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A.R.E. Clinic Department of
Research & Education


Castor Oil Packs Relieve
Acid Reflux Disease - 2

Since the initial posting of a testimonial on the use of castor oil packs for acid reflux, we have received many inquiries about the treatment, and we also received this testimonial:

"Thank you so much for posting the testimonials about treatment for acid reflux.

"I've been to various doctors for almost 1 year now and not many have been listening to me. Not one doctor has confirmed that I could have dizziness and heart palpitations associated with this disease. After several months of searching for the answer to why I was feeling so bad I was finally diagnosed with acid reflux.

"I was put on Prilosec and tolerated it well for 4 weeks. My 5th week presented a severe reaction but not as severe as the Axid that I was put on next. Unable to eat, sleep or function because of my pain and dizziness I started to self medicate.

"I began buy using Castor oil packs and changing my diet. By the time a specialist was able to see me I was at least able to eat dairy products and the pain was somewhat diminished.

"Posting this information on the web is a tremendous help to others like me who can't get help and relief from conventional medicine. Knowing how long and when to use the Castor Oil packs recommended from the Clinic has made me feel more at ease on how I can help myself with this problem should it reoccur.

"Thanks so much!"

Send Us Your Testimonial

Do you have a story that you'd like to tell? Our research department would love to hear it! You can send it to us via email, regular mail, or fax. We'll need some basic information about you for our files, so please include your name, address, phone number, date of birth, sex, and if you can, the time frame in which you used the Cayce remedies.

A.R.E. Clinic
4018 N 40th St
Phoenix, AZ 85018
United States
Telephone: (602) 955-0551
FAX: (602) 956-8269

A.R.E. Clinic

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