Quotes from the episode "Ted"

"Or what? You'll slay me!" -Ted

"I was so hoping you'd do that." -Buffy Summers

"You killed him!" -Joyce Summers

"That defense only works in sixth year old court." -Buffy Summers

"Unless they were dating my mother?" -Buffy Summers

"I sometimes like things that aren't good for me." -Xander Harris

"Yes, let's bring that up as often as possible." -Rupert Giles

"Damn! This guy's like citizen of the year!" -Willow Rosenberg

"Well...that's the cookies talking, but you rock!" -Xander Harris

"Ohh. I get that reaction from men all the time." -Jenny Calendar

"I beg to differ." -Ted

"No matter how you put him down, a good salesman always bounces back." -Ted

"Say goodnight big guy!" -Jenny Calendar

"Don't worry about me and your mother. We're gonna be very happy together." -Ted

"What's in there?"

"His first four wives." -Willow Rosenberg and Xander Harris

"Want a little gravy with that?" -Ted

"You really know how to woo a girl back don't you?" -Jenny Calendar

"This house is mine!" -Buffy Summers

"Trust me, he's on the scrap heap.....of life.." -Buffy Summers

"Oh, Will! You're supposed to use your powers for good." -Buffy Summers

"Like how to build your own serial killer?" -Cordelia Chase