Quotes from the episode "Go Fish"

"You're forgetting our high mortality rate." -Willow Rosenberg

"No pressure. I just like being around you, that's all." -Cameron Walker

"See! It's fun to hang out with me." -Buffy Summers

"Ok. Good pie charts everyone." -Willow Rosenberg

"Is that how you show your school spirit?" -Principal Snyder

"That is wrong. Big fat stinky wrong!" -Xander Harris

"I'm comfy. In fact, I'm so comfy, I'm nodding off." -Buffy Summers

"Are you wearing a bra?" -Cameron Walker

".....and I don't have...a....scratch." -Buffy Summers

"So something ripped him open and ate out his insides?"

"Like an oreo cookie!" -Buffy Summers and Willow Rosenberg

"You're gonna think about that later Mister and you're going to laugh." -Buffy Summers

"Ohhh...forgive me your swimteamliness!" -Xander Harris

"Raise your hand if you feel her pain." -Xander Harris

"It's a terrible terrible tradegy. We all feel your pain." -Principal Snyder

"...the smell of chlorine on a guy...ooooh babe." -Buffy Summers

"Why Miss Summers! You're beautiful." -Angel(us)

"Not that chicken little is much of a witness." -Cordelia Chase

"I'm undercover."

"Not under much!" -Xander Harris and Buffy Summers

"You can die happy." -Buffy Summers

"Definately feeling the burn." -Buffy Summers

"You never asked if they were using?" -Rupert Giles

"Meanwhile, I'm breaking my nails to fight the forces of evil and my french teacher can't even remember my name!" -Buffy Summers

"Giles is getting the tranquilizer gun. We're going fishing." -Buffy Summers

"I wouldn't break out the tartar sauce." -Buffy Summers

"Somehow, I doubt he's giving them just inspiration." -Buffy Summers

"Do you understand?"

"I don't care! I was in the line for a thread of snity which you obviously skipped!" -Coach Carl and Buffy Summers

"...and you looked really hot in that speedo..." -Cordelia Chase

"Great. This is just what my reputation needs. That I did it with the entire swim team!" -Buffy Summers

"Just doing my part for the team!" -Xander Harris

"Those boys really loved their coach!!" -Buffy Summers

"I'd be just as happy if you played football!" -Cordelia Chase