Last Call









“Well if you ain’t going to talk then I am hanging up!”

“No wait please?”


“Yes it’s me.”

“What in the hell do you want?”

“To talk with you for a few minutes.”

“I don’t want to talk to you, it never did any good.”

“Please? Can’t we talk for a few minutes?”



“Well talk damn it. It ain’t like I got all day.”

“Funny neither do I.”


“Never mind.”

“So are you going to tell me why you called? Or do I have to guess?”

“No, I guess the reason is because I wanted to tell you something.”

“Like what?”

“I am sorry.”

“Your sorry?”

“Yes for everything I ever did to you.”

“Sorry doesn’t work any more, you know.”

“It has to this time.”

“What does that mean?”

“Look I just called to say I am sorry for the way I treated you back then. I took things I didn’t have rights to. All because I knew you loved me.”

“Well I don’t any more.”

“I know that, I know your with him now. And you might even believe that the pain I caused is gone, but it ain’t. Not yet...”

“Your talking in riddles. I don’t understand.”

“You never did, that’s why I used you like I did. God help me cause he knows I would do it again.”

“Well ain’t that a dandy thing to know?”

“I have got off the subject on why I called.”

“To say your sorry?”

“Yes, and to tell you I love you stil.”

“And I tell you to go to hell, cause it doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Yes I know that. And I know that I have no right to say those words to you. Nor did I ever. But I know now that’s what I feel in side.”

“I don’t give a fuck on your feelings. You never cared a shit about mine”

“Yes I know. But as least I could tell you for the first time and know to myself I meant every word.”

“A big whoop that means.”

Pausing, and a distance yell

“I have to go, it’s my time.”

“Now what are you babbling on about?”

“Listen, please, no matter what else you hear about me, please, know that I love you.”

“I don’t understand you.”

“You never could, that only made it easier. But it don’t matter now I have to go and your with someone who always loved you.”


“You saying I’m easy?”

“To me you were. But to him your everything”

“Stop it!”

“Yes I will cause this wasn’t why I called.”


“I am going now, I hope you two the best. And please be happy.”

“Hey wait a minute.”

“Good-bye Kosihii”

“Don’t call me that...hey where did you go?”








Hunk let the tears he had been holding back fall down onto his cheek. Only glancing back at the pay phone he smiled sadly and closed his eyes, letting all the pain that had been bottled up for years come rushing to the surface. Letting his shoulder’s shake with each sob he could barely stand on his own two feet.

Through all his pain he never heard the footsteps come up from behind him. Only when a touch on his shoulder’s did Hunk realize that he was no longer alone. Bowing his head in shame, he listened to his companion speak. Nodding when he was asked a question and shaking his head in agreement with the charge’s.

“Now come along big guy, it’s your time and the Father is waiting.”

Hunk cleared his watery eyes and wished back on that night that his life changed forever. It had been a mistake, all one big mistake! He had been drunk and high, he hadn’t meant to...

Pushing those thoughts aside, Hunk remembered a saying Keith had used once after a mistake was made in a battle,

“Don’t dwell on the past cause it can’t be changed.”

The past, how funny all of it sounds now. But one thing was true, you can’t changed it! Not matter how hard you try, it’s written, and incased in stone. So all that was left was to pay for the mistakes.

Hunk followed the man into a small, white room. Sallowing became so hard to do. Quickly he sized up the room that would be his last “stop.”It was plain and only held one table, Hunk’s eyed the table with sadden eyes. This was it, the last table that would serve as a bed for him.

With a clunk and click Hunk felt the chains give way. Rubbing his wrist he held the other man with his eyes. Pledding him not to help in this. When the plea was understood the other man stepped back and guarded the door way.

Hunk numbly walked over to the table and let the tears fall once more. So this was the way it was going to end? So be it! He was happy that the guard had let him make one last call before hand.

Sighing Hunk climbed his way onto the table, and turned to lay in his back. In doing so he spotted the doctor for the first time. Swiftly nodding to him Hunk spread out for his new, and last, chains. The only difference was now they were leather straps and not cold, iron handcuffs. Closing his eyes as he was strapped onto the table his thoughts wondered back to the telephone conversation he had just had.

“I love you Pidge! Please know that! And please forgive me?”

Hunk felt a small touch at his left shoulder. Opening an eye he noticed Father Kishuku. Some small relief came to him then. And yet it didn’t matter anymore. But when Father Kishuku’s eyes wondered off to other side of Hunk, Hunk knew it was time. Sallowing hard once more he closed his eyes for what could be the last time.

“Hunk any last words?”

Hunk never opened his eyes to answer the Father. But he let pure, loving tears fall. Taking a deep breath Hunk whispered...

“Forgive me Pidge.”

With that Hunk felt a sting in his right arm, and quickly he felt the world start to dim.