















... in the end, I couldn't do anything about it...

I can do something now.

I may not have been strong enough to fight off Otowa without Kenshin's help, but I can do something now. Before, I had people there - Sanosuke and Kenshin to help, Megumi to tend to our wounds - and she was there. For support.

But now, there's no one here. Sanosuke has run off, Megumi is at the clinic, and Kenshin… he's busy with his own battles. And Enishi took her. She's not here to support me now.

She's not here to support me now… but I'll tell her.

I'll tell her everything.

How I won. How I defeated him - how I did it for her. How I did it to show her how…

No. I probably won't tell her that... I'll just gloat. I'll show that busu what I can do! I'll show her...

... she's not here to support me now - but I'll win. I know I will. There's no one else who can do it… and I have someone waiting for me. I didn't lie to Tsubame. No one will die. We will all come back. I will come back… and I will bring Kaoru with me.

The police force is small, disbanded. Saitoh isn't around, they told me.

Well, we don't need him, anyway. I don't need any wolf hanging over my shoulder to tell me how to do the job right.

"It's not impossible!"

Nothing is impossible!

I've got it all figured out; I learned this a while ago, fighting with those bandits that were using Tsubame. I'll never forget what Kenshin taught me, even if he rots away in that hellhole. Even if he dies there. I will never be able to forgive him for that… but I'll never forget what he taught me.

That's what Sanosuke was wrong about. He thought that Kenshin was my role model. My idol. My hero.

I don't need any hero. Heroes are for kids, for kids with nothing but dreams. My dreams were ripped away, torn apart… I don't need a hero… just my family. Kenshin was like the father that I never had, but he wasn't a hero. He wasn't a role model - he had a past worst then any of us, and I could never idolise that.

But he was a father figure, and a teacher, and no matter what he did or does to spoil my trust in him, I will never forget him.

"In the narrow corridors of the police station, only two or three people can fight head-on. But we have space here!"

There's no one here to support me - I am their support, now. I am the one who needs to take up the responsibility that Kenshin gave up. I am the one who can save this place.

I am the one that will save this place and all the memories I have attached to it.

I absolutely cannot let him pass.

"I will absolutely not let anyone die before my eyes!"

Kenshin, I would have made you proud… but I will make Kaoru even prouder.

I've stayed still and watched too many times, listened in the background during enough battles - I'm not just good with my shinai. I know tactics, I know defence. I can do this. I can do this.

I can do this!

"If we wait, we'll wait forever!"

I won't let Kaoru wait for me any longer. I'll save her, if no one else will.

I can do this!!!

He's fast, so fast - that grenade launcher, is that what Shinichi called it? It's faster then me, I can't get close when he's firing. I know my limits, and I know that I can't get hit by one of those and keep going - but I can dodge. I can dodge every one of those, and someone will help me defeat this thing. Or else I'll do it by myself. "Shinichi!" A distraction! "Over here, Kujiraguchi!" I'm close, and I jump, putting all my weight into the air and hefting my fist under my shinai - "Ryu Shou Sen Midoki!!!"

And I got him, right in the arm, where his makeshift weapon is attached! Yes! I can do this! I can do this, and I can save everyone! I CAN DO THIS! There's nothing in my way! There's nothing to stop me!!!

Except… a kid!! ... a kid?

"Dad… where are you?"

… dad… where are you…

I look up for a second to see the kid, rubbing his eyes and sniffling, calling for his parents, and everything's struck from my head. There's no courage, no strategies, no anything. Just memories.

My mother and father.

The years in the Yakuza.

And… Kenshin and Kaoru. My new family.

My new mother… wrapped in white, pale, lifeless. I wasn't there to protect her.

My new father, half-dead, useless.

Where did he go…? He should have no other place to return to save Kamiya Dojo…

"Dad… where are you?"

Kenshin… where did you go?



I will ABSOLUTELY not let ANYONE die before my eyes!

The boy is in my arms, and I can feel every bone in my body crunch and ache as the shell crashes into my back. Something goes numb and my legs feel a bit tingly, but I don't have time to think about it, no time, no time… and suddenly the air around me is exploding, the ground nowhere in sight, the kid in my arms shaking.

He's just as scared as I am - but I have to be strong.

I'm the only one left to protect him.

I'm the only one left.

I'm the only one left!!!

The kid whispers, "dad…"

And I see my family in my head; Kenshin, Kaoru, Sanosuke, Megumi, Tae, Tsubame, Ayame, Suzume, Genzai, Misao. I see them all. And I know that I can't give up, because I'm all they have left of each other.

The ground comes spinning into view, and I land hard, the kid cradled against me so that he won't get hurt as I am thrown down - and rubble is everywhere, raining down like hail, and I roll over to shield him, my back getting slammed with chunks of brick and wood. It hurts like hell, but that never stopped Kaoru or Kenshin or, hell, Sanosuke. His hand… he used it until it exploded. I will survive - and I will win. I have to win.

I can win!

Silence falls over me, the air quiet, no more explosions… but Shinichi's calling me. I have to help…

"… it's… it's all right!" I fight my way out, red seeping in my eyes. The boy isn't hurt, though - and my wounds are nothing compared to his life. "THERE'S NO HARM DONE!"

But he's still there, a lumbering shell of a great man. He's gone insane - and I can't let him hurt anyone. I can't let him continue on. And I know that he has his eye on me now - and that I'll probably come close to death when I fight him. I will come close to death as I fight him.

But that doesn't mean that I won't win!

I will win!

"Kid, can you run all right?" He nods, blinking up at me. "Okay. Your dad must be looking for you…"

… Kenshin's waiting for his answers… Kaoru's waiting for me…

"… so once I give you a signal, run for the town as fast as you can." A few tears collect in his eyes and he shakes his head firmly, frightened.

He's just as scared as I am.

And he's just as strong.

"It's all right. You're strong. You didn't even so much as scream in that storm of cannon blasts. Right?"

He blinks a bit, startled by the revelation - and then he tightens his shoulders. "Ri-right!"

He'll grow up to be a fine kid. "Okay, then… all right, don't turn back even if you get scared." He nods hesitantly. "Just… believe in me."

That's the most that I asked from anyone - Kenshin, Sanosuke, Kaoru.

He nods his head heavily.

"I will definitely stop that guy!"

Kujiraguchi… you're a good man. You've gone insane, but you were a good man, at least. And I can't let someone like you spoil your honour with deeds like these. You're too good for that.



The kid takes off, his feet pounding behind me, louder then my heart, which I would have guessed was impossible.


… wait… he… thinks I'm Kenshin?!

… my blood boils. My body tenses. My fist clenches - and I finally realise what Sano was feeling when he punched Kenshin that day we found him, wasting away.

I am not anything like Kenshin - my style is Kamiya Kasshin Ryu. My shinai will never take a life.

And I will never give up on anyone or anything.

I am Myojin Yahiko, descendent of a great line of Tokyo Samurai.


"Kenshin is in the middle of a fight with himself."

Kujiraguchi's managed to shake off the police force - they're okay, but stunned.

They're some of the bravest people I've ever had the honour of fighting with.

"It's a very, very important fight… I won't allow the likes of you to bother him…"



We're so close, I can see the sweat running down his forehead, the blood running down his teeth… the rage in his eyes.

There is one chance of winning… but, if I fail…

The wind is whistling loudly in my ears.

Don't flinch! Just focus your eyes on what's in front of you!

I close my eyes to see the image of Kenshin's back, turned on me, and turned on us.

For the sake of chasing after that faraway figure with his back to me, which I see every time I close my eyes…

I open my eyes.

I'm Myojin Yahiko - descendent of a great line of Tokyo Samurai - pickpocket extraodinaire, pupil to the adjutant master of the Kamiya dojo…

… and for the sake of someday overtaking him…

Kenshin… you would be proud if you could see me now.

For that, there is no path for me but to go forward.

But, Kaoru would be even prouder.

There is no trail to blaze but what is before me!

I will save everyone!

I will save everyone!!!


"HERE I COME!!!!!"



All I feel is pain and red… and the thought flashes past me, maybe I can't save… anyone…

… and the image of Kaoru and Kenshin watching me as I practice outside the dojo flashes past after it.

My family.


"… ougi no seme, HAWATARI!!!"

He's stunned, he's dazed, and this is my chance! And I have almost-


Crushing, grinding, snapping, cracking. Every bone in my body. Every muscle, every tendon.

I'm not winning… he's still going… how… can I…

He's going to kill me…

I'm going to die here….


I push his hand off of me with power I never knew I had, and I stand, or I try to, holding my shinai tightly - I will not give up without a fight.

I am not Kenshin.

I will not just GIVE UP!!!!

He rakes me across the chest, and I'm bleeding everywhere, but I am still STANDING!! He picks me up by my head, squeezing, clenching, about to shoot a grenade into me at point blank range, but I am still ALIVE!!!!


I will die fighting!

I will die!

I will absolutely not let anyone die before my eyes!

I… will die…


… I'm alive…

"… who is that…?"

… I'm still standing…

"… Himura…"

"… Ken-san...!"

… I haven't given up…!



And I hunch over, my lungs feeling broken, crushed - but they still work. I still work. "Kenshin…"

There's noises, and the two face off. It's all a blur. I'm unsteady, I'm hurting, I'm dizzy - and it clears with Kenshin and Kujiraguchi standing, back to back.


"… I refuse."

My ears hurt, and I cringe, missing something until the ringing dulls.



No one will die here.

I will absolutely not let ANYONE die before my eyes!

"I won't let you do such a thing."

It hurts to stand straight, to look him in the eye.

"Even if you're the way you are now, you were a samurai once, weren't you…"

Kenshin turns a bit, and looks at me over his shoulder.

"… Kenshin is a samurai. You are a samurai. So you knew from the beginning that if you fight for different beliefs, you might die in the process..."


"… then even so, WHY WON'T YOU JUST LET IT GO, HAVING LOST ONLY YOUR RIGHT HAND?!?! THERE SHOULD BE NO REASON FOR A SAMURAI TO HATE ANOTHER SAMURAI!!!! What of their honour, their era - though samurai might howl about it all the time, those are nothing but empty words! If you are a samurai, then with the life that was saved, you should think about what you can do for the new era!!"

Kenshin looks shocked.

And I don't care.

I am Myojin Yahiko, descendent of a great line of Tokyo Samurai. I know what I'm talking about.

"Kenshin has always, ALWAYS fought and protected people! You only raged, putting bullets into your right hand… WHAT DID THAT LEFT HAVE YOU HAVE LEFT EVER DO FOR YOU!?"

I will fight. And I will win. Not because there's no one here to help me… but because there's someone here that I need to help. "IF YOU STILL WANT TO FIGHT EVEN SO, then I can ALSO USE ONLY MY LEFT HAND! I will fight you again!!!"

And my right hand is crushed; I don’t feel the pain as I do so, but I switch the shinai into my left, and stand waiting. I will fight, and I will win, and I will not die! NO ONE WILL DIE BEFORE MY EYES, NOT EVEN ME!!!

"… child… your name?"

"I'm not a child! I'm Myojin Yahiko, descended from a Tokyo Samurai family! Come on! Are you fighting or are you not!?"

… and he turns around.

And… he cries… and he gives himself up…

… and… I think… I have won. Because I protected everyone... because I got help... because I helped him, because… because I needed to win.

In the end, I couldn't do anything about Kaoru.

But, I can do something now.

I can help her. And everyone else who needs my help.

I am Myojin Yahiko… and I will let no one die before my eyes. Ever.