Our flower angelheart, adopted July 26, 1998,
looks after the Secret Garden.

There is peace within a garden,
a peace so deep and calm.
That when the heart is troubled,
it's like a soothing balm.
There's life within a garden,
a life that still goes on.
Filling the empty places,
when older plants have gone.
There's glory in the garden,
at every time of year.
Spring, summer, autumn, winter,
it fills the heart with cheer.
So everyone tend your garden,
its beauty to increase.
For in it you will find solace,
and in it you will find peace.

After a while you learn the subtle
difference between holding a
hand and chaining a soul,
And you learn that love doesn't
mean leaning and company
doesn't mean security,
And you begin to learn that kisses
aren't contracts and presents
aren't promises,
And you begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your
eyes open, with the grace of an
adult,not the grief of a child,
And you learn to build all your roads
on today because
tomorrow's ground is too uncertain
for plans.
After a while you learn that even
sunshine burns if you get too
So plant your own garden and
decorate your own soul, instead of
waiting for someone to bring you
And you learn that you really
can endure...that you really are
And you really do have worth.

Early morning, and I have renewed energy.
A drink of water
Ah...today I will grow stronger.
I will etch my roots
a little deeper into Earth's memory.
The sun will warm me
and give me new color.
But the fact that you
care for me...
makes me beautiful and
I reflect your attentions
in all that I do.

You make me stand tall
and proud to be here.
I could not exist alone.
I know...
This is what we...
you and I
require to live and grow.
I am happy.
Thank you,

your Plants

-a poem by Carol Fox-White-
for Sue

© Aneeza's Cottage 1998-2000. All rights reserved.

When in these fresh mornings I go into my garden before anyone is awake, I go for the time being into perfect happiness. In this hour divinely fresh and still, the fair face of every flower salutes me with a silent joy that fills me with infinite content; each gives me its color, its grace, its perfume, and enriches me with the consummation of its beauty.

-Celia Thaxter-

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