Love Lines


That was her first thought in the void of darkness. Exactly where was he? Where was Sano, or Yahiko? Why wasn't they here with her? With those thoughts came so did splitting pain in her chest. Confused she gently brought her hand to the pained area. Feeling something wet, cold surprised her. Something wasn't right! But the pain was to much to think over. Trying to open her eyes she notice that the darkness just wasn't a feeling she had, but her actually surroundings. Blackness covered far more than the eyes reach. Once more pain proved to strong, closing her eyes she tried to figured out where she was? Oddly enough any answers seemed to escape her. Bringing her hand to apply pressure to her chest she tried again to move. Only stopping at the slightly sound of footsteps, calling out once more she tried to reach her beloved.


Moments tricked bye and no answer came forth. Finally letting tears fall the young girl screamed to her beloved, to anyone that would listen! Anything would be better than the emptiness that surrounded her. And yet nothing came to her summons, not a sound! It was almost as if she the only person alive???

Not exactly koishii.

The girl snapped her eyes opened to find the source of the voice. Wondering if she might have...

No you didn't. I am real, well sort-of. And if I was you Kaoru I would stop looking for me and picture me, if an image is what you need?

Kaoru laid very still not even daring to breath. Trying to sort out her options, trying to make since of everything. To somehow make herself believe that she wasn't indeed not going insane? Suddenly her thoughts where pushed out of her mind and then and only then did she see the voice that had spoken.


Smiling the image simply shook his head and then looked deeply into Kaoru's eyes and whispered.

Not really but yes in a way I am. The name Fujimiya Aya. From this point on please call me so. Also think, don't speak.

Kaoru could only stare at the man that stood in the middle of the darkness, no in the middle of her mind.

You are a quick learner!

Kaoru could only blush at this. Somehow this...this...

I told you the name is Aya.


Kaoru watched as he, no Aya, nodded. Somehow the blush that had been on her cheeks seemed to grow. Somehow this, no Aya, had a habit of making her blush. Not even Kenshin could do so with every other word or so. At the thought of Kenshin, Kaoru seemed to take a closer look at the red at Aya. He indeed looked like Kenshin, well some what! The thing that stood out was the violet eyes, violet eyes that went with the flaming red hair. The only thing that was missing was the x shaped scar on his left cheek. Well he also, no not he, Aya seemed to be taller but yet build like Kenshin. And yet something wasn't right about him. Something within his violet eyes, perhaps a coldness? She couldn't put her finger on it.

That's to be discussed at another time. But know one thing Kamiya Kaoru I will not let you go.....not this time.

With those words everything went black


Arigatou= Thank You
Koishii= Beloved
Sugoi= Awesome


*Tearsdrops *Angel: I can't....I won't

Aya: What she is TRYING to say is that she doesn't own us or any right to us, or anything remotely like that!

Kenshin: You might want to be nicer to Angel-chan!

Aya:*narrowing his eyes* Why?

Kenshin: Cause she usually try's to write yaoi.

Aya: *sighs* Damn another one?

Angel: Aya-sama why? Why did you do it? WHY?

Aya: Maybe a yaoi fic would be better than this?

Angel: Yaoi? Aya-sama? Aoshi-sama? Oh the things I could think of......


Author Notes:

Hai this is a Weiss Kreuz and Rurouni Kenshin crossover. I really don't where in there world this idea came from?

I guess it might be cause I have recently watched the first WK episodes and I just LOVE RK! Any ways ya can tell who my favorite WK character is? Aya- chan or rather Ran! As for RK I love Kenshin and Aoshi . They are so sugoi.

Anyways the time line for this story doesn't really go along with the true storyline for either show. One more thing I will not use that many Japanese words in this story, I find that for those who don't know it using it to much in a story can be a turn off to the whole story! So please bare with me I will write the meanings of the words I do use.

One more thing is if you would like to see something happen within my story just write me and I will see what I can do!