FoR aLL yOu BuFFy AdOrErS, rEaD yOuR fOrTuNeS hErE.....

Well my dear, you have a bright future. You are strong willed, good looking and I believe you have an attitude problem of some sort. My advise to you is to stay away from dark alleys, even though a certain stranger will call you from beyond to come. Do not listen, for if you do it will only cause you grief and misery. You're bright, so don't waste your time with trivial things. You will be an important figure in time. Get busy and be the person you are in your heart, whether good or bad. Never forget the dark side either. What you ignore, won't go away. Face your fears and forget your past. Live in the now. I see that you have someone who watches over you. Beware, he may be an enemy rather than a friend. This is all the advise I have for you, for giving nothing gives everyone everything.

tO aLL LoVeRs Of ThE eViL DrUcILLa....

It seems that you like to walk on the wild and evil side of life once and awhile. You have extrordinary talents beyond the norm of life. Use them wisely so they do not cause you trouble. You have undergone many changes in your life. Your love life is confusing. You may love two men or thought you loved one, but really love the other. A voice from your past will come back to you soon. Beware what that will lead you to. Don't go overboard either. Don't ignore your love of evil. Ignoring is not the way to overcoming.

fOr aLL aNgEL fAnS, cOmE fOrTh AnD i WiLL sHoW yOu WhAt YoU wAnT tO kNoW.....

You have a good natured soul to you, but you will be heartbroken many times in your life. A stupid mistake will lead you to much pain and agony. Watch every step you take for you are not as invincible as you think. Love is important to you and is one of your stronger points. Never loose faith in what could be. Always believe in evil and I suppose, good. Just remember, you are not solely responsible for the fate of the world. Eventually evil will prevail not now, who knows when, just believe. In believing all things are possible. Never ever forget that. I see happiness in the not too near future, but stop the worrying. The person that you want to love you does, but has no choice but to handle the situation the way they are. Lastly, I see regret in my crystal ball. Never regret. Forget your past and your pain.

tO aLL tHaT LoVe SpIkE.....

You are strong and can be cocky at some points in your life, but lately you have been been very jealous of a "friend" of the person you love and feel they might be trying to take your love away from you. Don't fear. It will never happen for your lover has great devotion and chemistry with you. You have a very serious decision to make. Think about the consequences before you decide. It seems that you have a tendency to run away from your problems instead of solving them. Running is not a solution, just a time saver.

aLL WiLLoW fAnS......cOmE.......

Well, let's just see. You are good with technology and are very bright. Always believe in the person you are and make sure to always stand up for yourself. Too often you want to be polite and you don't. You don't have all that many friends but the friends you do have reguard you as a respectable, sweet as your name kind of person. Disreguard all insults by others who don't know you, for they are shallow and unimportant. Lastly, never let who you are get lost in the shuffle of everything. Believe in the forces of good and bad.

tO aLL gILe'S LoVeRs.....

You are a lover of all things intelectual and you love to read. You have a incredibly bright future ahead of you. Just make sure you make the most of your time now. You also have tendencies to be a bit stuffy and boring, but you outweigh that with your support for others and your kindness to the world.

To aLL LoVeRs Of XaNdEr......

Well, let us take a look. I see that you have good sense of humor. You make wise cracks to avoid all tense or major decisions you have to make. Under it all, you are a good person, but you need to let that shine through more on the outside. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Many of the people who know and love you have broken your shell and know who you are under it all, but the people who don't know you make instant judgements based on your lack of confidence in yourself. Be content with your life and never reach for more than you can possibly attain. That does not mean to slack off. In fact, I would tell you to concentrate more on your future. Remember, life may not always be what it seems.

This is just for fun and should not be taken seriously. I am no psychic or anything of the sort. THIS IS JUST FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.