. save wedding peach! .

* ~ don't let weddingpeach die! ~ *

we need to act quickly and get awarness out,before it's too late!

we need dubs and subs but we need more awarness for this to happen,

the goal of project wp is to create awarness in the general anime/manga community

that weddingpeach does exist and it is here to stay!

. hinagiku at the beach! drumming up support for project wp! .

BUT for this to happen we need members and we need campaigns going on!

I,Angel Salvia cannot attempt to do this alone!

I need support and help from every single weddingpeach fan on earth!!!

how else will we see weddingpeach in english?

Now this is NOT a place like SOS,I can't get stations to buy weddingpeach,I

can't promise one dub or sub will come out of this,but I promise when

project wp is no longer needed we will have achieved something.

. yuri at easter island, praying that one day she will speak english .

I won't lie and say we WILL get all of weddingpeach dubbed and on tv by next week!!!

This CANNOT happen! project wp is trying to project awarness so,if people see

how popular weddingpeach really is,these people may dub or sub weddingpeach.BUT we aren't here

just to get weddingpeach in english,we are here to prove that weddingpeach is a wonderful

and worthwhile anime/manga and that EVERY shoujo

manga/anime fan should learn about weddingpeach!

I earn no money from this,I gain nothing physically.I probably lose more emotionally than I gain.

But mentally I feel by doing this and having your support,

I am doing something to help save ai tenshi densetsu wedding peach.