King Firouz

Main charactres: Nomad Crew, Elila, Azul, Harus
Minor Charactres: Guards, Moren

(The crew is sailing near an island; Sinbad is at the tiller with Maeve)

Sinbad: Maeve! Look. The Isle of Corusar. It’s a sailor’s secret. The perfect place to pick up some food and water.

Maeve: Ah, I don’t know. I’ve never been one for secrets. Now have I, Dermott?

(Near the middle of the ship, Firouz and Rongar are working on Firouz’s latest invention, the Ruby-Beamer; Doubar is watching)

Firouz: Careful Rongar! This is a one-of-a-kind instrument! Why, this invention could change worldwide communications!…Oh, I didn’t mean to make you nervous. You’re doing just fine.

Sinbad: Rongar! Drop anchor!

(Rongar leaves the invention, but almost knocks the thing over)

Doubar: Hard to find good help these days.

Sinbad: (walks up to them) Interesting doodad, Firouz.

Firouz: Oh, yes. Quite. You see, with this I capture the power of the sun, to send a beam of precisely controlled light to a far land. All the world will use this to send messages back and forth in code.

(Suddenly, the Ruby-Beamer is facing in a certain way, that it sends some light onto a piece of cloth near Doubar, catching it on fire)

Doubar: Holy moly! (he jumps away from the fire)

Firouz: Apparently I haven’t quite calibrated the direction ratio. But no harm done.

Doubar: He turns me into a one-man barbecue, and it’s no harm done?

(Dermott lands on Firouz’s invention)

Firouz: Dermott! Dermott! Off my Beamer. Immediately!

(Doubar laughs, as Dermott flies off)

Firouz: Oh, no! (he goes to get a cloth to wipe up what Dermott has done)

(Sinbad joins in the laughter)

Doubar: Seems like Dermott’s not too impressed with your invention, Firouz.

(They keep laughing; the Ruby-Beamer sends some light to the island, which blows up a few trees there; the people on the island see that)

Firouz: My. It certainly packs a powerful wallop, doesn’t it?

(Opening Credits)

(The crew is on the island)

Sinbad: We have to see what damage we’ve done.

Maeve: Dermott senses someone coming.

Doubar: Me, I sense they’re already here.

(A group of guards and Azul approach; the crew gets ready to draw their swords)

Sinbad: Hold that thought, guys.

Azul: I am Admiral Azul, protector of Corusar. Are you the Captain of that vessel in our bay?

Sinbad: I am. And these are my shipmates. My name is Sinbad.

Azul: Sinbad. Your reputation as a great sailor precedes you.

Sinbad: So, then you’ll believe me when I offer my sincere apologies for the damage we’ve inflicted upon your beautiful forest.

Azul: You mean our ancient and revered forest. Where members of the royal family have been buried for generations!

(The crew gets ready to draw their swords again, while the guards behind Azul raise their bows)

Azul: Accidents happen. Actually I’m very intrigued and fascinated by the power of…your new weapon.

Firouz: Weapon? Well, I suppose it could be used that way, but I could never build weapons.

Azul: You are its creator?

Sinbad: This is Firouz.

Azul: I am most impressed with your ingenuity. So impressed, that I would like to invite you all for an afternoon of festivities, in honour of our late King.

(The festivities are on; Sinbad walks up to Maeve)

Maeve: You do realize we’re being held captive…don’t you?

Sinbad: Where’s your sense of adventure? Hmmm?

(Sinbad walks over to Azul)

Sinbad: You seem to be in charge here, Azul. Are your King and Queen unable to attend?

Azul: You are unaware of our tragedy. The strife I spoke of earlier? Both our leaders were killed by raiding Marzacks. Terrible, demonic, inhuman warriors of living metal. The Marzacks were set upon us by our ancient enemies in the island of Marzoss. And yet, although we lost our King and Queen, the last shining gem of Corusar still gives us strength. Princess Elila.

Sinbad: Well, may I have the chance to look upon this living gem?

Azul: She will join us shortly.

Harus: Admiral Azul, would what do you mean, dragging that big, ugly, metal contraption in the palace storeroom? I banged my head on it twice, trying to get out of its way.

Azul: Sinbad, eh, Firouz, friends, the Grand Vizier, Harus. Sinbad, come.

(They begin to follow Azul)

Sinbad: Firouz, what’s he talking about?

Harus: (passes Doubar) Hello.

(They all sit under a tent)

Firouz: Admiral Azul, it sounded like your vizier was talking about my invention.

Azul: Yes. I couldn’t leave such an invaluable weapon aboard your ship, where Marzoss raiders might claim it. I had it taken to the palace. For its protection, of course.

Sinbad: We appreciate your concern for its safety, Admiral Azul, as well as the help you’ll surely give us when it’s time to return it to the ship.

Azul: My men are at your disposal.

Harus: (looks at Doubar) You must have very big bones.

Azul: Do, Firouz. We’d be honoured if you’d consider our palace your temporary headquarters.

Firouz: It sounds ideal…

(Sinbad clears his throat)

Firouz: …but my friends and I…

(A gong is heard)

Voice: All make way! Princess Elila! Future Queen of Corusar!

(Elila walks towards the crew)

Elila: Welcome, travelers, to Corusar.

Sinbad: (bows) Your majesty. (he kisses her hand) I am Captain Sinbad. Your every wish is my command. Some wine, your majesty? (he takes a goblet off of a tray a maid was carrying)

Elila: Yes…if it were served to me by Firouz.

(Firouz takes the goblet out of Sinbad’s hand)

Elila: Shall we sit?

(They all sit, Firouz and Elila sit beside each other)

Elila: I would like to take part in any experiments you wish to pursue here.

Firouz: That would be…interesting.

Voice: The Marzacks!

(Three men made out of metal walk towards the crowd; Sinbad and his crew go after them; the one Rongar goes after breaks his knife, and throws him on the ground)

Doubar: We can’t kill what we can’t cut!

Sinbad: (hitting a metal man repeatedly) They must have a weak spot! (he fights a bit more) And that wasn’t it.

(Doubar grabs hold of one of a man’s legs, and the man pulls him along, dragging him on the ground)

Sinbad: That’s an idea.

Harus: Do these people have an invitation?

(More fighting goes on)

Firouz: (standing in front of Elila) Stand back! I’m warning you!

(Firouz throws down something creating a purple smoke; the metal men seem to retreat, but Azul’s the one controlling them, through his amulet)

Elila: They’re retreating!

(The metal men are now out of sight)

Azul: They disappeared, as before.

Sinbad: They vanished?

Elila: How did you manage to drive them off, Firouz?

Firouz: Higher reasoning. I reason that a cloud might blind them. Blind, they might retreat.

Elila: If only countries were ruled by such genius.

Firouz: Actually, I’ve always thought that a kingdom scientifically run, could change the world.

(Azul is talking to the crew)

Azul: After the Marzacks killed our King and Queen, they simply disappeared, just like today. Sorcery is at work.

Sinbad: They didn’t just disappear today. They retreated somewhere.

Elila: My warrior of science. He drove the devils away.

Azul: These creatures are bold, Sinbad. They must have spied upon us, they watched us unload Firouz’s invention, and they came here to steal it, our only means of defense.

Firouz: Defense?

Azul: Our wealthy enemies from Marzoss are haunting us! This attack was merely a forerunner of what’s to come! They’ll send an entire army of these creatures.

Firouz: What a horrible thought.

Elila: Your science is too much for us. My people, our people, are doomed…unless we have help. Firouz, without your genius, my kingdom will fall. Please, stay with us. We need a minister of science to save us.

Firouz: I…well…point of fact…I…minister of science.

Sinbad: With all do respect, your majesty, Firouz may not choose to stay.

Firouz: Well, perhaps, just a…little while?

Azul: And you’re all invited to remain.

Sinbad: I’m afraid that would be impossible.

Azul: Well, we really can’t let you leave, until our conflict with the Isle of Marzoss is settled. It would be far too dangerous for you and your crew to sail into war-torn waters. They could capture you. Use you as hostages.

Sinbad: We can’t leave Firouz like this.

Doubar: Right.

(Firouz and Sinbad are in a room, talking)

Sinbad: I want you to go back with me to the ship.

Firouz: But these people need my help. They need the help of my science.

Sinbad: Firouz, it’s not your war.

Firouz: They may act a little strange, but think of the heartache they’ve been through. Poor princess, losing both her mother and her father.

Sinbad: She didn’t seem overly heartbroken to me. Firouz, something is very wrong here.

Maeve: (opens door and enters) For once, Firouz, he’s right. The spirits tell me there’s danger.

Firouz: Spirits are vindictive creatures. They’ve always disliked me. At least science seems to make magic dissolve.

Maeve: No. No, that’s not it. Not at all!

Firouz: In the future, magic will retreat to the shadows. Science and reason will rule.

Sinbad: Reason…and Firouz.

Firouz: I didn’t say that. Surely you can see that what I’m trying to do here is noble. Corusar is the beginning of a benevolent empire. An empire that will bring about the world of science to the entire world!

Sinbad: Listen, old friend. Look—

Firouz: Please, don’t spoil the ceremony.

Sinbad: I don’t trust your Princess Elila.

Firouz: Sinbad. She needs me.

Elila: (enters the room) The entire kingdom needs you. You outlanders have some doubts about his genius?

Sinbad: Not at all, your majesty. Just want to make sure he’ll be happy here, after we depart.

Elila: I believe with all my heart, that this man will save Corusar from the threat of Marzoss.

Sinbad: Well, in that case, we look forward to the ceremony.

(They leave the room and walk down the corridor)

Sinbad: Maeve, take Doubar and sail to Marzoss tonight. It lies but ten leagues to the north. Make sure no one sees you.

Maeve: Marzoss? What’s in Marzoss?

Sinbad: That’s what I’d like you to find out.

Maeve: Ah.

(Elila and Firouz are talking in the room Maeve and Sinbad left)

Elila: Perhaps you would allow me to give you a good luck kiss, before the swearing-in. To our future.

(Firouz leans in, but Elila holds up the plans in front of his face)

Elila: That reminds me. If you have the time before the ceremony, would you look at these plans we’ve drawn up of your Ruby-Beamer? (they go to a table, and set down the plans; Firouz sits down and looks at them) I’m afraid our engineers aren’t in your league. If there are any corrections…

Firouz: It’s all wrong! It’s all wrong…my princess, we already have a working model here in the palace.

Elila: We will need many more, if we are to defend ourselves from Marzoss.

Firouz: Of course. It’s just that the Beamer was never intended for war.

Elila: But you saw what happened with the Marzacks. They will destroy us, unless we have such weapons. We are proud of you, Firouz. We need you. I need you.

Firouz: I will change the diagrams. I’ll supervise the construction myself. I really appreciate all this. You know, when all this is over…

(He leans in for a kiss, but Elila makes it a hug, before having to touch lips with him)

(Doubar is on the Nomad; Maeve joins him)

Doubar: Ah. Tired of the ceremony?

Maeve: It’s a bit too rich for my blood. We’ve got a trip to take.

Doubar: Well, not without Sinbad, we don’t.

Maeve: Ah, it was his idea. He wants us to go to Marzoss and do a little bit of spying.

Doubar: Oh? Sounds risky. What are we waiting for?

(Sinbad gets thrown into a cell, where Rongar is already)

Sinbad: These are not the greatest accommodations. (Rongar hands Sinbad a bowl) Dinner, Rongar? Let’s hope it’s better than the room. (they sit down, and Sinbad’s chair breaks) They’re using Firouz as some sort of pawn, Rongar. We have to make him see that. (Sinbad watches Rongar eat) You’re not going to really eat that stuff, are you? (Rongar nods) They serve us horsemeat. They throw us in this flea pit. Do you get the feeling we’re really not welcome here? (Rongar shakes his head) I’m going to skip my dinner tonight. I’m going to go have a chat with Firouz, instead. (he gets up, and goes to the door, which is locked; he turns back to Rongar) Feel like a stroll? (Rongar nods, takes another mouthful, then goes and opens the door with one of his dirks)

Sinbad: After you.

(When the door opens, Rongar and Sinbad fight the two guards)

Sinbad: (when they are done fighting) Enjoy your meal, gentlemen.

(They leave, locking the door behind them)

(Sinbad and Rongar hear some moans and groans from a room)

Sinbad: Firouz? (they go up to the guards guarding the room, and put knives/swords to their throats) Where is he?

Guard: In there.

(They enter the room)

Moren: No!

Firouz: I know about these things! Let me bandage him!

Elila: Azul will attend to him, my minister…nay, our comrade.

Sinbad: What is all this?

Firouz: Sinbad, this man has news from the land of the north.

Moren: I slipped into Marzoss, to scout. They’re planning to attack us, like before. They want Ruby-Beamer. They’re raising a great navy, to attack Corusar.

Sinbad: What exactly did you see?

Azul: Are you blind? This man is badly injured. He nearly lost his life behind enemy line!

Elila: Firouz. All Corusar turns to you now, for strength.

Firouz: Marzoss people are barbarians! I can’t allow the good citizens of Corusar to be exterminated! We’ll protect Corusar. We’ll arm ourselves, and all our able-bodied men. We’ll attack Marzoss before they can attack us.

Elila: As you say, minister Firouz. I hereby declare a state of war.

Sinbad: Firouz!

Firouz: (pauses a moment) Let it be war.

(Sinbad turns around, and puts his arm on the wall, hangs his head, and shakes it)

Sinbad: Firouz, war is something not to be taken lightly. Let me set sail and confirm Moren’s report.

Elila: Are you calling our agent a liar? Firouz, this Sinbad is beginning to annoy me.

Azul: remove yourself, sailor. You’re distracting my lord minister.

Sinbad: Firouz, listen to me!

Firouz: Sinbad, leave us!

Sinbad: But Firouz!

Firouz: These people have put their faith in me. I can’t let them down! I’ll understand if you don’t want to stay and fight.

Azul: Perhaps it would be a good idea if you and your crew left the island by morning. We will assure you safe passage.

Sinbad: (glares at Azul) I bet.

(Rongar and Sinbad are thrown out into the hallway; Rongar draws a dirk, and is ready to fight; Sinbad stops him)

Sinbad: Rongar! Let’s leave quietly…for Firouz’s sake.

(They walk down the hall)
