Within these free, advertisement supported, mysteriously dark pages, lies the heart of the dislike for Agent Diana Fowley. We are the cream of the black-oil infected crop; we are the nightmares amongst the many of her bad dreams. Our dislike for Fowley is runs as a deep, wide river, carving a canyon into her short-lived legacy with rushing waters of criticism and protest. We cheer to see her shot... we wish to see her dead... we live to watch her die.

We, the members of the Anti-Fowley Mailing List do solemnly and devoutly claim our purposes and ideals as stated in the following statement:

Alotted a limited perspective so far, we henceforth assume that her purpose is to interfere/cause some tension in the Mulder/Scully Relationship. But now we have been given evidence that Diana Fowley is the spawn of all evil. Therefore, we state, our mission:

Radical or laxadasical, serious or not, these are the missions of the AFML.

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The preceding AFML mission statement was drafted with the expertise of J.R.,Razz,and truthseeker. The above statements do not intend to promote or reflect a dislike or desire of malevolent occurances towards Mimi Rogers, the actress that plays Diana Fowley. The above statements intend to promote or reflect a dislike or desire of malevolent occurances towards fictional character Agent Diana Fowley.