TITLE: Boredom Sucks II -Payback (1/1)
AUTHOR: Hebburn Bee Slayer <bee_slayer@hotmail.com> Me and Queequeg love 
KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully UST
DISCLAIMER: Yadda, yadda, yadda...unless I woke up this morning and saw Rupert 
Murdoch staring back at me, they're not mine!
ARCHIVE: Yes please. I want as much feedback as possible, I get no other e-mail.
SUMMARY: It's Mulder that's bored this time. Scully decides to play a little 

AUTHOR'S NOTE: It's me again! Bee Slayer here, with another fluff piece. 
Remember Scully's threat to Mulder back in Boredom Sucks 1? I think it's bout 
time she carried it out...
On with the show, boredom sucks II-payback

Mulder was sitting at his desk, staring blankly at his computer screen. He was 
bored. He was very bored. In fact, he was very, very, VERY bored. His 
screensaver had come on about an hour ago, but he couldn't be bothered to move 
the mouse to get rid of it. It was the only thing entertaining him. Scully was 
stuck at a meeting, one which he had sensibly declined to attend. If he was 
completely honest with himself he wasn't really that interested in ways to cut 
spending costs. Neither was Scully, but one of them had to go. 
  He had been to one of these things before, and had almost become a mass 
murderer. After the trick Scully had pulled on him the other day, he had decided 
it only fitting that she should go to this meeting without him. He hadn't 
particularly relished finding out that he'd had a gum wrapper stuck to his head 
while walking through the FBI Headquarters. Skinner hadn't found it amusing 
either. In fact, Mulder had let her live only because of the priceless look on 
Skinner's face when he saw it. The lecture they got about responsibility at work 
was *still* echoing in his brain. Ugh, he had even lectured them on keeping 
their private lives private. God knows what he thought was going on. He probably 
thought they had sex on his desk every day. Maybe even the store cupboard. Ugh. 
Scully was going to pay for that, which was why she was at the meeting and he 
was in the office watching the screensaver. He sighed, it was starting to get 
very boring.

   Scully was not happy. In fact, that was an understatement. She was fuming. 
Mulder was going to pay for subjecting her to that perfectly legal method of 
torture. She had just listened to one *extremely* boring agent rattle on about 
budgets for *three hours*. He even had charts! Skinner had came in briefly and 
had flashed her a brief grin. She knew that grin, but had never expected it to 
come from *Skinner* It was a grin telling her that  this was her punishment for 
the other day. It showed more pleasure than she thought a man like Skinner could 
stand. And now she was going to kill Mulder. He was going to die. Slowly and 
painfully. But then she had a better idea. She gave an evil grin. He was going 
to regret putting her through that torture.

  Mulder was so engrossed in watching Kenny get killed by a multitude of 
different methods that he didn't hear the door opening.
"Good to see you're taxing your brain," came Scully's voice from the doorway.
Mulder didn't even glance up, "Uh huh."
Scully rolled her eyes in disgust. If he was in non-responsive caveman mode this 
was going to be a hell of a lot harder.
As she sat down on her chair, he looked at her briefly, "How was the meeting?"
*cocky git*, she thought, but smiled sweetly at him. "Oh, it was just as I 
expected, really."
"Yeah?" Mulder was determined to get a rise out of her. He wasn't through with 
the payback yet.
"Yeah," Scully crossed her legs, "I kind of missed you though." She raised a 
seductive eyebrow at him, hoping it would have the right effect.
Mulder was confused. Did she just say and do what he thought she just said and 
did? He hoped not. He grunted and turned back to the screensaver.
 Scully frowned for a second. This was going to be harder than she thought. She 
wheeled her chair a bit closer to him so that she could see what was on the 
computer screen. 
"Any plans for tonight?" she asked, in a tone of voice that made Mulder take a 
quick look at her to make sure she was talking to him and not on the phone or 
"You know, the usual."
"Oh..." Scully let her voice trail off and pretended to contemplate her next 
words. She started twisting a strand of hair, "Me too. Go home, have something 
to eat, take a nice...long...bubble bath,take a glass of wine in with me...go to 
bed..." she noticed him getting progressively redder throughout this speech. She 
gave herself a mental high-five. It was working! His expression was pained, 
although anyone who didn't know him as well as her wouldn't notice.
Mulder didn't know what was going on, but it was making him nervous. Her next 
words nearly made him stop breathing.
"Care to join me?" Scully hid a grin at the look on his face.
Mulder looked up at her, and their eyes locked. He smiled to himself. *so that's 
what she's up to... two can play this game, Dana.*
Scully crossed her legs over again, placing an elbow on her knee and resting her 
chin in her hand. She gave Mulder a brief raised eyebrow, never breaking eye 
contact with him.
"If that's what it sounds like..."
"What does it sound like?"
Mulder wondered if she knew what effect she was having on him, what effect she 
*always* had on him. They were playing a dangerous game, and they both knew it.
"It sounds like an invitation."
Scully smiled flirtatiously at him, "well maybe it is"
He smiled back, "Maybe?"
*shit*, Scully swore to herself, *he knows. Fuck* Then she reconsidered, she 
could still have some fun with this. He didn't know that she knew he knew. Or 
something like that.
"Definitely," she whispered.
Mulder swallowed. Hard. He was constantly having to remind himself that she was 
bluffing, toying with him. That didn't stop him from being incredibly turned on.
He opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't think of anything to say.
 She grinned outwardly and got out of the chair to come and kneel beside him, 
"looking a little tongue-tied there, Mulder."
She was *really* gonna pay for putting him through this. Especially now her arms 
were resting on his knees. He still could think of nothing to say to her. 
Scully reached up to the computer and turned the monitor off; the screensaver 
was *really* starting to bug her. It was putting her off.
"You know, Mulder, we don't have to wait until tonight. The office is empty 
now..." she watched him carefully, guaging his reaction. What he said now was 
vital to ensure she still had the last laugh.
Mulder watched her just as carefully. Was she really kidding around?  He decided 
to play along for now, wondering what she would do next.
"You're right. But maybe we should lock the door, make sure there are no 
"I already locked it when I came in." Time for the piece de resistance. She was 
perfectly willing to make a small sacrifice in the name of revenge.
"You know, Mulder, if you don't want this, I should just go home and take that 
bubble bath all alone..."
Mulder frowned, where was she going with this? They both knew she was bluffing. 
He gave a mental shrug. He wasn't going to back down first.
"Of course I want this. I always have, Dana."
Well, that certainly sent a shockwave down Scully's spine. She told herself to 
get a grip. He was trying to get to her. The thing was, it was working, and she 
was going to need all the self restraint she had for the next part. She raised 
an eyebrow at him, "Prove it." 
"What?" He hadn't expected this.
"Prove it. If you really want me as much as you say you do, prove it."
"And how do I do that?" 
Scully raised herself up and wrapped her arms around Mulder's neck, *time to see 
just how tough you are, G-man*
"Kiss me," she whispered.
Oh god. Mulder was having *serious* trouble breathing. "Kiss you?" he had to 
make sure he heard her right.
She nailed the last nail in the coffin, "don't you *want* to kiss me?"
Scully pinned him with her eyes, she wasn't going to let him win this. 
  Mulder couldn't believe his partner could be *this* sadistic. He was in a 
lose-lose situation here. If he backed down and ended it he lost. If he *did* 
kiss her, he wasn't sure he could end it there, so he lost.
  Neither of them looked away, each watching the other carefully. Mulder knew 
she was playing him, and Scully knew he knew. The question was, who would back 
down and admit to it first?
 *oh shit. Fuck it all to hell* thought Mulder. He knew there was only one way 
out of this: he was going to have to kiss her.
Scully saw the realisation dawn in his eyes, and her own eyes widened. She 
hadn't thought he would actually go through with it.
 They moved closer to each other, neither one willing to back down, as if pulled 
by invisible strings. When they were so close that Scully could feel his breath 
on her face, she knew there was no way she *could* turn back now.
"I hope you know I hate you for this," whispered Mulder.
Scully started to answer him, but got no further as her lips met Mulder's for 
the first time.
Both were determined to stay detached from the kiss, but that soon proved 
impossible. Mulder's arm snaked around her back, pulling her closer. Scully was 
instantly lost in the kiss, but she was aware of the voice in the back of her 
head declaring victory. 
   Scully pulled away after about thirty seconds. She gave Mulder a brief grin 
as she stood up and headed for the door. She looked back over her shoulder at 
the look of shock on his face. Their gazes locked.
"Sucker," she mouthed, and opened the door to leave.
"I guess this means you win," commented Mulder dryly, trying to regain his 
"I had you big time, Mulder."
Scully turned around, a huge grin on her face, "didn't anyone ever tell you that 
it's not the winning, but the taking part that matters?" she tried to stop her 
knees from trembling and hoped Mulder didn't notice.
"Well you can't say I didn't take part, can you?" He relented, and smiled back 
at her.
"I won't argue with that." Scully flashed him a flirtatious smile, and left the 
office, shutting the door behind her.
Mulder sat there staring at the closed door for a couple of minutes, and then 
turned the montior back on. His face broke out into a broad grin as Kenny 
exploded in front of him.

 Skinner frowned as he passed Scully in the corridor. If he didn't know her 
better, he would say she seemed almost... giddy. He shook his head and chalked 
it down to tiredness, continuing on his way to Mulder's office. He was going to 
apologise for implying anything about his and Scully's relationship. His 
secretary had assured him that if there was anything going on, she would know 
about it. So, as much as he didn't want to, he was gonna apologise. And Mulder 
was gonna love every minute of it.
He didn't bother knocking; what's the point, and looked at Mulder grinning at 
the computer screen. At a South Park screensaver no less.
"Agent Mulder, I..." He trailed off. Was Mulder wearing... lipstick??
He frowned at him, no doubt making the man feel very uncomfortable.
Skinner didn't answer, that was definitely lipstick. Unless...
The pieces fell into place. Scully's giddy expression, Mulder's grin, the 
lipstick. Pah! He had been right all along.
"Never mind." He walked back out of the door, leaving behind a thoroughly 
bemused Mulder.

Hah! Girl power! Yup, from now on I'm going back to angsty MSR's. Humour's just 
not my thing, and this idea's been done a thousand times before.
feedback to <bee_slayer@hotmail.com> No flames please, my in-box is sensitive, 
not to mention neurotic;-)