The Beast Within

Major Charactres: Nomad Crew, Rumina, Goz
Minor Charactres: Kula, Man, Old Woman, Drowning Girl, Guards, Maids, Beasts in Cages, Knight

(The crew is walking through the market)

Doubar: It’s good to be on dry land again, brother.

Sinbad: And within a few feet of a wine cascade.

Doubar: I’m a big man. I have a big thirst.

Maeve: (patting Doubar’s stomach) And a big belly.

(They all laugh; someone throws a man out of a bar; Doubar walks up to her, laughing)

Kula: I see you haven’t changed.

Doubar: Kula, my old friend.

(They hug)

Voice: Help me! I need help!

Sinbad: Do you hear that?

Doubar: Aye. The sound of manly men. Now come on, brother, it’s relaxation time.

Voice: She’ll die if you don’t help!

Sinbad: I’ll be back in a minute.

(He turns, leaves, and Maeve sends Dermott to follow him)

Man: (walks up to Maeve) How about a kiss?

Maeve: Why don’t you close your eyes and pucker up?

(He does that; Maeve punches him, sending him flying)

Doubar: Some guys just don’t know how to treat a lady.

(Sinbad is running through the town)

Sinbad: Outta my way! Coming through!

Voice: She’ll die! Somebody help me!

Sinbad: (sees an old woman on the beach) What is it, woman?

Old Woman: My granddaughter (she points). She’s drowning. Please save her. She’s all I’ve got.

Sinbad: Where is she?

Old Woman: There, in the sea. Please hurry. Hurry.

(Sinbad runs to the ocean, and dives into the waves)

Old Woman: (laughs) Hurry, Sinbad. Hurry to your death. (laughs, then turns into a harpy)

Girl: Help! Help me!

Sinbad: Take my hand (reaches out hand) Give me your hand! Hang on!

(She goes under, then turns into a whirlwind of water)

Sinbad: Oh no. Oh no! (he begins to paddle backwards)

(Dermott is watching)

(Opening Credits)

(The rest of the crew are talking to Kula, except for Maeve, who is in a trance-like state)

Doubar: So, the old man says, "Who do you think put the mes in Mesopotamia?" (the two laugh)

Firouz: (after a short pause) Oh, a play on words! (he didn’t get it at first) Amusing.

(Maeve is in a trance, and they turn to her)

Doubar: Maeve. What’s the matter, girl?

(She is watching through the eyes of Dermott; Rongar waves a hand in front of her face, and she does not stir)

Firouz: She appears to be in a trance of some sort.

Kula: Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s the grog.

Firouz: No. She’s a sorcerer’s apprentice. She’s using her powers on…something.

(Maeve sees Sinbad being captured, the way Dermott saw it)

Maeve: Follow him.

Kula: Who’s she talking to?

Firouz: Dermott, I would surmise.

Doubar: (to Kula) That’s her hawk.

Kula: She’s talking to a bird?

Doubar: But Firouz, Dermott isn’t even here. He flew off, even before we sat down.

Maeve: Follow him. (she suddenly gasps, and turns around) We have to set sail…now.

Doubar: But Maeve, we only just got here. Besides, we can’t leave without Sinbad.

Maeve: Sinbad is in danger.

Doubar: Sinbad just strolled off. He’ll be back in a minute.

Maeve: (stands up in a huff) I’m taking the boat!

Doubar: The devil you are! (stands up, angry)

Maeve: We have no time for this! (turns around and leaves)

Doubar: No woman will be piloting our ship in my lifetime! (leaves after her)

(The other two leave as well)

Firouz: (turns to Kula) Sorry, sorry, sorry.

(They are walking through the town)

Maeve: When Sinbad left, I asked Dermott to follow him. We share thoughts and feelings sometimes.

Doubar: Now, let me get this straight. We’re taking the word of your bird?

Maeve: It doesn’t matter if you understand this or not. If you care about Sinbad, you’ll be doing exactly what I tell you. Heaven knows what horrors he’s facing this very minute.

Doubar: Horrors? What kind of horrors?

(Sinbad wakes up in Rumina’s lair with scratches on chest; two people are waving him with feathers; he picks up a feather)

Sinbad: Careful, ladies. It’s molting season.

(Rumina laughs; Sinbad gets up and notices the pain in his chest; he walks around)

Sinbad: Hello?

Rumina: You’ve awakened at last.

Sinbad: (comes closer) I might’ve guessed. Hello, Rumina. (salutes)

Rumina: (stands up) Sinbad. (to fish) Here’s some food, my pet. (throws something in the water)

(Walks up to Sinbad)

Sinbad: I’d ask you how’s Trix, but I already know.

Rumina: (rubs hand on Sinbad’s chest) Hmmm. This must hurt.

(Sinbad flinches)

Sinbad: Suffering’s good for the soul.

Rumina: Pleasure’s better. (she runs her hand along the scar, healing it; Sinbad looks at it, puzzled) I hope my form of transportation didn’t upset you. (she leaves him)

(Sinbad turns around)

Sinbad: Now why would being whaleated by a waterspout possibly upset me?

(Rumina sits, and pats the seat beside her)

Sinbad: I’d rather stand.

Rumina: Guards!

(Guards come)

Sinbad: Well, I could take a load off my feet for a moment or two. (sits down beside her) All right, Rumina. I killed your father. Now, what do you intend to do with me?

(She kisses him)

Rumina: (pulls away) I want you to remain here…as my husband.

Sinbad: And if I refuse?

Rumina: One way or the other, you will remain here. And don’t expect your crew to rescue you. You’re in the middle of nowhere with me. (a servant puts down a plate) You must be famished. Eat.

Sinbad: (picking up a piece of food) What is this?

Rumina: Baby crocodile brains.

Sinbad: (puts down food) No thanks. I’m trying to watch my weight.

Rumina: You may as well get used to the situation. You’re alive only in my world, my intrepid sailor. And only for as long as I wish you to be.

Sinbad: (looks around) Have I told you how impressed I am with what you’ve done to this room?

Rumina: Thank-you.

(Sinbad turns around just in time to see Rumina swallow some food; he gives her a strange look)

(Dermott is still flying around, trying to find Sinbad)

(Maeve bends down to look at some footprints on the beach)

Maeve: This is where she captured Sinbad.

(She stands up)

Doubar: And who is she?

Maeve: The sorceress.

Firouz: Rumina. (Rongar comes to them with a saber) That’s Sinbad’s. (he takes it)

Doubar: Cursed witch! And you say you know where she’s taken him?

Maeve: I had sent Dermott to follow.

Doubar: I wish you would have told me in the first place. Come on! (he leaves)

Maeve: So you’ll be letting me take the ship then?

(Doubar turns)

Doubar: No woman is going to touch our ship! I’ll take the helm!

Maeve: But you’ll be needing my direction!


Doubar: Let’s go. Don’t dally! We’ll miss the tide.

Firouz: Don’t worry, my dear. For Doubar, that is a very enlightened position. (he follows Doubar)

(Maeve follows, Rongar stays behind a moment, and looks out to sea)

(Dermott is still trying to find Sinbad)

(Rumina and Sinbad are still sitting, talking)

Rongar: So, it’s settled. We are betrothed. (runs fingers through Sinbad’s hair) When would you like the official ceremony to take place?

Sinbad: (removes her hand) Rumina, you are definitely a beautiful woman (Rumina smiles). But, if, and when I marry, love has to enter the picture.

Rumina: You’re so old-fashioned.

Sinbad: Nonetheless, I respectfully decline the offer.

(Rumina sits up)

Rumina: I could just cast a spell on you and make you marry me.

Sinbad: Too easy. (sits up) Besides, then you wouldn’t be marrying the real me.

Rumina: You’re beginning to try my patience.

Sinbad: (holds up an apple) Why not try an apple instead?

(Rumina shoves it aside)

(A maid drops some fruit, and it hits Rumina in the head)

Rumina: (turns) You clumsy cow! (she makes her disappear, then turns back to Sinbad) You think this is all a joke, don’t you? (she gets up) You think I’m too young and foolish to realize that this is staying you for me. You’re good. I’m evil. How pedestrian.

Sinbad: It’s not that, Rumina. Think about it. I’m just not the marrying kind.

Rumina: Well, let’s see if you’re the torturing kind. Shall we?

Sinbad: (gets up) I think that’s my cue to leave. You know, it’s been great seeing you again. Really. (he turns and walks a few steps, and meets some guards) Oh, I hate it when a dinner party goes bad. (turns to a maid, who is carrying a tray) Ah, allow me to serve. (he takes the tray, flips it around, and throws it as one of the guards) (he defeats the guards) You just can’t get good help these days. (he runs across the room, past Rumina, swings on a chandelier, to the window) We must do this again, sometime. Oh, not in the near future, I hope. (he goes to jump out the window, but Rumina uses her magic to wrap the beads hanging on the window around Sinbad’s arms and legs)

Rumina: Guards!

Sinbad: Lovely view from up here.

Rumina: Maybe a trip to my hobby room will teach you some manners.

(Sinbad falls into the arms of a guard)

Sinbad: This isn’t going to change my mind, Rumina!

Rumina: Perhaps not, but it will make my day. After all, you are my father’s killer.

Sinbad: (as guards take him away) I was hoping I’d gone beyond that!

(The rest of the crew is on the Nomad)

Doubar: (at tiller) This is crazy! Traveling around in circles, not knowing where we’re going. It flies in the face of logic! (Maeve walks across the ship) I just hope she knows what she’s doing and where she’s going.

Firouz: (walks closer to Doubar) Relax. Sinbad’ll be all right. He’s very resourceful.

Doubar: It shows, huh?

Firouz: (puts hand on Doubar’s shoulder) You wouldn’t be human if it didn’t.

Doubar: I swear, Firouz. If that witch does anything to harm my brother, I’ll rip her apart with my bare hands! Magic or no magic!

Maeve: Head south!

Doubar: Here we go again. South it is, Maeve! What’s she doing? Spelling her name in the water? This is the fourth change of course in an hour!

Firouz: I admit her methods are…irregular—

Doubar: Try crazy.
