The Seven Deadly Gifts

This page is on the "gifts" that Angel/Angelus sent to Buffy and her friends.

Deadly Gift #1- the gift of art the picture of Buffy sleeping the picture of Willow sleeping the picture of Buffy's mom sleeping

Deadly Gift #2- the gift of flowers the roses Angel sent to Buffy

Deadly Gift #3- the gift of death killing Theresa killing Jenny Calendar

Deadly Gift #4- the gift of love his ring his kisses her cross

Deadly Gift #5- the gift of the moment Angel and Buffy's little moment

Deadly Gift #6- the gift of tears killing Willow's goldfish and putting them in an envelope for her to find the wrapping of Jenny's body (the flowers, the note)

Deadly Gift #7- the gift of obsession his obsession with Buffy