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Edgar Cayce on Arthritis


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 19th day of September, 1940, in accordance with request made by the self - Mrs. [1224], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., by phone request through Mrs. [1309].


Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.


Time of Reading
11:30 to 11:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time.

1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for further corrective measures; answering the questions, as I ask them:

2. EC: Yes, we have the body here - this is in the same house, not the same room at present, as we have just had.

3. Ready for questions.

4. (Q) How can arthritis of left hip, lower vertebra and hands be lessened?

(A) By the applications of healing oils; as the Camphorated Oil, and a combination of Olive Oil and Tincture of Myrrh - equal proportions; gently massaged in the areas being disturbed. These should be alternated; not one used two or three times and then the other two or three times, but each day alternate; using the Camphorated Oil one time, the combination of Olive Oil and Tincture of Myrrh the next time, see?

5. (Q) Will arthritis condition grow worse if not treated?

(A) All such conditions grow worse unless measures are taken, either in the general health or the specific conditions, to eradicate the causes. Arthritis in this particular case is the result of LACK of eliminations, and the lack of certain vitamins in the general diet. The use of foods that are TOO purified have in part reduced the vitamin content, - as in Vitamin B-1, K and G. These as we find are in the coarser foods - New Orleans Molasses, Black Jack, or the special foods made from these, or these as a part of the diet would be well. Corn bread, greens - as mustard, spinach and the like - these carry these vitamins in such manners as needed, - not too much of these, but these as a portion of the diet would be most helpful in eliminating the causes.

6. (Q) What treatment should be followed to arrest and aid conditions?

(A) We have just been trying to state it the best we can! Of course, keep the eliminations. Even for this condition, there is nothing better than the ENO SALTS taken regularly, a teaspoonful each morning in a full glass of water, before the meal is taken, for ten days; then leave off two or three days, then take again, and so on. This will keep down these conditions. But supply those energies needed through the meals, - those foods that aid in giving sufficient energies, so that it will not be necessary to keep up the Eno Salts indefinitely. This is a fruit salts, you see, and is not straining on the system as the mineral salts would be.

7. (Q) What causes ache in shoulder muscles, and what can be done to help?

(A) This is a neuritic reaction, and the effect of pressures from poisons. Take the Eno, as indicated.

8. (Q) Are osteopathic treatments desirable?

(A) They are helpful, to be sure, if they are of the STIMULATING nature - for this body; and occasionally, as needed for such stimulation.

9. (Q) Would Dr. Esther Bebout be a desirable osteopath?

(A) Be very well.

10. (Q) Should colonic irrigations be given on different days from the osteopathic treatments?

(A) These may be given on the same days, but would require that there be a rest period AFTER such treatments.

11. (Q) Should they be given at office or home, by Kozeley or Bush [Vivienne Bush, Ph.T.]?

(A) They may be given at the office preferably, for there are better facilities, - unless it's desired that they be given at home, and make the facilities conform to the better conditions. At home, for the rest periods at such times, would be better.

12. (Q) Should short wave treatments or thermol light treatments be used in combination with the osteopathic treatments?

(A) The thermol light treatments would be very well in combination with the osteopathic treatments.

13. (Q) Would massage by Vivian Bush [Vivienne Bush, Ph.T.] be helpful; if so, how often?

(A) If so desired. All of these are only ADDITIONS to that necessary, but there are periods when these would be helpful.

14. (Q) Would one day a week on liquids be helpful?

(A) Not necessarily.

15. (Q) Is a short walk daily advisable?

(A) It is.

16. (Q) Any further instructions for the next few months to improve health conditions?

(A) Keep in those attitudes that have been indicated for the body.

17. We are through with this Reading.

View the Cayce Arthritis Diet

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