Because He Lives
We, Too, Shall Live"

In this restless world of struggle

Answers to the questions

that daily come to mind.

We cannot see the future,

what's beyond is still unknown,

For the secret of God's kingdom

still belongs to Him alone.

But He granted us salvation

when His Son was crucified,

For life became immortal

because our Saviour died.

Life is not a transient thing,

It is change but never loss,

For Christ purchased our salvation

When He died upon the Cross.

~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

Legend of the Dogwood

An old and beautiful legend has it that,

at the time of the crucifixion,

the dogwood was comparable in size

to the oak tree and other monarchs of the forest.

Because of its firmness and strength

it was selected as the timber for the cross,

but to be put to such a cruel use

greatly distressed the tree.

Sensing this, the crucified Jesus

in his gentle pity

for the sorrow and suffering of all

said to it:

"Because of your sorrow and pity

for My sufferings,

never again will the dogwood tree

grow large enough to be used as a cross.

Henceforth it will be slender,

bent and twisted

and its blossoms will be in the form of a cross

~ two long and two short petals.

In the center of the outer edge of each petal

there will be nail prints

~ brown with rust and stained with red

~ and in the center of the flower

will be a crown of thorns,

and all who see this will remember."

~~Author Unknown~~


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revised 3-15-00/jr Midi: Joyful

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