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tea and cakes

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Have Fun!

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1 ounce chocolate syrup
1 ounce almond syrup
4 ounces cream

The staff prepares this by combining the ingredients in a blender with 3 ounces of crushed ice. Blended until smooth, it is then served in chilled goblets.


1 ounce banana liqueur
1/2 ounce white creme de cacao,
1/2 ounce Galliano
1/2 banana, peeled and sliced
5 ounces vanilla ice cream
4 drops vanilla extract

The blender is filled with the ingredients and 1/4 crushed ice. Blended until smooth, it is served in a large chilled goblet with a strawberry garnish.


This is a cottage favorite!

1/2 ounce Bailey's Original Irish Cream
1/2 ounce white creme de cacao
dash Frangelico liqueur (or amaretto)
dash dark creme de cacao
hot coffee

Using a generous sized coffee mug, pour in Bailey's and white creme de cacao. Add enough coffee to almost fill cup. Add dash each of Frangelico and dark creme de cacao. Top with whipped cream and garnish with a cinnamon stick. This is a toddie and not a cooler. However, warming up with toddie can be cool.

Have a nice day. Have several nice days.

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