goes to the Tribe of Levi in Israel and on back to Adam and Eve. I know the Jewish Synagoges keep detailed genealogy records. As soon as we can verify this information, we will add it to our pages. It is extremely interesting and includes ties to the thrones of Russia, Germany, Jerusalem, France, Spain, Holland, Norway and Sweden. It also includes Roman Emperors, Senators and officials of the original Roman Catholic Church. ******************************************************************** Dr. George Ryves, son of John Ryves and Amy Harvey, was appointed, by King James I, to the committee to translate the Holy Bible into English. Dr. Ryves, headed the group translating the New Test- ament. ********************************************************************
Andrist/Stratton Genealogy: |