Your Coven Founder, Arianna

My Pledge to the Coven Noctura

Merry Meet,
Thank you for joining the Noctura Coven of Power. I am very glad to have you here in this circle. You probably know a little about me from the profile on the Beginning Wicca Clubs' Homepage Profile Page. I have been practicing as a solitary Wiccan for a while. I have studied from many places such as books, online, and a lot of practice. Practice being the most important learning experience. I love my Wiccan path and enjoy sharing the knowledge that the Deities have given me. Wicca is a continued life long learning experience and I will not tell you that I know everything there is to know or have all of the answers. I will promise you that what I don't know I will search and find an answer. In doing so, I continue my learning as well. Wicca has been a true gift for me because it has helped me to discover who I am and deal with some difficult issues from the past. I learn and experience new things everyday. I dedicated myself fully to Wicca on March 19, 2000 which was a wonderful experience in itself. I promise as your coven leader to lead you in light and love. I am always open to suggestions and will be here to help you in anyway that I can. I take this role of Coven Founder very seriously and will offer you all that I have to offer. I want this to be a circle of power and light where we feel safe and connected to one another. Good Wiccan Friends working together to make our lives and the World a better place to live.

In Perfect Love and In Perfect Trust,


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