(It is dark out; Sinbad, Doubar, and Firouz are sneaking through the camp; they’re wearing blankets on their heads; Maeve is with Dermott by the trees; Rongar is nearby, ready to shoot arrows with fire on them; Firouz leaves Sinbad and Doubar; Sinbad and Doubar walk up to the house where Jial is kept; they look in the window; Turhan enters the house)

Sinbad: Must be her. The beautiful Jial.

Doubar: I don’t think beautiful comes close.

(Turhan and Jial kiss)

Doubar: What do you make of that?

Sinbad: Perhaps Turhan’s silver tongue has put her under a spell.

Doubar: I wish I had his gift. Now what?

Sinbad: (sighs) Just as soon as Dermott signals us, and Firouz is ready, we take her back to her heart’s sicusment, as we promised.

(Turhan stops kissing Jial, and looks toward the window)

Jial: What?

Turhan: Something’s wrong.

(Turhan leaves the house)

(Firouz goes up to a house and looks in the window)

Firouz: Good. It’s empty.

(Maeve signals Dermott to fly through the camp)

Turhan: (sees Dermott) That wasn’t a nighthawk. Guards! Watch her!

(Maeve is watching from her hiding place)

Maeve: I hope Rongar’s aim is good.

Turhan: Sound the alarm!

(Rongar shoots the arrows at Turhan, who’s running across the camp)

(Firouz tosses his exploding sticks into the house and they are blowing up; Firouz goes after a man who finds him out)

(Sinbad and Doubar go into the house where Jial is being held, and take off the blankets on their heads)

Sinbad: Don’t worry. We’re here to save you.

Jial: I’m not coming anywhere with you!

Doubar: We haven’t got time to argue!

(Sinbad rips off a piece of a blanket and hands it to Doubar)

Sinbad: This’ll keep her quiet.

(Doubar ties it around her mouth, and they leave the house)

Maeve: Hurry, Rongar.

Turhan: We’re under attack! Prepare the defenses! They’ve got Jial! Go get her! Go! Go!

(The guards run after them)

Sinbad: Take her to safety. I’ll cover our escape.

Turhan: (runs up to Sinbad) Sinbad. Who else but you could dare to defy me!

Sinbad: I’m as good as any, aren’t I?

Turhan: Let’s see about that.

(They fight)

Sinbad: We’re taking her back where she belongs!

Turhan: She belongs with me!

(They continue fighting)

Doubar: Sinbad, we gotta move!

(Rongar continues shooting arrows, while the rest of the crew escape)

Sinbad: Something’s not right.

Maeve: What do you mean?

Sinbad: She doesn’t want to leave.

Firouz: Affinity for her captor. It happens to prisoners.

Doubar: Affinity, shminity! We’ve got to get gone!

Turhan: Sinbad!

Sinbad: Let’s get back to the tunnel. Go! Go!

(The crew is going through the tunnel; they stop and Jial takes off the thing in her mouth)

Jial: You’ll never get away with this! Turhan will come for me, and you will pay!

Sinbad: Which is exactly what we’re trying to avoid.

Jial: Then leave me!

(Rongar comes up to them)

Doubar: How many?

(Rongar holds up one finger)

Sinbad: It’ll be Turhan.

Doubar: And the others won’t be far behind him. We have to seal this tunnel with Firouz’s exploding sticks.

Sinbad: You all go. I’ll hold him off.

Doubar: What if the others come? I’m gonna stay, too.

Sinbad: No. I’m the only one who’s staying behind. Now get going!

Firouz: What if you don’t make it?

Sinbad: Light the fuses. I’ll make it.

(Sinbad leaves; Jial goes to follow, but Rongar and Doubar keep her from doing so)

(Sinbad meets Turhan)

Sinbad: You’ve come far enough! Any farther will be at your great peril.

Turhan: You must give me back Jial.

Sinbad: I’m keeping my word by returning her to her rightful husband.

Turhan: Then you’re giving your word to a swine, and for that, you will die.

(Firouz is about to light the fuses, but he pauses)

Doubar: Captain’s orders.

(Sinbad and Turhan are about to fight)

Turhan: I will regret killing as worthy an opponent as you.

Sinbad: So will I.

(They fight)

(Turhan is down on the ground with Sinbad pointing his sword at him)

Sinbad: Now stay here, and you’ll be safe!

Turhan: No. Kill me. I have no desire to live without the love of my life, so kill me.

Sinbad: What?

(The rest of the crew is in another part of the tunnel)

Maeve: Do you see them?

Doubar: Not yet.

Maeve: (sighs) It’s gonna be dawn soon. Our escape won’t be so easy then.

(Firouz comes running)

Doubar: Here comes Firouz!

Maeve: Did you see Sinbad?

(Firouz shakes his head)

Maeve: We have to go get him.

Doubar: He said he’ll make it, he’ll make it. (pauses) I’m gonna go get him.

(Doubar starts to walk to where Sinbad is, when the exploding sticks blow up, and causes a cave-in)

Maeve: Are you all right?

Doubar: Yeah.

Firouz: What do we do now?

Doubar: Sinbad will just have to find another way out. He has too. (pauses) He has too.

(Bellamur comes up behind Doubar and holds a sword to his neck)

Bellamur: No. That’s the last we’ll see of them. Closing the tunnel was brilliant. It’ll make the distance between them and us all but insurmountable.

(Dermott flies off)

Maeve: What are you talking about?

Bellamur: I’m talking about getting what I want.

Doubar: So you just had us do all your dirty work for you.

Bellamur: That’s one way of putting it. Tie them up!

(The men with Bellamur tie the crew up)

Bellamur: Welcome back, my love.

(Jial takes a knife and tries to stab Bellamur, but he catches her just in time)

Jial: I hate you!

Bellamur: Well, we’ll have to work on that, won’t we? (laughs)

Doubar: So, you’re just going to leave us here?

Bellamur: You’ll have company. Make sure you keep him close quarters…so they can enjoy their new friend. (brings out lizard) Angry little guy. Loves to bite. And his bite…(laughs) extremely poisonous. (places the lizard onto Doubar’s knee)

(Bellamur and his men leave with Jial)

(The crew is still tied up, and it is fast approaching dawn)

Doubar: How long’s it been?

Firouz: Must be hours. It’s almost daylight.

Maeve: Anyone manage to work a rope loose yet?

Doubar: Firouz, is that lizard as poisonous as he made out?

Firouz: Do you want me to answer that?

Doubar: Not anymore.

Firouz: Let’s be optimistic. Reptiles prefer the heat. They become active.

Doubar: I just love it when you foretell the future, Firouz. Maeve, If you could chance that thing into, say, a harmless little centipede, now would be the excellent moment.

Maeve: Oh, Doubar. I hate to tell you this, but, my hands are tied.

Firouz: Maybe if we all blow at it.

Doubar: Thank you, Mr. Science. (pauses) Oh, what the heck. (starts to blow at the lizard)

(The others do the same; after a few minutes, they stop)

Doubar: Anymore bright ideas?

(The lizard starts to walk; it goes to Rongar, who nudges it over to Firouz)

Firouz: Thanks a lot.

(The lizard continues to walk over and onto Maeve)

Maeve: Firouz!

Firouz: Sorry.

(The lizard begins to walk up towards Maeve’s face)

Firouz: It would be best to freeze at this point.

Maeve: (whispers) Frozen! I’m frozen! Ah! Ah!

(Shadows appear on the crew, and a sword comes out of nowhere, to get the lizard off of Maeve; the crew looks up and sees Sinbad and Turhan)

Sinbad: (puts the lizard on the ground) H’ya! (scares the thing off)

(Maeve heaves a sigh of relief)

Sinbad: The minute I leave you alone, and look what happens.

Doubar: Little brother, your timing is worthy of note.

(Sinbad and Turhan untie the rest of the crew)

Firouz: But how did you get here?

Sinbad: Turhan told me the truth about Bellamur. Then offered to take me through an escape passage known only to him. Then Dermott led us here.

Firouz: Bellamur is waiting for us, and he has Jial with him.

Maeve: What do we do next?

Sinbad: We promised to take Jial to her true love. That’s exactly what we’re gonna do.

Turhan: They couldn’t have gone far.

Sinbad: Then let’s make haste! Come on!

(They leave after picking up their swords)

(The crew and Turhan leave the tunnel)

Sinbad: Be on your guard.

(They hear the roar of the Colossus)

Sinbad: Great! Who set him at motion?

(Bellamur, Jial, and a few of Bellamur’s men are watching the Colossus go after the crew and Turhan)

Bellamur: Getting a good view, my dear?

Jial: I despise you and all that you stand for!

Bellamur: Let us not forget you said I could be your husband.

Jial: Only because you promised that if I married you, you would let Turhan live.

Bellamur: And you ran from me!

Jial: Because you ordered Turhan’s death!

Bellamur: (laughs) Quiet now, while I watch. Have a last look, Sinbad. (laughs)

Sinbad: We need some fast magic here, Maeve!

Maeve: Such as—?

(Turhan trips and hurts his leg; Sinbad turns and helps him up)

Sinbad: Maeve! Try to lock up one of the big guy’s knees!

Maeve: What?

Sinbad: Try it!

(Maeve throws her bag aside, and uses her magic to lock up one of his knees)

Sinbad: Nice mitts, Maeve.

(she blows up one of his legs)

Sinbad: Yeah!

(The Colossus is about to fall on top of them; they run in the opposite direction, when Sinbad decides to turn around)

Sinbad: Wait! This way! Sometimes you gotta run at your problems!

(They all run under the Colossus, and he falls in the opposite direction)

Sinbad: One down—

Turhan: And at least one more to go!

(He yells and runs for Bellamur)

Jial: They won’t give up. They’ll never give up!

Bellamur: Then they’ll give up their ghosts. But first, I’ll fill them out of it. Give me a bow.

Jial: No! No! No!

Bellamur: Guard!

(a guard holds Jial still; Bellamur shoots the arrow and hits Turhan in the leg; the crew runs to him)

Bellamur: Thinks he’s a hotshot. All accounted for the wind.

Turhan: Don’t let him escape!

Sinbad: Escape doesn’t appear to be part of his plan!

Bellamur: Prepare to charge.

(Bellamur and the guards all draw their swords)

Bellamur: Now we’ll take out the rest of them! Just like the old days.

Sinbad: There’s ten of them—

Doubar: And six of us!

Firouz: Is that all he could muster?

Doubar: I guess his days of being a warrior are almost gone.

Sinbad: I hope so. But old warriors die hard.

(Bellamur and the guards run down the hill, yelling)

Maeve: What a blow hard!

Doubar: The bellow of Bellamur. His famous war cry. I almost forgot.

Firouz: It’s simply that sound travels in a valley.

Sinbad: It’s time we restored a little peace to this valley.

(The crew and Bellamur and his henchmen fight)

Bellamur: Today you die!

Sinbad: It’s not the first time I heard that before!

(They continue fighting)

Maeve: (is holding a sword to one of Bellamur’s men) Drop the sword. Now!

(The man drops the sword)

Bellamur: I yield. (trips Sinbad, and heads for Turhan) Now you will die, like the dog that you are.

(Jial comes up behind Bellamur and stabs him with a sword; Jial and Turhan hug; Bellamur’s men are retreating up the hill)

Jial: Now he’ll never keep us apart.

Sinbad: Everyone all right? (pauses) Looks like our rescue is complete.

(The crew is at the longboat; Sinbad, Turhan, and Jial are walking towards the longboat together)

Jial: Thank you, Sinbad. And thank your crew for me.

Sinbad: I’m just glad this guy and I got to fight on the same side for once. The battle for Jial.

Turhan: Not nearly as glad as I am.

Sinbad: At least maybe now you’ll slow your outlaw ways for awhile.

Turhan: Forever. I’ve decided to settle down. Start a family. Maybe you should try the same, sometime.

(The crew smiles; Sinbad looks over at Maeve)

Sinbad: Maybe. Sometime.

(The crew laughs)

Maeve: Oh, get real, guys!

Sinbad: Come on. Don’t you guys have anything better to do?

Doubar: Well, I guess we could get in the longboat, and head back to the ship.

Sinbad: That’ll do for a start.

(Sinbad starts to push the longboat, but realizes he has no help from the others)

Sinbad: Let’s go, guys.

(They laugh, and help him push it out)

Jial: They do make a handsome couple.