Fiona Apple FAQ

1. How old is Fiona Apple, when and where was she born?
 Fiona was born on September 13, 1977 in Manhattan. She is currently
 20 years old.

2. When was Tidal released and how many singles have been released?
 Tidal is Fiona Apple's debut album and has gone double platinum. It was
 released in July of 1996. Four singles have been released off of this 
 album in the USA: Shadowboxer, Sleep To Dream, Criminal and Never Is
 A Promise (in that order). Criminal was her biggest, most successful
 single making it to the top of the Billboard singles charts. Shadowboxer
 and Sleep To Dream also made it to the top ten. The First Taste was 
 released as a single, but so far the video has only been shown in Europe.

3. How long has Fiona been playing the piano?
 Fiona has been playing the piano since she was 8 years old and has been
 writing songs since she was 15. Some of her most insightful, innovative
 songs on Tidal were written at this age, such as Never Is A Promise and
 Sleep To Dream.

4. Is Apple her real last name?
 No, Apple is actually her middle name and her grandmother's last name.
 Her real last name is Maggart. Fiona is her actual first name.

5. Was Fiona really raped when she was a child?
 Yes, Fiona was raped at age 12 in the corridor outside her New York
 apartment. It is said that Sullen Girl was written about her assault.

6. Who are Fiona's influences?
 Fiona listened to Jimi Hendrix a lot when she was little but her main
 influence is the poet, Maya Angelou whose work she was introduced to
 when her mother, Diane McAfee, bought her a book of Ms. Angelou's poems.

7. How tall is Fiona?
 Unofficial: 5'2"

8. Does Fiona have any brothers or sisters?
 The only sibling I KNOW Fiona has is her older sister Amber who sings
 harmony on Pale September. It is rumored that Fiona has a brother named
 Garrett who stars in a show on UPN... that has not been confirmed and
 I don't think it's true.

9. Is Fiona going out with Marilyn Manson?
 NO. This rumor has been going on for quite awhile but is NOT true. They
 had one minor *date* when they met at last year's post Grammy party and
 Mr. Manson invited Fiona to go with him to the Howard Stern "Private
 Parts" premiere. When the press started to crowd them when they arrived,
 the two became overwhelmed and ended up leaving so it could barely even
 be considered a date. Fiona's recently broke up with her magician boyfriend,
 David Blaine and is currently going out with Paul Thomas Anderson,
 director of Boogie Nights.

10. Does Fiona have any tattoos or piercings?
 Fiona has a rectangular tattoo on the small of her back. The top half
 says KIN which is the word she and David used instead of family. The bottom
 half says FHW... in other words: Fiona Has Wings. She has her naval 
 pierced and probably her ears pierced... but I'm not sure about the ears.