Welcome to my Memorial to Kendra

Kendra was the other vampire slayer who was chosen when Buffy was temporarily dead (killed by the Master). She and Buffy became friends after Kendra helped Buffy save Angel from Drucilla and Spike, even though Kendra believes that all vampires, good or bad, should be killed. After Angel turned bad Kendra came back in another episode (Becoming One) only to be killed by Drucilla in a clever trap that was set up by Drucilla and Angel. Kendra tried to defend Buffy's friends from the vampires, but Drucilla hypnotized her and then slashed her throat. As soon as Buffy figured out it was a trap she rushed as fast as she could back to the library, but Giles was gone, Willow was unconcious, Xander had a broken arm, and Kendra was dead. Buffy had lost another friend. How may more will it take before Angel is stopped? Who knows now that he has his soul back, but he's also stuck in hell.